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Everything posted by KlunkWorks

  1. Problem solved: inserted the following module into the part.cfg MODULE { name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle animationName = vjthrust2 responseSpeed = 0.05 layer = 1 dependOnEngineState = True dependOnThrottle = True weightOnOperational = True }
  2. Thanks for working on this! I'm trying to get the animations for the 125vectorjet engine working correctly. Unless i'm mistaken, it looks to be the same engine that can be found in BD's YouTube from 8yrs ago. Seems I'm a little late to the party lol. If it loads into the game under its current directory location (parts/utility/passengercabins/18pc/bahasp/parts/125vectorjet/part), there are no effects or sounds. I tried taking it (the entire BahaSP folder from Neistair) and putting it on its' own under game data - It then has sounds, particle effects, and thrust vector animation, but looking at the cfg. and from BD's video, it appears that there should be a throttle position/nozzle open close animation as well. If i try to also install the bahasp plugin, the engine doesn't show up in game. Is there something I'm missing? I haven't been able to find anything else on the part, or the part for that matter, and it's pretty sweet lol. I'm not asking anyone to do anything, i'm just hoping someone knows what I'm missing.
  3. Update: attaching weapons to nodes seems to be the cause, surface attaching them instead seems to be the solution. To be clear, even when attaching a rail to a craft, and then attaching a weapon to the rail's node, this will still cause other node attached parts on the craft to shift slightly by an amount relative to the mass of the released weapon. Sorry if this isn't news to anyone, not sure if this is a known thing, but i couldn't find anything on it, and it's happened to me so much that i figured it can't just be me, or a one off weird bug or something. I will do more testing as i have time, and I'll post some pictures when i figure out how lol (just haven't looked lol).
  4. Thanks! yea i'm not expecting much. I'm probably a little on the obsessive side with some things. I use a build of KSP where i've removed everything that i can from the files - parts, sounds, fx etc and the game still load lol. No Squad parts, nothing, just whatever is currently being tested. It loads up on a 2015 MacBook pro in under 15 seconds lol. It's been a curiosity over the years as to how much can one actually remove and still have a playable game lol.
  5. I'm aware that there are mods that allow for different/additional planets in KSP. I'm interested in REMOVING planets. I use different builds of KSP for different types of craft, and i got to thinking, in my aircraft build, i never use the other planets. Is there a way to remove planets/asteroids/etc, basically everything BUT Kerbin and Sol? deleting stuff/and or mods basically any way of accomplishing this short of getting into unity, or writing some type of patch. If I were able to do so, would there be any noticeable or even measurable gain in performance due to running a less populated environment? (not sure if that's even how that works lol) i have a big kid PC, but also frequently run ksp on a MacBook, so every little bit helps.
  6. Thanks! yea i think ive only ever come across them once or twice, and up until this point ive not had a problem. I'll keep an eye out for them in the future.
  7. New Question lol: There's a MiniAVC.dll in the Eskandare_Aeronautics folder that seems to be essential. it also doesn't seem to matter where that file is located so long as it's somewhere inside the gamedata folder. If i remove BOTH that file AND the MiniAVC.dll inside of the KSR remastered folder, everything loads up and seems to work fine. In fact with those files removed, KSR doesn't have to be inside of the EHI folder either, whereas before the game would freeze on startup if it wasn't. Is there any reason that i NEED those files? I did a quick search and it looks like they're responsible for checking version? it seems like everything is working fine in game, i just want to be sure that i'm not going to cause some other problem later on lol.
  8. ok what am i doing wrong here? On a clean install of KSP 1.12.5, the game immediately freezes on startup at KerbinSideRemastered/Statics/Sounds/mbox_hum. I tried removing the sounds folder out of curiosity, but then it freezes on Squad/Alarms/Sounds/OldHorn. I'm pretty sure i'm running the current version of these mods as i just got them from space dock, today. On a fresh install, in my gamedata folder are the following: Squad Squad Expansion CustomPrelaunchChecks KerbalKonstructs KerbinSideRemastered MM 4.2.2 The game loads with only KK and CPC, but i NEED KSR lol NVM, I did't have KSR inside the Eskandare Heavy Industries folder. Love this mod!
