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Everything posted by Tingle

  1. Updated my texture pack "Celestial Bodies Revamped"
  2. Sometimes both, when ever the meshes are loaded. Try it out and see for your self, I'm not exactly sure.
  3. Update to v3.2 And no, you can't have sets, the matching colors on this picture were random luck .
  4. Update to v3.1 After seeing so many people mess with the suits, I thought I might officially add support for what many are having to temporary add them selves. Also, I know I mentioned adding a variety feature for the EVA Suits would be cool, but considering they consist of a suit and helm texture separately, you would have helmets and suits mixed up randomly. Faces for example are only one texture and don't require matching up. I will add a EVA Suit and Helmet variety feature in the next update, you just have to keep the randomizing in mind when designing suits. I'm currently working on my own texture pack which you can find here. Once I'm done with that I will add support for more textures to Universe Replacer, I think everyone is somewhat happy with what they can do so far, so I think I can take my time and do the texture pack for a while.
  5. Congrats ^^, reaching almost 1000 posts here as well
  6. I was thinking about sorting it once I start adding suits and faces. But I haven't received any PM's regarding suit pack authors wanting me to add them to the front page and I'm not going to manually look through here and add them, that's to much work.
  7. Celestial Bodies Revamped This pack offers all planets and moons in a vanilla friendly feel with a small touch of my own added. With true HD Color- and Normal- maps, I present this pack in both default and doubled resolution. Download Celestial Bodies Revamped Celestial Bodies Revamped HD part1 Celestial Bodies Revamped HD part2 Change Log rev1 - Initial release with Kerbin rev2 - Added Mun, Minmus, Duna and Ike rev3 - Redid Kerbin, Duna and Mun's normal-map, also recolored Kerbin. Added Moho, Eve, Gilly, Dres, Jool and Eeloo. rev4 - Retouched many existing bodies and added all of the rest. This is the semi-final release, I might touch up something over time but other than that - this pack is complete.
  8. Taken from the front page, read the info I give you guys...
  9. After seeing you guys make more space suits and faces, I might just add a EVA space suit variety feature like I did for faces.
  10. Hmm, I think you are right - must of picked out the wrong normal maps. But then I ask myself, which ones are the correct ones... I'll look into it in the future, or if someone finds them they can PM me names.
  11. Does anyone know how the satellite images here where made? Or how the maps on the wiki for each planet where created? The reason I ask is because I would like to create proper shadowless planet textures and proper bumpmaps, anyone have an idea how?
  12. So any wishes on what you guys want next? More stock parts? GUI? Surface textures? Something else? I haven't really seen anyone start a 'project' so I'm not exactly sure what would be a waste of time or not.
  13. the suits are actually really high res, if you zoom in really close you will notice.
  14. Modded textures are fine I think, you have to use some kind of template.
  15. Don't do that :/. v3.0 has proper Kerbal support, just look at 'GameData\UniverseReplacer\Textures\Kerbals\Texture List.txt'.
  16. Yes, read the first post completely and you will find more than enough info to get you started. This plugin supports the replacement of stock part textures.
  17. How celestial body textures are put together - See the first post 'Useful Information' section.
  18. Try it out and tell us... So the thing that rapes the planet quality even with the HD satellite rip images is the lack of a HD BumpMap(Kerbin2 for example). You could add a small 1x1 pixel image to the planets with the color of 0x818081 to replace the BumpMap. You won't get a dynamic bump generated shadow but that isn't really important considering the shadows are drawn onto the textures (which is not the case on the original ones). If someone realy wanted to make a proper HD retexture, he would have to either draw planet manually or rip them in full-bright without shadows.
  19. It's not enabled if you don't add more than one Head texture.
  20. On the first page is a section 'Useful Information' look at 'Getting your hands on original textures'.
  21. If you look back in this thread or view my posts, I wrote something about a cloud feature. Might be a feature for 2.4+. Replacing the suit will apply to all EVA kerbals, they are all using the same texture? Or am I understanding your question wrong?
  22. v2.3 will support Kerbal suits and faces. Also a new feature that will allow various faces - working on it in this moment.
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