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Ker Ball One

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  1. And also "engines". Pretty much any action button that is for "in this stage". I don't know of any other than RCS and engines.
  2. BTW, actions like Activate all engines/RCS in this stage, do not work. I can still activate individual engines or RCS with the stock buttons, and the AllYall buttons for Extend All solar panels and Extend All Antenna do work.
  3. I'm not talking about inter-part wobble (like a hotdog). I guess that's the more common use of the term wobble in KSP. Let me call it "swaying" instead of wobble. It does in this case. It solves it if I manually engage Parking Brake. The ground clamps at the bottom of the craft are not enough to stop this swaying. Sometimes it causes fairings to fall off. But if I immediately engage the Parking Brake when the scene loads on the pad, it stops the swaying. That's a different problem. I don't have that issue. When I launch, it does auto disengage the Parking Brake, and I don't have any issues.
  4. I get the wobbles when launching a tall vessel (Saturn V) on a launch pad. It would be nice to have ParkingBrake auto enable at start of launch.
  5. Did not work with AllYAll-0.11.21.b1. Same issue. This did not work either. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dkp7of6u30mtsvwef9vko/Apollo-13.craft?rlkey=fm3rvc43utowf5foi77dhhguj&st=4gykclh6&dl=0 This is very much appreciated. Thank you. If the problem is only with the RCS, which I don't really use, then the rest of the mod can still be useful
  6. I've done it using the same vessel. I did it Apollo style where I decoupled, flipped around, and docked.
  7. Ah... nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more sir.
  8. Learning a lot with this challenge, about the free return and the hybrid trajectories used. With Apollo 12 and on, they would start with free return, then after testing the SPS to ensure it would fire, their mid course correction would change it to the hybrid to allow for more landing sites at higher latitudes. And they still could return with the much weaker LM descent engine. https://www.nasa.gov/history/afj/launchwindow/lw1.html
  9. Wow, thanks for the tip. I have a feeling that using KOS will be a deep dive. I do some light programming in Python and JavaScript already and I'm learning c# for modding. I have a feeling that once I get into KOS, it's going to be a major part of playing KSP. Do you know if a repository of KOS scripts that maybe someone already has something similar?
  10. I did it! With careful timing of the launch when the moon was in the correct phase (precise day of the month), I was able to enter the Lunar SOI on the equatorial plane. The visualization was done by cheating a satellite into a near SOI altitude (at 60Mm), equatorial orbit. This gave me a nice white line orbit that I can look at on its edge. The real missing piece that nobody was touching on, was the lunar phase. I was right in thinking that there would be a monthly window when this was possible. With that reference orbit, I could go set a regular direct Translunar Injection manuever node and see how far that path was from the equatorial orbit at SOI. And using time warp, could determine precisely when that TLI burn would be needed. I used MJ to quickly remove and add a hohmann transfer node between time warp intervals to hone in on the day and hour I needed. 3150 initial TLI 10 m/s correction in 4hrs to SOI to eq plane and pe of 110km (10 degree inc at start of SOI) 13.5 m/s plane change to 0 degrees inc at nearest AN/DN (2h into SOI) 788 m/s circularization burn at 112km There is no practical way to get the point of entry into the Lunar SOI, onto the plane of the equator... other than waiting. I have tried reducing Prograde so that the apogee just barely reaches the Lunar SOI, and although that does get that point on the equatorial plane, the perilune is so far away that I need a huge additional burn (750m/s) to bring it back down. So by waiting a few days for that white reference orbit plane and the purple maneuver path to align, I wind up spending less than 25 for all course corrections and plane changes to get my final goal, lunar equatorial orbit. This question is solved. However, it's still eyeballing the measurement with a cheated reference orbit, time-warping to get a date time, and then reverting. There honestly should be a chart or calculator, or some way to do this the NASA way. At this point I'd settle for a mod that could show equatorial planes. EDIT: Found one https://github.com/StrikeForceZero/KSP-OrbitPOInts
  11. Thank you for a good explanation of something to try. I was able to follow and can understand the concept. This was a bit tricky, but I managed to get some visual aids with a couple of Waypoints created on the equator, to line it up with the start of the very short orbital line created by just clipping into the Lunar SOI. 730 m/s for this... and gets me about 1 degree inclined. 16 m/s to set inclination to zero at AN/DN. 640 m/s for circularization (which is needed to do the contract). This really made sense to try. The only big show stopper is the total 7.5 day one way flight time is a bit too much. It also makes sense, since we are basically pulling over at the SOI to make the changes at the minimum velocity. I was hoping that paying the 730 to bring the perilune down would be offset by a much cheaper circularization burn, but it I didn't save that much. Also the initial LTO cost of ~3200 m/s didn't change much by taking off some prograde to just clip into the Lunar SOI. I am also testing lunar cycle timings. I think I managed to get the plane change at AN/DN to less than 300 m/s on one test. Combined with the direct circularization of ~800 m/s, this is still my best approach. I last tried timing my Lunar SOI arrival when the lunar equatorial plane is parallel with the moon's orbital plane. Do you have any thoughts on when in the lunar cycle I should launch from Kennedy and/or burn my TLI?
  12. https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/static/history/alsj/a11/A11_MissionOpReport.pdf "Command/Service Module Plane Change - The CSM will perform a plane change of 0.18° approximately 2.25 revolutions after LM touchdown . This maneuver will permit a nominally coplanar rendezvous by the LM." -p43 "On future Apollo lunar missions, landing sites at higher latitudes will be achieved, with little or no plane change, by approaching the moon on a highly inclined trajectory." -p18 So the assumption is correct, Apollo 11's inclination was near equatorial. This is the main reason. Apollo 11's landing site, the Sea of Tranquility was on the equator, and the mission/contract requires a 2 - 3 day stay on the surface. The lower the latitude, the more the site rotates away from the orbiter's (inclined or polar) plane. This was dangerous because such a small window meant that if they missed it... they would be down there for another 12 days or so. Not enough supplies like O2, food, water, scrubbers, etc. For RP-1 with Kerbalism, the same concerns apply. So equatorial landing sites prefer near equatorial orbits. Later missions have sites at higher latitude, but those are not what I am doing now. The current challenge is to do it the Apollo way. I just want to know how they did it. And it seems like their mid-course correction about 1/3 from Earth to Moon, was the place they lined up to the lunar equatorial plane. Last night I simulated a TLI that took place when the Moon was near its own AN/DN (map view, target Moon, yellow dashed lines), and the mid course (2nd maneuver node) seemed to fair much better with less than 10m/s of delta-v in the normal vector. It seems with that better timing, I may be able to enter the Moon's SOI pretty close to equatorial.
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