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Everything posted by anarkhon

  1. get this config from used parts,its faar cheaper than 300$ and KSP run on it with a decent 60fps at 1280x1024. mobo:Asus P5k cpu:core2duo E8400 (or e6850) ram: at least 4gigs of ddr2 vga: nvidia 9800gt (or gtx etc.. with at least 512mb vram) and of course get some SSD like samsung 830 Use 32bit Xp or 64bit win7 but stay away from 64bit xp or 32bit win7. And stay away from win8 too. Cheers!
  2. There is a guy who make the maps data,maybe he share it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/member.php/58916-saik0
  3. Yeah,call me prof :D Here is the ultragigahighdetailtextures of all the planets in KSP! http://www.kerbalmaps.com/
  4. yeah and i say it again and again and again,modders pls dont use TGA files and higher textures than 512x512, only if really need it,like IVA (and of course the gorgeous Universe Replacer)
  5. Yay 4096p! "My God, it's full of stars!"
  6. Of course: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24751-0-2x-Version-0-03-sfr-Command-Pod-with-internal-parts-and-crew-visible-new-color?p=453970&viewfull=1#post453970
  7. omfg you making this video whit some alien computer? The scene change from the VAB to the Launchpad took about 1sec!! :O
  8. Yeah he shouted "Whoopee" when jumped to the surface of the Moon lol. And of course look at his face
  9. From Nao: "A small update on what might be causing this: Between 0.21.0 and 0.21.1 there was changes to files in KSP_Data\Managed folder, (Assembly-CSharp.dll, Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll, Assembly-UnityScript.dll and Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll). By just moving the files from 21.0 to 21.1 i've managed to squash the long loading times, and that also cleared [mecanim] errors from log. Loading times still are kind of long on my PC but i think thats more of a performance issue on my PC's part, so it would be nice if somebody could confirm this (remember to backup your files ) Cheers! " Just replace Assembly-CSharp.dll with the Assembly-CSharp.dll from KSP 0.21. Problem solved,thx again Nao!
  10. Hellyea,übernice shuttle! Im a little late but can you using the plugin from SFR to make a "hollow" cockpit for the shuttle? like this:
  11. Nice IVA! The current cockpits in KSP are just jokes (placeholders),kerbals dont even fit in it lol. Here some "realistic" cockpit: (enough room for one kerbal+props)
  12. Bugreport: In KSP 0.21.1,the craft shifted to left in IVA. (0.03 sfr) Here is the pic:
  13. Bring that old A-10,finally i have something to shot for my hi-tech MIGs ALBUM: http://imgur.com/a/UEASw/embed
  14. Thx! Its from the AIES mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/35383-0-20-2-AIES-Aerospace-v1-3?highlight=aies
  15. In my opinion: No cities on Kerbin,Kerbals come from a faraway starsystem after the signal from Duna and crashlanded on Kerbin. They develop the spacetravel again from almost zero...
  16. @ crasher925 "what mod is the cockpit from???? " its a real command cockpit not some hollow part to put seat in,its a gem from Sfr,here is the link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24751-0-2x-Version-0-03-sfr-Command-Pod-with-internal-parts-and-crew-visible-new-color?p=453970&viewfull=1#post453970
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