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Posts posted by cheese3660

  1. 1 hour ago, lordcirth said:

    CKAN and this thread have 0.0.3, github has 0.0.4; also CKAN can't install WMCC because the Modules dependency is "not indexed". What's the recommended version and install method?


    What CKAN verson are you using

    On 2/21/2024 at 3:23 PM, PASSthe40 said:

    Will there be future updates? I have some feedback based on my playtime:

    I'm waiting for some more tooling and some other mods to make the flow more balanced, I want to introduce 0.3125 meter parts at the start and I know that someone is working on those, and I want to vastly add to and change up the missions

    On 2/24/2024 at 2:20 AM, Scratchy said:

    Hi, thank you for the great mod! Its a big challange especially when combinded with the 2.5x resize mod. I've a small request, would it be possible to move the autonomous exploration node  close to the beginning of the tier2  with a smalerl requirement of science points? I wanna recreate the lunakhod mission (soviet moon rover) bevor sending my kerbals up there. Also maybe we can gett early jets right unlocked right from the beginning? I know the Kerbal universe is not the same like ours but it would be more realistic that way.

    I'll likely look into this when I look more into balancing the tech tree with the other parts and missions I do want to add

  2. On 2/23/2024 at 9:01 AM, KSRe-dev said:

    so it seems something else changed between those versions that introduced it

    The main thing that changed between those versions was the introduction of string interpolation, so maybe the way I was using that method changed and that's why the bug came to the surface, all I can say is that the new version of the method has the intended behavior for that method.

  3. V-SwiFT

    Variant Switching & Feature Tweaking, a part switch mod for KSP2

    Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3562/V-SwiFT

    Github: https://github.com/KSP2Community/V-SwiFT

    Author: KSP2 Community




    V-SwiFT is a part switch mod for Kerbal Space Program 2, it allows modders to make variants for their parts such as changing out engine modes, increasing the mass, adding attach nodes, adding resource containers, removing resource containers, swapping out materials, etc...



    An example of the popout window for an engine mode switch variant

    How to use?
    There is some documentation currently on the github wiki that is incomplete, the best place to ask for help is through me, or on the KSP2 Modding Society Discord


  4. 3 minutes ago, Malah said:

    Only part of QuickRevert and QuickPrecisionControl was in the KSP 1 version. I have developed QuickVesselNames for KSP 1 but never released it (I have developed some other QuickMods for KSP 1 but never took the time to release them). I rewrote everything from scratch because I wanted to change the license from GPL to Unlicense.

    Many things are similar in KSP 2, but easier (perhaps, thanks to BepInEx & SpaceWarp, and also because now I really know how to develop in C#).

    Ah, that makes quite a bit of sense, as for stuff being easier in KSP2, likely a combination of the 2, me and a few others have definitely been trying to make KSP2 modding simpler.

  5. 2 hours ago, KSRe-dev said:

    seems to be a bug introduced at some point after 0.9.1

    That doesn't seem to be the case actually
    Looking at the relevant piece of code, it would've been a bug introduced since the beginning

    It will be fixed momentarily

    Release v0.11.1

    What's Changed

    Fix bug in name patterns where #name was essentially being treated as #"*name*"

    Download on SpaceDock

  6. 3 hours ago, PTNLemay said:

    Or is it really game-breaking, like the target orbit appears under the planet/moon's surface?

    Some of the orbital ones would have a lot tighter requirements, and then stuff like the original Keostationary orbit would have incorrect orbital speeds and not be possible

  7. Release v0.10.0

    This release changes how indexers work, it adds support for the following types of indexers

    1. Indexers in variable declarations
    $x[5]: 3;
    1. Nested indexers
    $x[1][2]: 3;
    1. Mapping indexers
    $x[*] *: 5; // multiplies all values in $x by 5
    1. Defining new lists and such using indexers
    $y[0]: 3; // Creates $y as a list with its first element being 3

    Download on SpaceDock

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