Sled-assisted launcher concepts. "So what," they ask, "if the first stage was not thrown away but stuck to the ground?"
It's fairly attractive: what's oft-quoted is that the Space Shuttle used a third to 40% of its fuel just to get up to 1000MPH. Cutting out that mass either leads to a lighter, cheaper vehicle that can lift the same payload or lift an increased payload. It makes a SSTO much less massy.
Rocket-sleds are a classic, proposed for Bono's Hyperion among many, many others:
Maglifter (magnetic levitation) was seriously studied by NASA before the turn of the 21st century:
They are usually struck down by the massive infrastructure costs and/or the challenges of finding a suitable slope.
But I think the study that was low-tech enough to actually work today was the Closed End Launch Tube. Spurred by the proposed development time of 25 years for the Maglifter, it was essentially a sled stuck to a pneumatic train. It wasn't as beefy, but it would have been much simpler, requiring little more than low-pressure steel vessels, concrete, valves and compressed air. The chamber wouldn't be evacuated much either.
Acceleration for a combined 700 metric ton sled and craft was calculated at a modest 20 m/s per second (or 2 G), release velocity around 260 m/s or 936 km/h and along a 6km track. It was meant to supplement a ramjet vehicle.