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  1. For some reason it's not possible to use numbers and special characters in the site name field when planting a flag. Is there a reason why we can't do this?
  2. Good point. I haven't looked yet for it I just noticed there were no easy options in the in-game UI. I guess there isn't even a folder that we can access yet to edit them.
  3. In particular, when I search for 'strut' sometimes it shows results for struts and other times is shows nothing.
  4. When the player right clicks on their ship in the map view while in an active flight there is an option to "delete" the craft. This option does not confirm with the player before deleting. This option should either be removed from the mid-flight map view, or it should prompt the player for confirmation before completely deleting their craft... System Details KSP Version: Operating System: Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22621 Build 2262 CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor GPU: (2x SLI)NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPU Driver Version: RAM: 32GB
  5. The center of mass indicator in the VAB, and potentially the other two indicators for thrust and lift, is way to large that it is sometimes impossible to see where you are placing objects that are 'XS' in size. System Details KSP Version: Operating System: Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22621 Build 2262 CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor GPU: (2x SLI)NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPU Driver Version: RAM: 32GB
  6. I think the notification is helpful if you have forgotten to expand your solar panels early in your launch. It is way too large of an error pop up though.
  7. Yes bring this feature back! Without this feature it is incredibly difficult to line up some part placements symmetrically with the root of the vessel.
  8. While flights are in progress it is helpful to see things like the current eccentricity of your orbit around a particular celestial body, and other orbit info details. It is also nice to see detailed readouts of current vehicle stats side by side like mass, speed (surface/orbit), thrust to weight ratio, etc. I think having the option to open a details pane, like the parts manager, that has value readouts of "Vessel Info" and "Orbit Info" would be immensely useful.
  9. It would be a nice QoL feature to have the ability to access/import vehicle workspaces between save files. When there are future game modes this will allow players to design ships in 'creative' modes and import them into 'survival' play modes if they have the available tech unlocked. This will also allow for better organization of vehicle workspaces for players who have multiple save files. This could be implemented as a "VAB" option from the main menu. A game that does something similar to what I am explaining is "Cities: Skylines" which has an "Asset Editor" option available from the main menu. Giving the players access to a VAB to create/edit/manage vehicle workspaces from the main menu would greatly support the platform of sharing of vehicle workspaces through steam workshop, as well, by not requiring players to manage workspaces inside discreet save files.
  10. I transferred my save files from my laptop to my desktop. The main save file name is retained, but the individual auto-saves and manual saves contained in my save file are all now named "BestMun Rover Landing Ever Ever". Intended behavior would be to have discreet save files maintain their given names.
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