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  1. Bit of info that is hopefully helpful. I was able to get the issue to appear easiest when transferring crew from the right window to the left one, however this very well may be luck. ALSO, the root command pod is disconnected from the transferred area via connected living space, so maybe its something with that looking for a root part and deleting the kerbal when the destination is not reachable?
  2. Been having an error where after completing the hotel contract in space, the autogenerated "deliver x tourists" appears. But after completing that contract, no additional "deliver tourists" or "return tourists" contracts are shown. If I force the hotel build contract again I can force it to generate the same mission again, but this is not a viable solution. Additionally, the "must have a casino with 10 empty spaces is unmet, despite it having more than said amount of free space Any help or tips are appreciated
  3. I think theres a diconnect here. When I say orange, I mean the text that says "needs repair" not the highlight color of the part
  4. Hoping that yellow would degrade to orange would degrade to red, although it would still have the chance to go straight to a higher damage state (y,o,r)
  5. This worked like a charm! thanks! Could you give me a quick rundown on where the "moduleSpyExperiment" came from though? im looking through the files and trying to understand how to write my own patches eventually
  6. I think it would be more interesting to where if you left a module/part alone in a damaged state for long enough, it would degrade again to the point where it reaches the "busted" state. I'm trying a "semi"realistic run right now and enjoy sqeezing the use out of a limited functionality satellite when on a tight budget. The deorbiter is part of that, trying to not use the debris delete option.
  7. Darn. Kind of annoying cause I had this whole system in place ready to de-orbit my comms satellites as they failed.
  8. Something I cant find online that I am curious about. Can the failures degrade over time? For example, can a "needs repair" degrade into a "busted" if not repaired?
  9. Hey, wondering if you know of a way to disable the science aspect of the additional camera part, its been messing with some of my contract packs and I dont want to risk bricking my save if you know of a safe way. Thanks!
  10. I second both the error and the suggestion. I do have a few (60) mods installed in parallel, but even after a fresh install with only deps for mods, the issue persists. Thanks for the mod
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