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  1. maybe you dont get it. i want minimal, in quantity, list of mods that fully fill CTT, ie no empty nodes - at least one new part per node, quality, matter of essentiality is not primary goal. if there are several such combinations post them all in order mods with latest update first, total sum of dates, + if 2 combination have equal sum of dates then lexicographically. again pure combinatorial problem. also dont think that list would be enormous, only one mod that fill gigantic and colossal rocketry - behemoth aerospace, only 5 ftl mods etc.
  2. what is minimal list of mods to fully fill ctt?
  3. how good far model aerodynamics, can i for example make dyson like propeller?
  4. question to author: is it possible to release Buffalo Bulldozer part, and all it logic of operation, as standalone?
  5. i see that it dosent. i ask maybe someone did .cfg config edit, but keep it privately?
  6. is this mod obsolete? like half of parts in stock now. or someone make mm patch to fix that?
  7. because this would temper with their radiosynthesis ability. if we allow multiple layers and top layer is not radiosynthetic than top layer simply would be damaged all time by gamma rays that otherwise would be absorb properly by melanin, thus decreasing efficiency. even on earth if parameters would not be fine tuned we could end up with black plants. my point of objection why kerbals need to be radioactively pooping algae is gameplay-wise and tied to extraplanetary bases problem. why we need kerbal boots on ground? all isru can work autonomously by remote control, 20x times slower but still. why do we need all that glass domes, inflated habitat and such? why essentially we need to build kerbals space village? low taxes on extraplanetary property? roleplay? silly contract with 6M kerbal $? it can be obtained more easily through bunch satellites contracts. it simply bad game design - you have ability to do something, but it pointless, without clear sense of progression. take back satellites example - it is good game design, because you need that satellite network anyway. and why you need satellite network? so you can send autonomous probes/rovers to surface. clear progression: satellites contracts ->satellite network -> autonomous probes/rovers. with bases it dosent work: base contracts -> bases-> nothing. one solution i saw in Civilian Population mod that make kerbals pay fee to live in your base. problem with this is it hard to balance. if you make fee too small, than it unnoticeable and dosent change anything. if you make fee too big then you broke game economy, as soon your base start make money you can relax see how money go up. so i think we need something else, that not tied to money, at lest directly. so radioactive poop seems to me good solution. pipeline look like this: base contracts -> bases->radioactive poop->radioactive fuel for nuclear engines and reactors OR sell for money. balancing this is also quite easy, just make selling(to you) price 10x then buying price.
  8. common sense. to absorb and metabolize high, like REALLY HIGH, energy photons and not get them through so they can damage dna, your radiation absorber substance needs to be blacker than black.
  9. assume we have one gas giant very close to star. now assume that this giant has his own sputnik, call it sputnik 1, and this sputnik has his own sputnik, call it sputnik 2. question, is there exist orbits of sputnik 1 and 2 such that sputnik 2 is always in shadow? what about case with sputnik 3 in same logic, can it be always in shadow? what if we add several another sputniks to gas giant, will it help? either way main request find such orbiting body that it never touched by star light.
  10. problem that only known pathway to radiosynthesis is through melanin, which is not green, its black. my take is that kerbals is sentient algae, product of genetic modification of unknown civilization, which also build now defunct portal on mun, who takes local algae that covers whole planet, you think why its green but almost no trees, and mix it with best genes they have. but something go wrong, they build KSC, extraplanetary launchpad for them, and left. after little while, like 100 or so years, kerbals develop science and in particular genetics, and for great shock discover that kerbals and local algae something like 97% compatible. clueless why such thing happened, and no material evidence for natural selection, they start thinking that "it must be panspermia", and all their space fairing effort has one clear goal, answer question "how we get here?". that version also explain why green goo, yes its grey goo, but it should be called green, is first scientific experiment, kerbals simply trying to find conditions that trigger their evolution. their best theory: simple algae live on kerbin; big meteorite strike, some algae thrown into space; later that algae landed somewhere, evolving in protokerbals; another meteorite strike, protokerbals thrown into space; later protokerbals lands on kerbin, evolving in kerbals. as for radiation, kerbals not so much eating it, as pooping it, working as radionuclide concetrators.
  11. version for low end computers, with simple texture only. also cost i think should be lowered to something like entryCost = 200000 cost = 10000 its very niche, specialized, part that not everybody need, in contrast to rocket engine that in use left and right, ie mass produced. mainsail, 2nd most powerful engine, cost 13000 - so its very comparable price for rare-use polished foil. also mass mass = 4.51 its just too big. its not even lead, it osmium.
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