  9. I've noticed this for some time now (years), on multiple machines (windows and mac) game version 1.11.x - 1.12.5. When running BD armory, after firing a missile or releasing a bomb, parts on the vessel shift position. The parts that get shifted are different from one vessel to another, but it's always the same parts on a particular vessel that shift. The effect also seems to occur incrementally with the number (possibly mass?) of each item released. There also seems to be a relationship between the mass of the vessel and the mass of the items dropped, although i'm not 100% on that. In other words, if you have a craft in the 15-20t, 30-70 parts range, and you drop 2 mk-82's, you may not even notice the tiny amount of part shift depending on where it is, but if you drop 3-4t of ordinance from that same vehicle, say 6-8 weapons, now i have things like engine offset on the Y and Z axis, or B9 Procedural wings rotating. Even at that level the effect can be subtle, but it's ALWAYS there. It's similar to flipping a rover or hard landing a plane and then some of the parts are like "bent" where their position is tweaked, or when you pull a high-g maneuver and the wings/fuselage flex. It doesn't seem to matter if i use rigid attachment or auto strut, one seems better than the other, i can't remember right now, but it still happens either way. Using actual struts also helps reduce the effect, but IT'S STILL THERE. Turning up the breaking force and breaking torque to 200-300 doesn't help, I know that you can input in MUCH HIGHER values there, but so far it didn't help. Also, it doesn't seem to matter if the weapons are attached to a node or a surface, although that may effect which types of parts get tweaked, because i have noticed that sometimes it seems to be node attached parts ie-engines that get tweaked, whereas sometimes ( B9 Wing) it's a surface attached part. Unbreakable joints don't help, and neither does "repair broken parts" from the cheats menu. Again, ive noticed this for years, but only recently joined ksp forum, and i haven't been able to find anything on this. I can't be the only person to experience this as it's happened across multiple versions of ksp, bdarmory, many, many other mods, different computers etc lol. I'm hoping this is something relatively simple, like the order/type of attachment, or something that can be edited in .cfg's, but so far nothing seems to stop it. I'm going to do some more testing on the relationship of the part mass and count of the dropped items, because there's seems to be some correlation there, but at this point i'm just shooting into the dark lol. I mean it's definitely not game breaking for me, but i don't like it lol. It does seem to shift the CoM and CoL of the effected parts accordingly, so if you're running a sketchy or very nearly unstable aircraft, the cumulative effect can be more than visual.
  10. thanks, now i have an entirely new rabbit hole to go down. Also seriously thank you!! lol. I'm watching the video now, didn't realize I was missing a BIG PICTURE concept lol. It's funny that you mention it not meshing well with normal brain wetware , so during the process of trial and error up until this point, it had actually occurred to me "gee, is it possible that they're using some system whereby 3d rotations are described in 4d coordinates?" but then i was like "no that would be silly, who does that?" lol Also you should know that i hadn't heard of quaternions before lol. I love that Oliver Heaviside initially said "the quaternion was not only not required but was also a positive evil" lol!!! Understanding this will no doubt be useful in life.
  11. Ok, so i'm stumped. For several days I've been in the process of building a custom IVA using ASET props, by editing the iva.cfg (exclusively). I suspect that this is probably NOT the most efficient way of building IVA's, possibly Blender/Unity etc? however, for various reasons, I'm trying to stay away from those options at the moment, mainly time. So far things have gone fairly well, a little trial and error and things are moving along.... But then..... There are several parts that i'm trying to place in orientations other than flat in front of your face. The position and scale key's are pretty straight-forward - x/y/x axis. The ROTATION however , like what the actual?!?!? Either i'm crazy or it varies from part to part. Can anyone explain what's going on here? I suspect that the rotation "ZERO" for each axis may be somehow defined in the model, thus it could vary from prop to prop. There seems to be no consistency between props of different origin that I can discern. I would very much like to be able to simply understand the rotation in order to quickly re orient props in the cfg the way I currently am able for position and scale. Currently, as i'm seeing it, the rotation key is as follows: 0,0,0,0 and the acceptable inputs are between -1 and +1 but for some parts (or perhaps orientations), its as if only 3 of the 4 fields observably effect rotation, but it doesn't seem to be the same three for each part, yet they all seem to do... something lol To be clear, for many of the parts, ive had no problem, the rotation inputs seem to line up orthogonally, and through a couple rounds of experiments, i can find the appropriate angle, but for others, its as if 3 axis are oriented diagonally, plus an extra number for fun, or something idk lol.
