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  1. IS IT FIXED?! Somebody check new update please.
  2. I laughed to tears when, after saving, I really loaded into some kind of monster with tentacles.
  3. Oh great news. I hope I can at least run the game without rituals
  4. I honestly don't understand how much longer we can wait for this patch. I I think for such a problem it was already possible to find a solution to make a mini fix? Still unplayable. Only alt+tab on load sometimes helps. Crashes occur with D3d11 problem ( Can't load texture and object. There are already many similar logs thrown here, some of course are different, but the essence is the same. I have two PCs with the same problem. And even if you can pass through this "firewall" all that you can get 10-20fps
  5. Does anyone know when the next patch will be released?
  6. Haha, very funny how you "trying to help" . This EA it's a disaster and there are no excuses. The development team has a lot of work, I wish them success and I hope everything works out.
  7. Devs also says: "The game is certainly playable on machines below our min spec,". Most of us just wanna start the game. It is should run, because I managed to play on an even more ancient machine. And we can’t say here whether it should run and how the game will work when we have an incredible number of cases where people get the same FPS numbers on modern machines like on other weaker PCs. Everyone's experience here is incredibly individual. Let's be honest, the game does not look like its requirements. The game just doesn't work.
  8. I also encountered this bug. On pause i can't edit nodes. Although I saw how one of the YouTubers without any problems did it before the release
  9. Well on my pc i can't create save. I downloaded it through my laptop. But all loadings ( VAB, Space Flight Center ) in the game on my PC end in a crash for me even with alt tab(except for the save file from my laptop).
  10. So we encountered with the fact that in order to launch the game you need to do some little ritual. You can also look at the suggestions from other people. Try to install c++ 2015-2022.
  11. It is really working like that sometimes. You need to alt+tab to player.log sit and watch for few seconds and maybe game will continue to loading. Althrough when you launched rocket and want to return to VAB it's just crashing on loading screen. I tried it on 2 different machines. My laptop with MX ( videocard ) and very low cpu, 12gb RAM and pc with a RX 470, i3 9100 8gbram. AND YES it is work's but it's unplayeble because of crashes when you trying to leave your current flight. On my pc while on planet i have 20-30 fps, but as soon as you lower camera over ground textures it becomes much better xD. All crashes in log look like : D3D11 UNABLE TO LOAD SOME OBJECT/TEXTURE or it just ends on pumping sim or loading kerbin
  12. Same as you. Im using laptop. Mine logs don't specify problem that much. It just ends kinda like that. I'am very tired.. Just wanna to touch it already.
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