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  1. Got deleted for some reason. Basically, it happens for me when I stick the swivel on the bottom of my rocket and re-enter retrograde. It starts working again immediately on jettisoning the part.
  2. I have noticed this too, and am trying to recreate it consistently. Here is my information: Mods: none Can replicate without mods?: probably OS: Windows 10 CPU: Intel Core i7-6700HQ GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 Edit: I think it has something to do with having an engine on the bottom of your rocket when facing retrograde. For my the swivel.
  3. I have a remote tech relay set up at 1,000,000 m. They use Communotron 16 antennas, but for some reason won't connect with each other. Any ideas why? the antennas are active, they have power and they have a probe core. Any suggestions?
  4. Currently, all you can select is runway 1 and 2. If you look on the runway lettering in game though, the runways show 09R/27L and 09L/27R. It would make more since to have a selection from both ends, since if you want to fly west, you have to make a long 180 turn. In real life, planes take off from both ends of the runway, and they are named accordingly.
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