  12. Thanks for explaining! That's kinda what I suspected. I recently learned about the .mu extension for Blender and downloaded both, but I also recently spent the better part of 2 days getting proficient with GIMP for texture edits, so I'm not in a hurry to crash course modeling at the moment lol. One day... Also your 1.25mDoor was the perfect part for the hatch/airlock on my flying saucer lol.
  13. "when the moon was missing" lol, wow that reminds of some real life legend (can't remember where from) about a time when people were around before the moon showed up. Welcome! I've only been at KSP for about six years, and a loooong time lurker here, but also recently decided to join.
  14. ColdWarAerospace, Moderately Airplane Related, B9 procedural wings is a MUST - allows you to procedurally generate just about any wing/control surface you can imagine (it's separate from the other B9 mods), Eskandere Heavy Industries (excellent models, no IVA's as far as I know), Quiztech aerospace, Mk2 Expansion, Nice Mk2 Bodies (akaNMB), Mk1 Open Cockpit. As DeadJohn said, kinda depends on what types of planes you want to build. Most of those mods focus on fast/pointy planes.
  15. Do you have the particular missile you want to fire selected in the bdarmory in-flight GUI? (even if there''s only one type of weapon onboard) If you do and you're talking about the mouse not firing, I think it's only set to fire guns by default. Every now and again by spamming the mouse or clicking a menu with a missile armed/locked/selected will cause it to fire. I just set an action group to fire missile and that seems to work reliably.
  16. Hate to be a bother, but after thinking about my last post, I just wanted to clarify the following: forgive me if you all are already ahead here, but it seems that by correctly registering the intake airspeed relative to the actual craft speed, the intake is able to appropriately scale the intakeatm delivery with mach number/mach curve. In it's current configuration, as of V0.6 from space dock - 3/14/23, the intake atm delivered by the S-duct, when installed "normally" only scales with the static atmospheric pressure (altitude). It's as if it's open to the air, but not getting flow. That's what I was getting at with suggesting rotating the intaketransform=intake1 by 180 degrees somehow, but idk if that's possible, or what that would entail. Currently I only know how to edit parts through cfg files. Just thought this might help diagnose... and also this should make 2/5 posts I need to fully use my account . Thanks again! will post some pics of builds once I'm allowed. The black hawk parts forced me to seriously build a helicopter after 6 years of KSP lol!
  17. Hey, first post here. Excellent work with your parts!!! As to the S duct intake, unless i'm missing something, it seems to still have an issue. If installed in the correct (forward facing direction) the status shows nominal, and the intake will flow the base number of units at the minimum airspeed, however as the speed of the craft increases, the intake air speed never changes. If you install the intake on a craft and then rotate it 180 degrees in the y axis so that the open (front) end faces the rear of the craft, it performs the way one would expect if it were installed normally, ie. status = nominal + intake airspeed increases with craft speed. I'm not sure if it's possible to change the orientation of the intake transform in the cfg, but if it is I don't know how lol. In full disclosure, I'm using this part on an F-16, and the "intake" on the cockpit functions correctly so it's not really an issue for me lol, but if one wanted to use it without the F-16 cockpit it would be an issue. It's possible to make it work by increasing the intake area to... large numbers, but that just feels, idk dirty lol Thanks for making this stuff!
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