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RUD Everyday

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Posts posted by RUD Everyday

  1. On 5/8/2023 at 9:33 AM, WhatALovelyNick said:

    Yes but it will harm their reputation. A lot.

    I mean, look at KSP2, it has 355 online players in Steam. I mean, currently. Meanwhile KSP1 has almost 2k. Now. Online. Only in Steam.

    PD is... in a bad shape. The update releasing is slowing down. I'm not a very pessimistic guy, but there is a possibility, that we will never see The Second part in full.

    If we could get access to the SC -- we must try it. It will be better for the community. After all -- we love this game and we care for it.

    He was right

  2. Kerbal Space Program has always held a special place in my heart for a lot of reasons. It was the first time I ever understood the concepts of building things and launching things and seeing how they worked. When I heard that a sequel was being made, I had such high hopes for an amazing sequel from this new company. Sure, it was delayed several times, but obviously it was to make the game better, right? It would seem otherwise as the game when released might have been even worse than KSP 0.7.3 from 2011. This made several people angry, including myself, but the true nail in the coffin was the WARN notice that came out almost A MONTH AGO now. Ever since this, we have been gaslighted by CEOS, left with no answers, and Nate just vanished from the face of this planet 30 days ago. It makes you wonder " What does this mean for us?" Recently, and as many of you know @ShadowZone uploaded a video discussing the development of KSP2 and this video made me understand why this game went from an exciting game to an absolute dumpster fire. I stopped playing thew sequel in March and have returned to the original. We already have multiplayer mods for the original KSP, interstellar mods, and several more things that no one could have dreamed of. I would like to say thanks to everyone who modded the original and made it into something I thought impossible. With that, we all want to know "What's Next?" and unfortunately, we don't know as we have been gaslighted and completely ignored. Its like we have been backstabbed multiple times by this company and it is quite unfortunate that this had happened. I do want to thank a few people who kept hope in this community for so long. @Dakota, you always asked questions whenever you could, and I deeply appreciate it. @Nerdy_Mike, you made every new thing seem exciting, and I appreciate that. And finally @blackrack, thank you for making this game even more wonderful than it was. Thats all I have to say, but I hope you take away that the legacy of KSP could be changed forever, but not in my heart. I think the original was a masterpiece and I will keep playing it until the very end. Thank you for reading

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