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  1. I have to say that I was very pleased with the 0.2 Dev Chat video showing a working science GAME. It will make many play KSP2 again. However, I can't help from feeling selfish and greedy, considering what the player base has had to wait for. Is this all 0.2 is? 9 new parts, a global science collection screen, and a tech tree using all the parts from 0.1? Is this as good as it gets when trying to rewrite/copy KSP1? So many things with science seem to be missing. Biome mapping, Kerbnet info, signal strength details, the deployable science, some type of science over time with the science lab processing physical samples, etc. Any guesses that we WILL get content that hasn't been shown or talked about thus far? Do you think they could have forgotten to show us a feature? Or perhaps these very science related KSP1 features will come after 0.2 but before 0.3 because they couldn't commit to the December release during the late October announcement - just like Airbrakes, 3 docking ports, and 2 engines in 0.1.3. - and re-entry heat in 0.2. Or do you think that some of these features were actually FORGOTTEN, and only put on the post-1.0 roadmap?
  2. I think Tom said it perfectly - "when some players get to the Mun, they say that they are done", especially when you are able to get enough science from Mun and Minmus biomes to unlock nearly the entire tech tree - they WANT even the casual player to go the distance....yes, you can still scarf as much science as you can from Kerbin/Mun/Minmus, but if you want tier 4 (and eventually 5 and 6), you will have to go MUCH MUCH further than one did before in stock KSP1.
  3. I might be wrong, but there may also be Crew Reports that can only be done by Kerbals - and if done per Biome (lowspace and landed, ala KSP1), thats a lot of science and incentive to get the heavier Kerbal-ed craft to the destination perhaps after an unKerbal-ed probe. I personally prefer "probes before crew" style, and also "aircraft before spacecraft" styles given to us in KSP1 through mods like PBC and RP-1 - however if stock is going to do it ONE way, it kinda lets you choose your path early if you want to save science and stay on that certain path - and I'm perfectly fine with that. Even I don't want to get MkII aircrfaft parts only after I've gone to Duna or Jool, it is a difficult balancing act - and in regards to the SpaceShuttle, it unfortunately requires top tier engines like the Vector (which get unlocked from Kerbal-ed landings on Duna, Jool Moons, etc) - even though IRL, the space shuttle worked +50 years and counting prior to any Mars Human landing. Its just unfortunate for that, however mods like PBC and RP-1 will tune it to a more realistic approach, which isnt necessarily the goal of the stock game.
  4. I would say it "should have been" a core KSP1 feature however, was not. And I agree it "should" be a core KSP2 feature, but its not here yet. Who knows...the devs put in the late KSP1 feature for DV Planning (which with its faults is still a godsend to new players who have NO idea how much DV is needed to get anywhere) into stock KSP2, so maybe the alarmclock was felt to not be needed until you do science and really have a need to have multiple craft, juggling multiple missions, needing an alarm clock. Sandbox I would say it more focused on single missions.
  5. Nice! Great job on making it fairly obvious if the part is food, water, or O2. We need tiny parts to fill up those Service Modules.
  6. While even more detail on Kerbin would be nice, its literally the last place the devs want you spending your time. MS FS, that's all they do, fly over Earth - so its understandable how they have the hold standard in that FX detail. Would be nice, but WELL after 1.0. - tons of non-roadmap features I would rather have than this.
  7. Wow, very impressive! I unfortunately spent time reading a thread about a debate about the word Cadet.
  8. I too have always disliked the simplistic launch clamps in KSP1 and KSP2 - however I just dont see the justification right now for them to spend 1 second on improving it when you see the laundry list of things that are far more important. Maybe as part of a future DLC, they can spend a lot of resources developing a VERY cool modular launch tower that can be customized for each rocket....but most likely a mod will come out for this before then - the launch tower mod for KSP1 was EXTREMELY cool, especially when using RP-1 and the Saturn V. You could get a completely realistic looking launch if you spent enough time setting it up.
  9. Maybe due to the water, IIRC I died on land around 50m/sec, which seemed about right.
  10. Cadet should be well known for anyone that has watched any films about military or sci-fi - in any language translated. Atleast they didn't use the term SPACE Cadet, lol. Final resort....get a dictionary.
  11. I rarely have the need for heavy landing gear, because I land at most with 2m/sec (they key is to lower your engine thrust limit on final approach and while dusting, because at 100% thrust even the lowest levels of throttle often keep you from landing). Now If I wanted to land a vehicle with large honkin' Booster engine on it, I wouldn't just grab the large landing gear I can find due to the length of the nozzle (another reason why the extended nozzle engines aren't supposed to be landing engines). I'd continue to use light or medium gear, but put a shroud around the engine (just like SpaceX does). You'll have to be creative, like using a tube or hollow structural ring, and then slide the engine inside, or even have to slide the landing gear down onto the tube (havent checked in KSP2, but IIRC you can't connect anything to the outside of a tube). Then it looks pretty and accomplishes what you want. The huge landing gear is for people that like to do HARD landings....which I dont.
  12. Well, that would be nice only if IG committed to them. Perhaps it might be best for features that Nate and Co. are SERIOUSLY considering putting into the game (I'm assuming the roadmap is fairly locked until 1.0) in versions 1.1 and beyond. Then we can be involved in the specifications for those features, rather than hearing the title/concept of the feature with a few sentences in a blog, waiting for them, and being disappointed when they appear - modification of them at this point becomes an order of magnitude more expensive and usually doesn't happen.
  13. However, be aware of an open bug on the mod, where KLSS breaks down at +10,000 timewarp - if you have infinite water/O2, you will then see water/O2 begin to drop and WasteWater/CO2 increase (normally if you have infinite water/O2 in the planner, and the converters stay on ALL the time, you should NEVER see wastewater or CO2 appear, as its converted immediately back into useable resources). The Kerbals will then all die.
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