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  • About me
    Remember to stay hydrated (with water)
  • Location
    Somewhere on Laythe
  • Interests
    Playing KSP, re-creating stuff in KSP and drinking water.
    Also profile pic is my child. His name is Hamlet. He is a very cute boy and he knows it

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  1. Love it. Quick question, What mods did you use for parts? (excluding tantares because... it's obvious)
  2. oh my that is the most beautiful moon lander design I have ever seen for KSP, not to mention your manned lander design aswell!. I assume it's a kitbash from the BDB LM legs so even more respect to you good sir. BTW, loving your timeline! I'm also working on my own timeline, although I haven't posted it yet (and likely won't for a while haha). I've always been fascinated by alt history timelines with a return to the moon sometime in the 1990s, like ETS. Also, is there any modlist for these? or even craft files? Been waiting for a lovely set of crafts or even mods for NASA Project Constellation or derivatives!
  3. Love that idea. I've always wanted an LEK or LEK based lunar bases for KSP. N1M is interesting, but personally I'd rather a Vulkan rocket family. I think I remember Beale talking about Vulkan, saying they'd love to add it but it's quite similar to Zenit. Also I do remember (more sceptical of this memory, my memory sucks lol) Beale talking about an LEK energia thing earlier but I don't know what culminated afterwards, maybe they're going to work on it, maybe not, I don't remember.
  4. Thank you very much! I'll get to doing my thing. Hope it's just a broken install, and not a problem with the mod itself
  5. Okay, so I am used to very long loading times, but lately it's too much. It loads fine until it gets to Asset Bundle Definitions, at which point Module Manager for some reason reloads everything and that absolutely kills my fps, sending it from about 80 to roughly 1 or less. it doesn't go away afterwards either, it lingers (atleast until menu, i dont have the patience or time to figure out gameplay itself), forever. At that slow speed, loading takes roughly 3 seconds, per part, config, texture anything. It's absurd and I have no idea whats going on for KSP to behave like this. Here's my log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NziSadPaJF1Pd50f7viixl8UVWLsDhli/view?usp=drive_link I'd be chuffed if anyone even tried to sift through the log, and absolutely elated if someone gave me any advice, but I don't mind at all if you don't want to.
  6. It's... it's.... it's beautiful..... also makes me think of what the ISS was going to be back in the 1990s during planning, especially the top russian module looking like Priroda mixed with the SPP (or Science Power Platform) from the early designs
  7. EVERYONE! This mod is not dead, and like all mods and games, takes time to make. please be patient. Although development has seemed to slow, or even temporarily halted, it isn't dead, and will continue to be worked on. Also, seeing as some people are knew to the forums (including myself!) just reminding you to keep chat civil and respectful. also, do not necropost forums.
  8. To go with the Energia, I would like to a SOCK type mod for a Buran (whether it be you or someone else), although that'd be 80s , and I think there may be a mod for that already. 1990s on though it is kind of hard, but I think Orel would be kinda interesting to see, I think it may go well with other interesting concept vehicles/stations like the ROSS or Mir-2. Another cool thing I'd like to see in KSP would be the new concepts for space stations, like Axiom or ROSS (despite the fact it pretty much only exists because politics and russia not wanting to do much with the US or EU, i think it still is kinda cool), or even the Lunar Gateway (i forget the exact name).
  9. I agree with the fact that Roscosmos is nothing but a rollercoaster with no brakes that's reached the top, but it is kind of sad you won't really do anything beyond the 80s. Anyway, your work on the Soyuz is absolutely amazing! I am still quite excited for any more updates.
  10. I agree with @JonnyOThan, Not using CKAN was the reason I had to spend about 7 months trying to fix problems caused by manual installs and overwriting different files, and also not realising some conflicts or dependencies between mods. Sure, some mods I install aren't on CKAN but still, CKAN is quite useful to find dependencies and conflicts. Sure, some conflicts won't be detected by CKAN, but that's what the logs are for.
  11. That's odd.... CKAN says I have 2.20 downloaded. But I'll reinstall it manually (using the github file) just in case. I'll do it manually because If I did it with CKAN it would unnecessarily reinstall everything else (because most mods require partswitch) I'll get back to this post and edit it if something is fixed or didn't work
  12. Yeah, I just couldn't find it. Turns out for some reason I had deleted it to save space. Here's the link; https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NziSadPaJF1Pd50f7viixl8UVWLsDhli/view?usp=sharing (also ignore FASA, since last I loaded this game I have removed it because BDB exists) ALSO, Keep in mind all the mods I have are installed by CKAN, except for reDIRECT because as I stated earlier, only the older DIRECT mod was on CKAN.
  13. Oh yeah, here's the two little gems of my world; Hamlet, and Hadley! Hamlet is the white one, his birthHatchday is April 12th and he has been alive for roughly 2 years (hatched in 2021). Hadley is the yellow man with red rosy cheeks, like is friend Hamlet, he is an extremely handsome and cute little man, but unlike Hamlet, he is sometimes a little mischievious, a troublemaker if you will. His birthHatchday is unknown, but he entered my home and heart in november 2020.


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