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Everything posted by Tingle

  1. Um, there is a download on the first page: Universe Replacer v1.1 (4096p).7z
  2. Just replace the smaller texture with the bigger one.
  3. Ok, updated the textures with Rareden new skybox and added a 4096p version. Also added a Temporary Development Information section so everyone knows whats up and planned.
  4. Thanks, I was wondering what else I could use - the approach I took annoyed my sense of tidiness. I did it like that because deadly reentry did.
  5. If you have the time and can wait a couple days, the plugin I'm working on will support such behavior, but I think part texture replacing will come after the things I'm working on now - like skybox, planets, moons and etc. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/44135-0-21-x-Universe-Replacer/
  6. Chris Hadfield once mentioned that space, when looking away from the earth into 'space' - is extremely illuminating and full of stars. Anyway, I'm going to bed now, but you guys are in for a treat tomorrow. I will be turning this skybox swapper into a true "universe replacer" which will support replacing pretty much every texture. And Rareden will continue to build a default HD set of textures to turn our KSP solar system into some real eye candy.
  7. Let me re-reply to your comment with these 2 little pictures .
  8. I just updated the download and added a reference folder with a dummy skybox for skybox creators. Edit: Also just updated to version 1.1. Change log added to the first post.
  9. There is no performance impact with the shipped skybox, unless you use a higher resolution one. Thanks for the spotlight, I might add that 2048p is the default resolution of the original skybox, but you can do any resolution, so theoretically 4096p or even 8192p and anything in between. I haven't looked into this but it was on my mind. Theoretically yes, considering I don't think they used code generated textures. If I do decide to expand this mod beyond the skybox, I will restructure it to replace any texture wanted - but I need to do more research on that.
  10. You can either remove it completely, rename the UniverseReplacer folder to _UniverseReplacer or rename the /Textures/ folder. If the plugin fails to load one of the 'UniverseTex_*.jpg' images, it will do nothing and leave the default skybox in place. Also the 'skybox_reference.jpg' is unneeded, you can delete it, it's only for content creators and has nothing to do with the functionality of the plugin.
  11. Universe Replacer Downloads (License: All rights reserved) Universe Replacer v4.0 Universe Replacer v4.0 src (Older version) Universe Replacer v3.2 Universe Replacer v3.2 src Texture Packs /r/KSPTexturePacks/ Reviews ( , , , )Description Universe Replacer is a plugin that allows you to created texture packs for KSP. Replacing things like the Skybox, Celestial bodies and surfaces, Kerbals, Stock Parts and GUI textures - you can turn your KSP sessions into stunning new visual experiences. Special Features Additionally to the core purpose of replacing textures, this plugin currently offers a variety feature for Kerbal Heads, EVA Suits and EVA Helmets. Meaning if you add more than one texture, it will randomly assign them to each Kerbal. Out of technical reasons, it is not possible to uniquely assign textures to Kerbals - the process is random. Installation The finished installed directory should be: 'KSP/GameData/UniverseReplacer/' for the mod and 'KSP/GameData/UniverseReplacer/Textures' for texture packs. You will have to download and install a texture pack extra, it is not included in the plugin. Customization You can either download or create your own texture pack. Inside the '/UniverseReplacer/Textures/' directory of the plugin is a empty folder tree with files at each end called "Texture List.txt". Inside them are the textures listed that can be placed in that folder which will then replace the originals. I recommend using the format PNG for both alpha and non alpha channel needing textures. (see here for an explanation). For the more advanced users, if you wish to replace textures that are not yet officially supported, you can find a "UniverseReplacer.cfg" file in the PluginData directory which creates the aliases for the original textures. Disclaimer Please do not publicly redistribute the plugin, this thread is for the time being the only legitimate place to acquire it. Also, I would like to remind everybody that it is against the Plugin Posting Rules to distribute the original, non-part KSP assets, if you need them as a reference for creating new textures, you can extract them from the '\KSP_Data\*.assets' files using tools. If you create a texture pack and wish to share it, please create a "Show Case' post in this thread and link to it though the subreddit /r/KSPTexturePacks/. Future Plans Currently planned for the future is to bring at least support to exchanging planet surface textures, stock parts and GUI. More will most likely come, who knows what the future will hold beyond simple texture swapping . Useful Information Template for creating Skyboxes How celestial body textures are put together Recommended texture formats, benchmarks and PNG with an ALPHA channel explained Getting your hands on original textures Web maps of all bodies Change log v1.0 - Initial release v1.1 - Will now unload the overridden and unused texture, freeing up VRAM. v2.0 - Redid the plugin, turning it into a true Universe Replacer. You can now replace any texture. Currently officially supporting the Skybox, Kerbin and Minmus - future updates will bring more. v2.1 - Various performance improvements and fixed the lag issues when dragging a vehicle around in the editor or moving the mouse over buildings. v2.2 - Further performance improvements. Added support for the Sun's corona and space appearance of all planets and moons. (here is a bit of information on how planet and moon textures work) v3.0 - Fixed the compatibility issue with other mods like Kethane 0.75. Added support for StockPart Pods and Kerbals, also added a variety feature that will give Kerbal heads a random appearance - see 'Textures/Kerbals/Texture List.txt' for the head naming convention. (sorry, can't change the appearance based on a unique Kerbal - so random is the best we are going to get at the moment) v3.1 - Small update due to a lot of people retexturing Kerbals. Added support for the Kerbal EVA Jet-pack and the missing EVA normal map v3.2 - Added the same kind of variety feature that Heads use to EVA Helmets and EVA Suits. Remember that the process is random so when you design textures, make sure each suit looks fitting to each helmet. EVAHelmet was renamed to EVAHelmet1 and EVASuit to EVASuit1, you will need to update your texture names. v4.0 - Added new feature that re-creates the Celestial bodies with texture filtering/mipmaping, no more pixely noise or artifacts in the distance - this increases loading times but is necessary. Decreased memory usage when loading the game, will now instantly replace and unload overridden textures when the original is loaded, and not wait until all originals are loaded. Fixed issue with the EVASuitNormalMap bugging up the rest of the EVASuit textures.
