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Ker Ball One

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Everything posted by Ker Ball One

  1. I have been trying to play with Parallax's Scatters with colliders enabled. Although my Mun base WAS free of rocks, as I reload (especially after restarting the game), the scatters shift a bit. I think the actual GPS lat/long of my base is constant, but the terrain scatters move a bit. Maybe not shifting, but each grouping of Mun rock formations can rotate or move around. This means that sometime the scene loads with my base on top of a rock that wasn't there before. Any way to fix this? I have been trying to decrease the density of Mun scatters, by adjusting things like _Seed, _SpawnChance, _Range, but it does not appear to clear the area of rocks around my existing base.
  2. Same here. The 4th button in the top-left corner (looks like music shuffle icon) is supposed to toggle the setting to keep showing the message in its original location on-screen. Occasionally it does show the messages, but a bit delayed, but most messages will not show. I want to use One Window as an archive in case I'm not looking when messages appear for a few seconds, so I can look back at what happened and when. But I do not want to keep the window open to see messages. So this mod is broken on 1.12.5
  3. Thanks. You do have an extensive set of mods (like me). Probably only one that is incompatible with Kerbalism. I too can't really play without some of them, especially Kerbalism. I just fixed my issue (nuclear reactors not producing EC in the background). Although different from your Solar Panel issue, I will tell you how I solved mine in hopes it can give you an idea on how to fix yours. First the bad news, it required knowledge of ModuleManager patches. Had to read up on the handbook and syntax just to understand a bit how it works. I found out that Kerbalism does have a support patch for USI nuclear reactors (called ReactorPack). The MKS parts are a bit different though, and there were no patches for them. I modified "..\GameData\KerbalismConfig\Support\USI\USI_ReactorPack.cfg" by adding a section that copied from the existing USI_Nuke* parts, for my Tundra_PDU* parts. I still need to work on getting the MKS resources (also from RationalResources) that are running resource converters, to also process in the background. I have a semi-self-sustaining base on the Mun. The power running in the background was crucial, but I also want the reactor, fuel plant, assembly plant and refineries to consume the Machinery resource like they should. More importantly, I want them converting resources to make parts and materials for further base building. UPDATE: Just remembered that resource conversions for MKS uses the stock "catch-up" system. So they don't get calculated in the background in real-time like Kerbalism (which is important for Life Support systems), but rather will get updated in 6 hour chunks to be resolved to their new values when I reload the vessel. For base building resource gathering/converting, it is fine. For your issue. I too have KCT, but I disable it for testing. You can just go to Space Center, click (right-click?) the toolbar for KCT, deselect the Enable button and click save. However, it is better to test with a separate instance, which you can create with CKAN by going to File > manage game instances > Select > New Game Instance > Clone. This way you can feel free to uninstall mods, mess with config files and really test. It is also good to uninstall the big mods that are unrelated so your game can load faster so you can test quickly as you make changes. I would start looking at all the files in GameData\KerbalismConfig/ and start searching for everything that modifies/patches solar panels (I know Interstellar does). Also search through "..\Logs\ModuleManager\ModuleManager.log" for patches that might load and change things. Here is the Kerbalism chart for modules that support background simulation.
  4. @Astraph I noticed you were running Interstellar, which is why your solar panel output is in MegaJoules rather than stock Electric Charge. That may be the issue for you. The nuclear engine/reactor is also from Interstellar btw. When I tried to reproduce your setup, the solar panels did still work (even though they have the Interstellar ModuleManager patch that displays MegaJoules). I cannot replicate your exact issue. There may be one or more mods that interfere by patching the solar output in a way that breaks Kerbalism's background calculations. My problem may be similar, but probably from a different cause. My solar panels always work (loaded or background), but my nuclear reactors (MKS) only work while it's the active loaded vessel. In fact, it seems like other MKS parts (ex. Nuclear Fuel Plant) also do not perform conversion while in the background.
  5. @Astraph I'm trying to reproduce your conditions. I've installed Kerbal atomics and have a simple remote guidance probe core, with those same solar panels and a nuclear engine. The solar panels do seem to work when unloaded. But not seeing power from the RTG on the nuclear engine. What is the exact part name for your nuclear engine? Have you tested without any SCANsat parts? You should be able to test on the launchpad. Also, can you upload a list of all your mods.
  6. Were you able to reproduce the same issue using different solar panels, stock and non-stock?
  7. @Astraph I am seeing a similar issue. Power production while vessel is loaded, but not producing when unloaded. Also, I too am seeing that "converter" produce EC. No idea where that is coming from, as I have nothing else that would produce power. UPDATE: I managed to reproduce where my 16.4/s EC was coming from. I have RTGs and a few EC sources from the Global Construciton mod workshops. So @Astraph check for other sources of EC to account for that 0.2/s EC. Are you running an RTG, that is producing EC? This means that other sources of EC, other than your solar panels, and my reactors, are still working with Kerbalism in the background.
