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Posts posted by Kerballlistic07

  1. They spend the weeks before Christmas preparing a large craft to fly to the south pole. Everyone says that he lives at the North pole, but Kerbals know it's just a conspiracy theory. 2 days before Christmas, they fly out and head to the north pole. And they find him there! Conspiracy theory proven to be a fact! But little do they know that they have their compasses backwards, and they actually just proved the conspiracy theory false. Don't tell Jeb, he'll throw a fit...

  2. 4 hours ago, ItanMark said:

    I have an idea: something like rocket instagram say, i think that is cool. What do y’all think?:D

    That is an incredible idea, a place to share all your designs and missions. Not even something like KerbalX, like something that is built into the game, and they can scroll through other peoples creations. Also, when in flight, a screenshot button could be added so that players have quick and easy access to taking a screenshot, and it can then be uploaded to this “KSP Instagram.” (I’m choosing to call it Kerbalgram :D)

  3. 7 hours ago, Toaster355 said:

    Sorry for the wait. Just experiencing a bit of burnout, and playing other games (mostly DCS, my favorite flight simulator).

    High-Altitude Abort Test will be out this week.

    Burnout is very normal, don’t feel pressured to get back to KSP really soon. When I got burned out with the game, I took a few months, and then when I went to play again, I couldn’t stop playing!

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