  12. Max Romeo - Chase The Devil and Queen - Greatest Hits volume 1 & 2
  13. I didn't really mean 24/7 ^^, I just meant a dedicated team inside the team that does nothing more than visual stuff. Also, you can always have low, mid and high graphic settings.
  14. Unity isn't really a problem here, unity offers everything you need to make the game look like that, plus they added new technologies already like procedural terrain that gives the proper LOD at different distances. Squad just needs to create higher resolution textures, continue to redo the planets like they did with the Mun and add more visual eye candy, and the rest is just shaders and FX. Edit: They would need to expand their team with a dedicated group of talented artists and tech-artists that would work on visual improvements 24/7.
  15. Wow, those artworks are amazing and make me unbelievably depressed that KSP doesn't look like that. Dammit, really depressed - especially because my PC could actually run KSP looking like that...
  16. Nice, SAS now holds a heading, and the more torque pieces you add, the more powerful it will come to an angular momentum stop. Also, the feature where it only alters one axis works . I like the new system now that its fixed. Edit: Only one thing, it doesn't seem to like time acceleration/warp. Will start wobbling around and have issues holding its bearing, at least when under acceleration. Edit2: Also, I'm not to happy about the loading times when entering/exiting buildings, it takes for ever to load the new Kerbal Space Center area - 5-6 seconds with my SSD. Also a bug in this place, when you move the camera, which is done by holding the right mouse button, the selection effect flickers on the buildings where the mouse is 'invisible' on - just a visual bug but gives a unclean ucky feeling when navigating around. Shadow flickering isn't very pretty either.
  17. I also just did some rocket testing. Wiglets create a sluggish SAS behavior, RCS is barley used to stop angular momentum - or actually anything is barley used to do so. And when I micro manage my heading into a certain bearing, lets say 45°, if I then roll the rocket, it looses that bearing and starts tilting away/down, so that's proof that its borked and not holding single angels like its suppose to. I wish Squad would say something about this, the new SAS pretty much ruined the experience - the new system makes the game unplayable in the sense of 0.20 behavior. Edit: It also seems that the higher the velocity is, the less effective the SAS is - it keeps dragging toward the pro-grade vector.
  18. I have the weird issue that the new SAS doesn't even use RCS.
  19. [Operating System]: Windows 7 pro 64bit [Memory]: 16GB [ASAS Trouble (Y/N)]: Yes [Mods installed, pre-patch]: None [Mods installed, post-patch]: None [Description of problem (keep it short)]: - The system won't hold the heading that was last targeted, it will drift away or 'try' to hold the course with a offset. - The angels are not held and adjusted individually like in the feature description. - It does not seem to use RCS as a control method. - Overall it seems not to really work in space, at least not with the pre-built SSTO space-plane I tried it with. - Testing with a rocket in space, it doesn't seem to stop rotation or hold a course. - To achieve something, a lot of micro management with course corrections and crap are needed, I don't think this is intended.
  20. Is there a ETA for patch 0.21? Some planned release window?
  21. Could you show me a plane that cant SSTO to other planets...? All tutorials and guides from you-tube users I have seen only make it to orbit. I use actions groups and do everything pretty much correct with my flying, just like the videos explained. As for the flipping, I just loose control and start trying to go ass-first like a rocket. Maybe because I don't have fuel to reenter and push me forward? Gliding back in doesn't seem to work in my case.
  22. I have the issue that when re-entering the atmosphere, or if I'm not careful enough, even when leaving - that my plane with flip and I loose control. And ideas what is causing this? My guess is to much weight near the back when the fuel tanks are empty - but I don't know how to change that, but maybe I'm missing something else? Also, any overall tips? I have the issue that I barley make it into orbit fuel wise - not exactly sure how to fix that. Especially when I want to do interplanetary travel, will I really have to make refuel stations around Kerbin and the planets I wish to get back from?
  23. So I have this satellite in a geo-orbit and was wondering if it is somehow possible to keep it faced in the direction of the planet? Not very satellity facing away from it every other orbit cycle.
  24. Ah nice thanks. Edit: Actually a bit disappointed... only two prints and I wouldn't wear either :/. They should design more or pay someone to do so. Or they could do a community event and add the best ones to the shop...
  25. Are there any T-Shirts one could buy from KSP?
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