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Everything posted by Kazako

  1. is this mod supposed to increase the volume size of EVA backpacks in the inventory to 72 liters? or is this some kind of conflict or bug related to another mod on my end?
  2. Okayy! Here, this is the GameData folder with everything including the proper Kopernicus mod. I'll test this out and see if it works, thanks for the help. Tell me if there's anything wrong here.
  3. Eh, if it helps it helps. Here's my gamedata folder, minus GEP, Kopernicus, and ModularFlightIntegrator:
  4. Agh, I'd love to show you but it's such a mess, I have a bunch of other mods too. As far as I'm aware, none of them modify planets in any way, so I'm pretty sure they're not affecting it. I did remove GEP and Kopernicus because Kopernicus I believe had broken myy solar panels, but looking at my files now, I remember that there were two Kopernicus builds I could install. I installed KSP19PLUS. Should I have installed KSP18? I could try installing that and seeing if that works.
  5. Okay so, the commnet mod works, and the flags and such added by the mod show up, and I've made sure I have Harmony, GEP, Kopernicus, and ModularFlightIntegrator in the gamedata folder, and I do have Squad (of course) and ModuleManager. I'm not sure what's wrong, as I still cannot see the system - can you show me what the tracking station map looks like with the mod working as intended? I've checked for it in a new save, and it's still not there when I zoom all the way out.
  6. Oh! Okay, I think I forgot to get the Kopernicus dependencies then. I'll see if I can't fix that now - thanks!
  7. Hiiii, just wondering, where is Grannus? I'm pretty sure I installed the mod right (I followed the instructions) but I don't see it from the tracking station. Is this normal or did it not install correctly? This is from a fresh save, by the way.
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