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Posts posted by Kerballlistic07

  1. Didn't do this in KSP, but it is related to KSP. I found a picture of a spaghettified kerbal, and decided to just draw it to give it a more animated look. The result: :o


    Obviously, it's not the best, but it was fun to make. Also, I am overly proud of this, so I made it my profile picture. :D


    Original for reference:



  2. Hello fellows! Today, I continued testing of the soon-to-be operational Starstruck Alpha, my first (halfway decent) SSTO. I built it yesterday and completed a test flight, but there were control (flipping on ascent) and power issues (It ran out of power before landing :mad:). Today, with some improvements, it completed its first completely successful flight. 

    Starstruck Alpha on the pad


    SA liftoff!


    SA flips to fly inverted (Similar to the Shuttle, just later in flight)



    Orbit Achieved!


    Payload Deployed! Payload is a small, ion powered relay sat.


    Deorbit Burn


    Reentry!!! :o


    Nearing Landing :retrograde:


    That is, unfortunately, it. I forgot to take pics of landing. :( Looking forward to more flights of Starstruck Alpha in the near future. Also planning to make a crewed variant by replacing the cargo bay with a crew module. See ya fellows later! :wink:


    Some cool on-orbit pics :D




  3. I know there was talk about how Terran R would be reused a few years ago in this forum, but I think it should be revisited. We are a week away from Terran 1's first launch, and next year is 2024 (Terran R's debut launch). I just am concerned we haven't seen any news on this from Relativity. My concerns are:

    1. The lack of landing legs or any other recovery methods on Terran R's first stage.
    2. The Aeon Vac being the only engine on the 2nd stage.
    3. No heat shield on the 2nd stage.
    4. No landing legs/flaps/grid fins on the 2nd stage.

    I don't know if maybe I missed a statement by Tim Ellis/Relativity regarding this, but it would be interesting to know! :D

  4. 3 minutes ago, Beccab said:

    It already flew on F9, so the next flight will be on that likely. I imagine they'll alternate F9 and booster-less Vulcan when the latter comes online

    Kinda what I was thinking. Since X-37b is a Boeing project, they ideally want to fly it on a ULA rocket since ULA is essentially a Boeing company. (50% Boeing, 50% Lockheed) But flying on Falcon 9 makes sense until they can get Vulcan produced faster. (And Jeff gives them more engines! :sticktongue:) I just didn't know if we had any indication of the next date it will fly. Looking ahead at the next few USSF launches there is one on a unconfirmed variant of the Atlas V.  Following that, there is a bunch of Vulcans, two Falcon 9's, and 1 Falcon Heavy. But, knowing the secrecy regarding the Space Force, it is possible that they will announce the launch shortly before it actually happens.

  5. Does anyone have any speculation as to when the next flight of X-37b will be? Also does anyone know what launch vehicle it will fly on now that Atlas is being retired? I'm assuming Vulcan but Falcon 9 is a competitor too.

  6. 20 minutes ago, LameLefty said:

    There are other Easter Eggs. So far I’ve seen one on Mun, one of Minmus, and plan to go find the one reported on Duna after work today. There’s also been one reported on Tylo but I effing HATE building Tylo landers so that will probably be this weekend. 

    True. I suppose I forget sometimes that it is Early Access and that many features are yet to be added. (I should note that I say these things about KSP2 sometimes without actually having played the game because I don't meet the GPU requirement.)

  7. 33 minutes ago, ShadowZone said:

    When you say the old KSP1 easter eggs are no more, that also means no dead baby Kraken on Bop?

    That would be kind of sad. I hope they add some of the old easter eggs back. They made the game more interesting and gave you more of a purpose to go somewhere. I would not really ever think about going to Bop except to visit the baby kraken. (Sorry Bop fans! :sticktongue:)

  8. 2 minutes ago, SolarAdmiral said:

    The link you sent said Win 10, probably just what it had when it first came out.

