Celestial Bodies Revamped This pack offers all planets and moons in a vanilla friendly feel with a small touch of my own added. With true HD Color- and Normal- maps, I present this pack in both default and doubled resolution. Download Celestial Bodies Revamped Celestial Bodies Revamped HD part1 Celestial Bodies Revamped HD part2 Change Log rev1 - Initial release with Kerbin rev2 - Added Mun, Minmus, Duna and Ike rev3 - Redid Kerbin, Duna and Mun's normal-map, also recolored Kerbin. Added Moho, Eve, Gilly, Dres, Jool and Eeloo. rev4 - Retouched many existing bodies and added all of the rest. This is the semi-final release, I might touch up something over time but other than that - this pack is complete.