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Borksnorkel Jr

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  1. Okay, I use modded KSP and I need help. KSP is stuck loading. This never happened until I installed Realism Overhaul and Realism Overhaul. I have 15,202 patches applied. Please tell me how to fix this. KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1d1tearz6savtd7u090q3/KSP.log?rlkey=qpy3dypnjsgauah5quv3ixlmr&st=w9bfqq87&dl=0
  2. How do I assign buttons? Is there a menu to do it or do I have to edit files?
  3. I am exited to see the new ways to build rockets and play multiplayer
  4. I have not found the config file where I can change terrain shader quality to ultra or high it is either I have not looked hard enough or it is not there I want to know the name of the config file so it is easy to find.
  5. I do not know where to change terrain quality to high or ultra if anyone can tell me please do. It is either my computer is not good enough or it just commonly takes forever to load is another problem.
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