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  1. Thanks! Navball was nightmare to get right. So many concepts, so many limitations, but yeah, I'm pretty happy myself with where it ended As for the stage / tumbler, I mean only this one (but what you marked could also be useful): And the orange needle you got right. It's white in texture, so game is definitely recoloring it for whatever reason
  2. New to forum, but not to KSP - so hey, I guess. I recently found your mod while looking for new ui, so I decided to make my own (because that's easier, obviously /s). Still very early WIP, but I thought I may share and also ask @UltraJohn whenever it would be possible to add support for recoloring vertical speed gauge (it's orange) and stage numer / tumbler (black)? Below some screens and YT video to show how it looks while playing: Also, shutout to @zapsnh I used your files to get up to speed quickly in some cases, to see what's where Thank you
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