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Everything posted by Devo

  1. They don't support or use mods, they have stated on many occasions. also, as far as I'm aware if you do work for Squad, you also can't run a modded version (that they know about) it's part of their agreement (says a few ex developers) Which is ironic considering how much mods have extended the life of this 'early access' game. I can't speak for anyone else but if there was no mods to play with I would have stopped playing years ago. I remember some cool mods, I forget the name but there was one that was rockets made of whiskey barrels, man that was a blast to fly. This is not to say don't they take some good ideas from people and put it in the game, like the Sub Assemblies manager
  2. Ahh cool, I have a few of Bobcat's goodies still, I actually still have most of a rover he never released - virtually gave me a complete unity project to learn off, bloody top bloke.
  3. Nice, you don't want to help me finish off a Silent running biodome mod do you?
  4. Don't forget Chris we never got to see the back end of Spaceport, with the amount of amazingly talented people here, I dare say if you gave one of them the chance they could have made the original Spaceport into what everyone wanted, instead of waiting on one guy to pull his finger out, and he never did Sadly, the new curse seems like a bit of a curse (sorry if it's an over-used pun) Sure, I agree wholeheartedly the old Spaceport was plagued with issues and needed a complete makeover, but the new site is just horrible - on the front end. Sure the back end might be easier for you guys to moderate, but that means little to everyone else who doesn't see it - all we see is the abomination of ads and what I consider to be very aesthetically unpleasing appearance and interface. I am not going to post a thousand posts against it, I knew this was happening ages ago, I am just going to host my own mods, which I and everyone else who wants to are free do to - there is no point bagging Squad for supplying you with a free site to download mods. Instead of complaining about how bad it is, make a better one.
  5. After returning from a long break and seeing the Spaceport obliterated and replaced with Curse... I just am going to host my own mods from now on in one location. I think a community driven spaceport is a good idea and I'd be more than happy to post mods on it, but I am going to give Curse a miss, plenty I could say about it but if Squad listened (actually listened) they would have done something completely different in the first place.
  6. wait.. wot? I just saw a screenshot, can we now build shuttles on our ships in space???
  7. 30 hours to put that together, he obviously has a slight case of OCD.
  8. Thanks Alex, I probably have a copy of it somewhere, from memory was it a mod with a Green helicopter type canopy that came with it?
  9. Wondering why this is needed for animated engines? i.e will it improve my animations if I use it? I noticed your animations pop off pretty quick, is there a timer or time scale you can adjust? I did a similar thing last year with my mechpod with engines that extend and retract, all a simple blender animation, but since it was a stock animation you need to wait for it to finish before you can reverse it.
  10. That was you you turkey lol, I just mistyped it as "hydran191"
  11. Thanks, Luckily for me I just found a copy I'll put it on my site with the mods.
  12. Awesome! im trying to get the pegasus back up but have that same old bug of when you hover on something, it blows up to mega size, can anyone remember what was causing that? there was a plugin that fixed it but I can't recall what it was.. modulefix.dll? modulefixer.dll? gah... so long ago now
  13. ahhh.. that would explain it.. not a bad idea I might give something a bit bigger a go I always liked that mechanical spider in Wild West... It's cool, i'll just stick with IR for now, the animator still is going to be a kickass plugin man, i hope you get the crap sorted out with it. p.S everyone, if you want to get in early, the site is up www.waylandmods.com there is nothing to download there, why? because I am going through them one by one and adding them AFTER they have been tested in the latest KSP - no point throwing them all in and suffering a tonne of bugs, so I am going to do the main ones first and then move to smaller utility items.
  14. I saw these on Facebook, and I've tried contacting him but sadly no response. I would love to know how he got the feet to stick to the ground like that. Sirkut and I have tried similar things, ie. making a walking animation in Blender and putting it in as a function, but the feet just don't wanna stick for a Mechwalker, or bi-ped, perhaps the crab legs were the answer after all!, anyway I hope he responds, I have alot of projects that could benefit from such a secret. @Sirkut haha awesome, I know I have prob asked this before but can we incorporate the code from the animator into IR?
  15. My mod hosting sites nearly done, decided to spend a couple more days on it rather than just rush a crap thing out. I have every single mod I've ever made and downloaded, backed up all the way back to KSP 0.10
  16. Yeah that is probably a good idea, I have to give the Eagle to Logan tho, that's pretty much his baby now lol.. but if anyone sort of wants to be the master of a ship and help me get it back to scratch (ie if you have a favourite) I will work with you guys to get them back (if they need it, I don't think we are in total meltdown) The question is does Mech Jeb still work? much of the reason I took a break was because the last update I was here for broke practically all the mods, IR, mechjeb and so many others, so I thought look, i'll come back in bit when I actually have free time and hopefully they will be fixed. If mechjeb is fixed, R2 should work fine.
  17. It probably will, everything takes time. The problem I had with spaceport was all the stock .craft files getting uploaded and literally stuffing the place full with stock and it made it impossible to find things, if someone had been more onto that from the start the place could have been salvaged I reckon. I just am that point now where all of my mods are for a previous version of KSP.. sure some might work but essentially but I have a bit of a hail ahead of me.
  18. hmmm no offence Squad, but the new Spaceport is not my cup of tea. I know the old one had plenty of faults and "oh but give the new one a try" but in my honest opinion it seems like a real step backwards. Is it just me or do you guys get a tonne of ads on there too? I think from now on, to avoid catastrophies (like losing practically every link to your mods... ) I will be hosting my own mods. I am not trying to compete and get the most Downloads or "likes" so it's not a big fuss to me if I host them completely separately to Curse (lol appropriate name there...) So let me get cracking, I have a clear afternoon and only a few pm's to reply left to, so I will get myself back up and running by tonight. The website will be fairly basic to start with guys, I will just get something up asap. No logins, no rubbish just click and download
  19. I am almost done with my other stuff, took longer than I expected. Right now I am just trying to catch up on everything, reply to pm's.. a fair bit has changed. Any new cool stuff they've put in? Also what's the deal with Spaceport? did they abolish the old one? gee I hope if they did the new one is a far sight better. If there are any mods people want and can't find let me know it's all backed up. Oh hang on I found it... Oh... um... .. I guess they still are working on it..
  20. Good stuff, glad to see Bobcat still going strong, still the best vehicle mods in KSP to date.
  21. haha I love the bed in the back, that's neat.
  22. I'm still alive sorry guys, I have been in programming mode for a couple of months trying to get a project finished (a commercial one) so it's taken alot of my personal time, and also setting up a business on the side, so it's been a more than usually busy year this year, if all goes according to plan I can start my mods up again come end of May, but until then I'm committed to a game engine I have been building for about 5 years now with some friends and it's right at the end now, so it sort of needs 100 percent focus, but I have heaps of new infernal robotics and Space Eagle stuff coming - it's important infernal robotics is working with the new version for those to happen, so hopefully with sirkut we can get it back on course for the new versions.
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