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  1. I replaced the wrong text in the config file and it works now. Thank you!
  2. The text SuborbitalRocketplanes appears in my ModuleManager.ConfigCache. Should i replace it with EarlyXPlanes? I went to the contract config file and replaced it there but it didnt change anything.
  3. Hi! I have completed all the required X plane contract exept the hypersonic contract. It isnt even offered to me. One of the requirements for the contract to be offered is to "Have active program: SuborbitalRocketplanes" but i see no such program anywhere. pls help
  4. also the mod list i said was shortened mod list: BahamutoD Animation Modules, module manager, reviva, aset consolidated props pack, aset consolidated agency, kerbal konstructs, alphaMensae's modular launch pads, harmony 2, kerbal actuators, chatterer, ballisticfox's neutral tufx profile, scatterer, its default config and scatterer sunflare, singularity, b9 part switch, kopernicus, outer planets mod, community terrain texture pack, waterfall and its stock effects, kerbal engineer redux, tundra exploration and technologies, kerbal reusability expansion, hide empty tree tech nodes, kerbal joint reinforcement-next, custom prelaunch checks, ksp community fixes, better time warp continued, kcalbeloh system, jsi advanced transparent pods, starship expansion project and its iva, reentry particle effect renewed, click through blocker, editor extensions redux, hangar extender, spacetux library, the janitors closet, toolbar controller, parallax, parking brake, all near future stuff, all far future stuff, rasterpropmonitor, staged animation, community tech tree, cryo tanks, cryo engines, dynamic battery storage, heat control, kerbal atomics, space dust, system heat, outer planets mod parallax, freeiva, Vertex Mitchell-Netravali Filtered Heightmap, near future iva props, salyut stations, soviet rockets and spacecraft, EVE, firespitter core, community category kit, community resource pack, distant object ehnhancement, starship launch expansion, custom barn kit, modular flight intergrator, textures unlimited, tufx, shabby, AVP, transfer window planner, triggerau flags, planetshine, trajectories. sorry for the block of mods i put here now but didnt say before i didnt know i had 90% of these i have had to split up the logs https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/u039p6puj1dg6khidgzin/ksp-log-1.paper?rlkey=hh33yfbsagg8liejg5sarow76&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hevsn5m4rtkqseihbxzz9/ksp-log-2.paper?rlkey=dkmoblub6jrszpb3bh24s3qwd&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/x8m17lj5ut3aa9djf1si1/ksp-log-3.paper?rlkey=jm1cdmkb7rd9lwvp7fdilo0xj&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kn47raryh1oekgnqqrd02/ksp-log-4.paper?rlkey=3n42pnecjbn65p42m41rw3bpw&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qpuii70vft3j23fz408wq/ksp-log-5.paper?rlkey=ba9a8tc8afrdaieiqit7f45ku&dl=0
  5. i followed all instructions and i cant find it pls help
  6. Hello, I have scatterer, EVE, AVP, parallax, TUFX and kopernicus on and Kerbin looks like this. Any advice?
  7. mod list: Kopernicus, Tufx, Parallax, EVE, AVP, Scatterer, Kerbal Konstructs, Distant Object Enhancement, Outer Planets Mod, Kcalbeloh System, Waterfall, Kerbal Engineer, B9 Part Switch, Textures Unlimited and Trajectories My game itself is not crashing and to clear things up its just the Vostok and Voskhod capsules that dont slow down the others are fine
  8. My soviet capsules dont slow down enough on reentry and i cant open the parachutes. I dont have RSS or RO pls help i know about the soviet spacecraft forum but no one was answering there so i will try my luck here
  9. sorry but my ship flaps dont work any help?? they only seem to work when retracted but then i wont be able to tuck in the flaps upon landing GOOO STARSHIP
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