    Yeah, it took until beginning of 2022 to finally update to Windows 11 :confused:

    2 minutes ago, SolarAdmiral said:

    But yeh, if you buy a PC even a cheap one, you can reasonably expect it to run a game almost 10 years old.

    I didn't get KSP until around 8 months ago because I wasn't sure if it could run it! I finally decided to just do it and I'm glad I did.

  9. Just now, Kerballlistic07 said:

    Not entirely sure... But if I had to say, probably 20-25ish (KEYWORD -ISH)

    I also don't play with super high graphics settings, but I'm installing parallax 2.0 right now so that'll change.

    5 minutes ago, SolarAdmiral said:

    Are we talking a 2023 potato or a 2011 potato though?

    This is my exact laptop: https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/compare/2135512?baseline=2135512

    It was hard to find info on it so sorry :/

  10. 3 minutes ago, Bej Kerman said:

    All the people playing on potato PCs never got to play the game beyond planting a flag on the Mun because of the horrible anti-optimisation (patented by, and a trademark of, Squad). I wouldn't say it's as inclusive as it's touted as when the exponential physics strain puts the Kraken Ceiling for mid and high range devices very close together.

    It isn't exactly hard to get beyond the Mun with a potato computer, and I don't understand why you think it is. I've been nearly everywhere in the system with my potato pc (excluding Eeloo and Moho because I don't have the patience or time right now). The most limiting part of the game for potato players is probably part count. Like I said before, I know not everyone will agree with me, but I still want to voice my opinion and concern to Squad and others, even if few agree with me on it. :) 

  11. Just now, SolarAdmiral said:

    The Core 2 Duo was only 5 years old at the time of ksp's release. And if you bought 4gb of ram with a brand new core 2 it might have cost you over $400.


    Also, lots of games don't post requirements until 1 week before launch.

    That's true. I know not everyone will agree with me, but that's why I said "Ok, hot take coming in guys." The biggest thing I was trying to highlight in that post was that KSP has always been inclusive for potato players.

  12. 1 hour ago, Bej Kerman said:

    "Good Job Intercept"? Seriously?

    This is just how development goes. The minimum requirements will get better. What you are seeing is an Early Access product. Features then optimisation.

    As far as things go, KSP 2 EA is more a VIP ticket to see development work first-hand, which T2 is doing to see returns after years of dev, than it is a game. In fact, that's exactly what it is.

    Things that are in-dev need dev-grade hardware to be used properly. KSP was a very special case - developers don't usually try to juggle features and optimisation, and that could be credited as one of the reasons KSP 1 suffered heavy technical debt and performance issues.

    Ok, hot take coming in guys. I feel like KSP has always been inclusive. I mean for Jeb's sake, the minimum requirements are a Core 2 Duo, Windows 7, and 4 GB of RAM! They were going to put it on the Wii U at one point! So, all the people playing on potato pcs (myself included) are feeling rather, oh, I don't know, "betrayed." Like, not gonna lie, if they posted the requirements months ago, I wouldn't be as mad. It's the fact that they posted them a LITERAL WEEK AWAY FROM RELEASE. This gives us potato people very little time to prepare. So no, I wasn't expecting my computer to fall in the recommended specifications, but I at least thought Squad would care enough to make it playable in the minimum. :mad:


  13. I got KSP about 8 months ago, and decided not to download mods because I figured the KSP 2 release was soon enough that it wouldn’t be worth the trouble. (I had heard it was a hassle) Now that the KSP 2 requirements have been revealed, I’m downloading parallax, waterfall, and volumetric clouds as soon as I get home. And honestly, I hope other developers take this as a lesson not to reveal system requirements A WEEK before release. I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed is all. I’ve been waiting for KSP 2 longer than I’ve had KSP. I would buy a new PC but I don’t have the money for that right now. It will probably be at least half a year before I am able to get a pc that can run it. It brings me some comfort that I’m not the only one disappointed in this. Sorry for the rant guys.  ;.;

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