  8. Help needed: Having an issue with "dump" resource in an ISRU process. In my example, I am trying to create shielding from the Solid Oxide Electrolysis (SOE) process of an ISRU (tried multiple ISRU convert-o-tron parts). I am full on Oxygen, and want to dump O2, but even though the PAW process option says to Dump Oxygen, the O2 levels still climb and the shielding production stops when O2 is full. I can even see that Dumping the shielding doesn't not actually work either, as it continues to produce shielding. Does anyone know of a fix for this? I don't want to have to go into the GameData/KerbalismConfig/Profiles/Default.cfg and delete the O2 output of this process entirely. So any help is appreciated. UPDATE: Solution is to reload the flight scene (leave to Tracking Station/Space Center). Not sure if switching vessels to a farther unloaded craft would work too.
  9. I'm running Kerbalism with reliability enabled, meaning I have limited ignitions. I know that Ascent Guidance has a PVG mode for RSS/RO, which will limit ignitions on ascent. Does Landing Guidance have something similar?
  10. I decided to just copy the MKS part cfg files into GameData, without the add-on DLL files for MKS. I can get all the great supply chain resource goodies of MKS without the Kolony logistics features. It's the parts I like best about MKS anyway. I prefer the Life Support of Kerbalism over USI-LS, and Global Construction can be installed standalone without MKS for the off world construction aspect. Global Construction with Rational Resources and MKS parts-only, does not conflict with Kerbalism and offers everything I want. I did also modify the "category" in the MKS part cfg files from 'none' to appropriate categories because in the VAB/SPH they were unsearchable. They did show up in filters by manufacturer and other types, but I like to use the search function. For Global Construction, the only thing I did, was tone down the color saturation on the Ground parts that were ugly mustard yellow, to make them more standard stock gray.
  11. Hmm... well SOS source code shows that there are a few files and references to KRASH. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SOS/blob/master/SOS/KRASHWrapper.cs It also has a REFERENCE Include for the KRASH.dll so it appears SOS is meant to be aware of KRASH and probably not interfere. But it does interfere so I'm looking if its an easy fix. UPDATE: Looks to be an easy fix. Appears that although there are several checks to ensure that reverting a flight is only available if the game engine allows it... There was a check for KRASH simulation that simply ignored the further checks and created it's own pause menu without the revert button or checks. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SOS/issues/2 / https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SOS/pull/3
  12. Added the option to auto fill ALL crewable pods. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/CrewRandR/pull/16
  13. Can find in the description or searching this thread, but does this mod "only" auto fill the first crew-able pod? Should I expect it to auto-fill into 2nd and 3rd habitats like Mobile Processing Labs?
  14. I was able to track this down. It wasn't the vessel's state in FlightDriver that told KRASH that it was ineligible for reverting. I confirmed by changing line 877 of KRASH's FlightModule.cs to always be "true", but it didn't change the pause menu. It was some kind of conflict with a mod called, "SOS (Save Our Settings)". I think SOS makes changes to the pause menu that is messing with KRASH's changes.
  15. Thanks for your help. I'm actually going to instead modify the mobile processing lab instead of the ISRU. Kerbalism does not touch it so it's free to modify Also it makes more sense that a processing lab, requiring an engineer, could have the capability of machining material kits and maybe specialized parts. While the ISRU, is more for lower level chemical conversion. I found a config file from SCON that was doing something similar for RocketParts. So I modified that. Now I'm looking for the best way to store Metal and MetallicOre. RR and GC neither seem to provide tanks for them. And thinking about requiring different resources for SpecializedParts. Maybe minerals or exotic metals. It really does seem like Global Construction isn't really for in situ production of the materials needed, rather assume that supplies will be delivered to the construction site. Makes sense for orbital, but ground construction should have a path from mineral extraction to shipbuilding. But I guess that was left to other mods like MKS.
  16. Thank you. I managed to create a part module for the Mobile Processing Lab, which makes more sense since MaterialKits should be more complex than what might be a chemical conversion in an ISRU. I modified from a SCON config. Plus, I didn't want to interfere with how Kerbalism is reworking the stock Convert-O-Trons. I probably have to do the same with SpecializedParts too. Might make it more complicated and slower, like with Exotic or Minerals so I have to mine another resource. I still need some help storing Metals and MetallicOre. Configurable Containers has all the resources provided by CRP it seems. But not Metals and MetallicOre.
