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Everything posted by Tingle

  1. You shouldn't get out of memory issues - all tho I didn't look at what format the texture packs are in, but convert them into PNG's if they are TGA's for example. Or if you need even smaller file sizes, use JPEG's - but read up on that here, and read the 'Update'.
  2. Its probably the KSP-Addon compatibility bug, which is fixed in Universe Replacer v2.3
  3. Nice write up, hope the devs fix this soon. For now the plugin will run on Instantly with once set to false .
  4. For all you Kethane users, I fixed the compatibility issue, it will be implemented in the next update (v2.3) - until then you have to use Kethane 0.74.
  5. Yeah, he just swapped out the face texture, probably over the .assets (which is against the EULA) file and not over a plugin like I do. I'm working on a feature that allows each kerbal to have his own unique face independantly, thats what I meant with a Kerbal-Variety feature ^^.
  6. Well I've also changed the kerbal face, that's not a big deal - can I have a link to that? Maybe he did something else.
  7. Hmm, a clouds feature. I might add that after I'm done with the Kerbal variety feature. Have different cloud frames, blend them frame to frame over some time and have them slightly rotating asynchronous to the planet. Sounds nice does it not? Of course only visible from space, all tho I could have them be persistent, wouldn't look to nice tho going through a plane when entering/leaving the planet
  8. Send me a PM with the a link to the post what name your pack should carry, this way you can edit your post and update it independently as often as you like.
  9. Before I get anyone's hopes up or rumors start spreading about Kerbal textures, I'll explain whats up and why certain stuff won't work. So first off, there are 3 space suits, the EVA, IVA-Veteran(orange) and IVA-Standard(grey) - and then there is one face. I spent about 14h straight looking for a way to identify the EVA and Face "wearer", but with no luck because there is only one material with no reference to it anyway except on the 'mesh' objects (which are in local space, so I can't find the 'closest Kerbal' or anything like that) - which have no identifier on them that could tell me who they belong too. But considering I can find the different mesh objects, I can tell each one to use a different material, but this would be random, resulting in a 'variety pack'-style feature loading a random face and EVA suit onto a kerbal. Now to the IVA suits, with the new astronaut system the devs have added, each Kerbal has a reference to the standard and veteran suit he wears - which means I could add Kerbal specific IVA suits. But the question here is, do you guys really want that? Because you can only see the IVA inside the crew modules and I don't know when KSP will add interactive and walkable environments inside crew modules... So it would be rather useless at the moment.
  10. I can confirm issues with Kethane 0.75, I'm talking to the dev about what the issue could be, good to know it doesn't happen with 0.74.
  11. Since there have been cube skyboxes since the dawn of 3D games... you will easily find a couple tools that do that for you with a little googleing
  12. Yes, but who said my plugin couldn't do more than just replace things ?
  13. The next version will officially support Kerbals, maybe even multiple Kerbal faces and EVA suits if i can get it working. Sadly it would be random who gets what face and suit - but better than no variation at all ^^.
  14. Love it, really sucks I can't swap out the lens flare texture with the plugin like the rest.
  15. I think modified textures are fine. Just not the originals and not the .assets files.
  16. with 4k we mean double the original resolution.
  17. Yea, I noticed that - 2k/original resolution works fine most of the time. Also I might want to add that I have a SSD and very fast CPU, normal HDD and CPU's will scale those seconds. But nice to know about PNG, I'll change the recommended texture format to PNG then, thanks for the information.
  18. There are a couple pages in this thread here about this, we know that the textures are the same size in the memory so It breaks our priorities down to loading speeds, file sizes and image quality. Here is the recommended post to read for texture creators which everyone can find under 'Useful Information' on the the first post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/44135-0-21-x-Universe-Replacer?p=573064&viewfull=1#post573064 - benchmarks. If you look through the thread pages you can find some information about various issues using TGA regarding out of memory issues in case you are interested for the reasons.
  19. Just did some tests, overriding doesn't work. Only thing you can do is edit the existing file - but that isn't an option.
  20. .assets files are loaded on demand, normally when the object or material is created that needs them. I don't know what the load priority is, or if Unity even has one and anticipates overriding assets. If you where capable of editing a .assets file, you could of course replace the original assets directly like that - but that goes against the EULA stating that no files outside the GameData directory are to be edited and distributed. Also, the plugin enables a easy to use textures pack structure which is much easier for end users to use than replacing .assets files or replacing Parts from the GameData folder. And the plugin will offer more than just simple texture replacing, for example - I am currently working on a Kerbal variety feature so you can have different looking Kerbals.
  21. Added a Useful Information section to the first post.
  22. So after seeing people struggle with creating new textures due to the lack templates and references, I decided to write a short explanation on how can you retrieve the original ones. Please be reminded that it is against the KSP EULA and Forum Rules to distribute the original content contained which is contained in the '/KSP_Data/*.assets' files - this does not apply to Parts, so anything from the '\GameData\Parts\' folder can be publicly shared, like Parts and GUI. So to get started, you need to find the original name of the texture you are wanting to modify. To do so, open the 'UniverseReplacer.cfg' file located in 'GameData\UniverseReplacer\Plugins\PluginData\UniverseReplacer', this file holds aliases for the original texture names. The names on the left side of the equals(=) symbol are the original ones you are looking for. You have two places to look in to find the texture. Names without a directory like 'GalaxyTex_NegativeX' are located inside the '/KSP_Data/*.assets' files, and textures with like 'Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod/model000' are found in the '/GameData/' folder relative to their name. The textures found inside the .assets folder are '.tex' files which must first be extracted and converted into a usable format. I use the tool Unity Assets Explorer 1.2. The tool is pretty self explanatory, open the .assets file, sort by name and find the .tex file, then right click on it and hit 'Extract this File' - make sure 'Convert TEX to DDS' is checked. The extracted file will then be located in a sub folder named like the .assets file, for example 'UnityAssetsExplorer-1.2/sharedassets0/file.dds (you can ignore the .tex file that is extracts with it). If you need a DDS importer plugin for Photoshop, get it here. Most of the textures are located in the files sharedassets10, then sharedassets2 and sharedassets0. As for the Part textures, they are in a .MBM format. There is a KSP wiki guide on how to convert these here. The 'Editing Textures as .RAW Images' is what worked best for me, Photoshop will 'guess' correct most of the time, I've only had trouble with NormalMap texures which required me manually enter values. Normally halving the guessed resolution down to the DiffuseMap resolution, using a channel count of 2 and depth of 16 bits with the byte order IBM PC does the trick. This will give you a 2 channel alpha image which is of course not what you want - just manually create a new normal file and copy the channel images over to the RGB and ALPHA channels. I might want to note that most textures need to be vertically flipped. I think people that have Unity installed can take an easier route using the official PartTools, but I'm not sure because I haven't tried it. I hope this helps, have fun creating texture packs.
  23. Soon, in the next version. Kerbals and some stock parts will probably be in it. Edit: Bill isn't looking too good either .
  24. Seems that my Kerbal has had enough of the stars, he isn't looking too healthy.
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