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Everything posted by TechieV

  1. Oh sorry! I thought you were being negative towards me. My bad!
  2. I'm just stating the facts. I'm just saying I play more KSP 1 now. So what if someone else feels the same???
  3. I did get influenced by how much I play KSP. I play more than ever now!
  4. But the game itself will be pretty intact, which is nice!
  5. I dunno. I support keeping KSP 2 running, but this feels like a bit of a stretch. I dunno if it‘s even legal to pursue this. Any lawyers or people related to law reading this, please share your take on this. Legal information is needed first before taking action.
  6. Hello! This is a petition to keep KSP 2, started by Tim C Kerman. If you want, please sign! Link: https://chng.it/BJ22YfWDHv TechieV
  7. Okay! Here‘s the plan: I‘ll make a separate section for every account who makes an idea. In it, I‘ll add the idea. This will take some time, but thank you for the consent!
  8. Yes! Here‘s the plan: I‘ll make a separate section for every account who makes an idea. In it, I‘ll add the idea. This will take some time, but thank you for the consent!
  9. I understand your point. Read the post left by Presto 200. If they allow me, I‘ll add this to the post. Do you like this idea? I think it checks your boxes. What do you think?
  10. Nice! It‘s a good idea and very helpful! Can I add this to the post? I‘m trying to make this a community bulletin board, where everyone‘s ideas are in one page. Any ideas are very helpful to this cause! Can I have your consent to add it? Please?
  11. I‘m not saying that autosaves should be disabled. I‘m saying that they should only happen after the player made a manual save beforehand. I mean, that could work! That‘s actually pretty nice! Just one problem for me: the manually saved workspace doesn‘t update per autosave, so the manual save, with the nice description instead of „ Autosave [Time][Date]“, gets outdated. Fast. Other than that, would you like me to add this to the post, inside a section named „Spicat“? I‘m trying to make this like a community bulletin board for saving and loading feedback, so any ideas are helpful! Do I have your consent? Pleeeaasseee?!
  12. Hello! I've been playing quite some KSP 2 lately. Very improved after the For Science! update, but one HUGE problem I have is the work on the saving and loading system. These are the absolute biggest issues I have with the game, because I care a lot about how my crafts are organised and saved, and I know I'm not alone. I think some of you readers also have some pet-peeves with the system. If a member of the dev team sees this, please consider some of these features! They would drastically improve my (and others') experience. Everyone has a say in this board! This post is intended to be a sort of community bulletin board, or living article, where anyone can come in and put forth their ideas or issues. This is because the saving and loading system is a little flawed, so we need the devs to catch this post, so we all need to let them know what we want changed. The way this works is that the community will speak their ideas or problems in the comments, and I will edit them into the post, referencing the people who wrote it. I will put every text inside every section in a spoiler to save space and time reading them. So here we go: my 2 main problems with the saving and loading system! 1. Autosaves 2. Tutorials and Onboarding on Using Workspaces Community Member: @Presto200 1. An Idea for a Better Saving System: Community Member: @Spicat 1. Filters in the Saves Menu: Sincerely, TechieV and the KSP Community
  13. Yes! This is deseprately needed! I keep dragging the slider, and it takes like 3 tries to get the amount I want. This would really improve the experience for me!
  14. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 Home 64-bit | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics (12 CPUs), ~3.9GHz | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 | RAM: 16384MB RAM Frequency: High (Happens all the time.) Severity: Med (No crashes and has a workaround, but so annoying!) Description: Expected Behaviour: Game pauses after going below x1 time warp after going down from any other time warp. Observed Behaviour: Game pauses too early by anything beyond x4 time warp. Additional Information: Pausing follows a pattern. The time warp setting you’re in (say, the 10,000 setting, which is the 5th setting), minus 3 (for the first 3 time warp settings: x1, x2, and x4), equals the setting where the game pauses. (So, 5-3 = 2. The game should pause in the 2nd setting.) Please refer to the shoddily-edited image below for which number time warp is which. Steps to Replicate: Bug: 1. Get a craft into non-physics time warp above x4. 2. Go down 3 time warp settings. The Game should pause, despite the time warp being above x0. Refer to video. Workaround: 1. Follow the steps above to get the bug. 2. Press the ”;” key down a couple times. 3. Press the “:” key once. You should be back to x1 time warp. Included Attachments: PausesALittleTooEarly.mp4
  15. The KSP Wiki has a list of KSP2 biomes, but it is massively underdeveloped. Many CBs have many biomes, but the Wiki doesn't mention them. Maybe someone would go exploring everywhere and logging the biomes and adding them to the Wiki!
  16. This is a great idea! AIs, like ChatGPT, can suggest missions in KSP 2, so it would be sweet if we could pit them against the player! I really hope the devs see this and add it!
  17. You could deploy small probes at intervals of the trip to mark it, like bread crumbs. Flags can't seem to be marked on the map, otherwise you could have used those. When the trip is done, just make imaginary lines between the probes like "Connect the Dots". Putting something on the W key might make a good autopilot. The rover would just drive itself. Please share pictures of your voyage!
  18. The ablator drains way too slowly for me. Even when coming down to 35km from the Mun, the ablator barely reduces. I think the devs might fine-tune this in future updates.
  19. Yeah. Imgur works pretty well for this.
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