  17. So it's the Rational Resources Kerbalism config that is doing it, not the base of each mod? I am not seeing which file " removes all the ModuleResourceConvertors ". Which mod should I look? Global Construction (GroundConstruction 2.7.1) Global Construction Core (GroundConstruction-Core 2.7.1) Rational Resources (RationalResources 2.0.4) Rational Resources Companion (RationalResourcesCompanion 2.0.4) Rational Resources Kerbalism (RationalResourcesKerbalism 2.0.4) Rational Resources Parts (RationalResourcesParts 2.0.4) Rational Resources Squad (RationalResourcesSquad 2.0.4) Kerbalism (Kerbalism 3.19) Kerbalism - Default Config (Kerbalism-Config-Default 3.19) Kerbalism Side Patches (KerbalismSidePatches 1.0) Kerbalism System Heat (Kerbalism-SystemHeat 0.5.0) ReStock (ReStock 1.4.3) Restock Waterfall Expansion (RestockWaterfallExpansion 2.2.0 (PR)) ReStock+ (ReStockPlus 1.4.3)
  18. https://github.com/JadeOfMaar/RationalResources/blob/master/GameData/RationalResourcesCompanion/CRP/Opt-in_ConvertOTrons.cfg I checked, and I do have this file. I do have this part, but I do NOT have what is shown in the screenshot below. Global Construction (GroundConstruction 2.7.1) Global Construction Core (GroundConstruction-Core 2.7.1) Rational Resources (RationalResources 2.0.4) Rational Resources Companion (RationalResourcesCompanion 2.0.4) Rational Resources Kerbalism (RationalResourcesKerbalism 2.0.4) Rational Resources Parts (RationalResourcesParts 2.0.4) Rational Resources Squad (RationalResourcesSquad 2.0.4) Kerbalism (Kerbalism 3.19) Kerbalism - Default Config (Kerbalism-Config-Default 3.19) Kerbalism Side Patches (KerbalismSidePatches 1.0) Kerbalism System Heat (Kerbalism-SystemHeat 0.5.0) ReStock (ReStock 1.4.3) Restock Waterfall Expansion (RestockWaterfallExpansion 2.2.0 (PR)) ReStock+ (ReStockPlus 1.4.3)
  19. The Rational Resources recipe for MaterialKits is here: https://github.com/JadeOfMaar/RationalResources/blob/master/GameData/RationalResourcesCompanion/CRP/Opt-in_ConvertOTrons.cfg I checked, and I do have this file. I do have this part, but I do NOT have what is shown in the screenshot below. From
  20. Maybe a silly question. But how do you create materialkits? I've searched around and can only find mention of the stock ISRU, but there is no option to create material kits. I also have rational resources and kerbalism, and restock+. Maybe these other mods are interfering. There are config files in GC that's suggest there are different parts like ISRURefinery parts. But those don't show up anywhere. Is there another mod I need?
  21. I can see line: 877 of KRASH's FlightModule.cs if (FlightDriver.CanRevertToPostInit) ... GUILayout.Button(LocalizationCache.Button_RestartSimulation/*, _guiSkin.button*/)) // "<color=orange>Restart Simulation</color>" So this button/option is dependent on KSP's built in FlightDriver, which makes the determination if I can revert or not. I guess this would be the equivalent of the greyed out "Revert Flight" button in a non-sim flight. I have my Game Difficulty settings to allow flight revert. And when my craft is fully built and rolled out (KCT), and I launch from KSC LaunchPad.... I CAN REVERT just fine. But something about launching a test flight in KRASH Sim maybe changes my initial conditions (like being out of atmo, having switched unloaded vessels from the Map, etc.) Does KRASH do anything when starting that the FlightDriver might consider unrevertable? Even when I don't touch the settings to launch somewhere other than the KSC Launchpad?
  22. So I managed to learn enough in Visual Studio to modify this mod. It can now automatically switch resolution and UI scale based on scene. All it needs is a config file with the scene name (e.g. 'EDITOR', 'FLIGHT', etc.). Each setting config now includes a "scale" attribute in addition to name, height, width and fullscreen. Bonus, now you can set the UI scale beyond the slider limit of 200% which is VERY nice. Let me know if you @linuxgurugamer are accepting pull requests. In the meantime... https://github.com/KerballOne/AnyRes
  23. I guess I had to learn C# and Visual Studio. But I added a bunch of " * GameSettings.UI_Scale" to dozens of lines of code that were hard coded with static values. I resized the icons too. But now it looks nice at any resolution, even 4K. This modded mod can now scale with the game setting for UI Scale. If anyone is interested in seeing a UI scaled version of this mod... https://github.com/KerballOne/AlternateResourcePanel
  24. @linuxgurugamer If I were to want to start modding mods (like AnyRes), how do I start? I know a bit of coding mostly in interpreted languages like python. What tools would I need to compile and to start trial and error? Thanks.
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