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Everything posted by ethan829

  1. Windows 7 still has a Windows classic theme.
  2. It's named in the "About" section of the video. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geosynchronous_Satellite_Launch_Vehicle
  3. I assume it wasn't your intention, but something like "Centaur, now!" comes across as pretty demanding when frizzank already has his work cut out for him.
  4. I made an Ares V replica. Over 1400 parts. The TWR is too low to really carry anything into orbit, but it does fly.
  5. I think the name is fine. Use context clues, people.
  6. Still having this same problem with the Mercury Atlas. Atlas Agena works fine, oddly.
  7. Frizzank has said he's doing the Saturn IB and Saturn V
  8. Right there in the album, "...J2 is just for scale, not the actual model"
  9. No joint reinforcement, using the included craft. Tried quicksaving and loading on the launchpad, but I'm still just getting this:
  10. I can't launch the Mercury-Atlas without the tower and umbilical tearing the rocket apart.
  11. I've also finished up my Ares V. Screenshots and download here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55395-Ares-I-%28NEW%29-Ares-V-Delta-IV-Heavy-and-Orion-MPCV
  12. There's seriously nothing wrong with mediafire. Install and adblocker, and only click the download link of the file you came for. It's not hard. People use it because it's a good, free file hosting site.
  13. I've been using mediafire for years with no issues. Any file hosting site can host malware, etc. if the files people choose to upload contain it, but for some reason I doubt this particular KSP mod falls under that category.
  14. Loaded the included MIRV .craft and this is what I got:
  15. In the latest version I'm experiencing an issue with the pre-built crafts. Big G, Gemini Rescue Pod, Gemini Titan IIIc, Rescue Big G, and Rescue Big G Titan all say they contain locked or invalid parts. Anyone else seeing this?
  16. Here's a tutorial on a bit smaller scale. Same principles apply for larger fairings.
  17. I think you did, thanks! I'm going to try to get an Altair lander done soon.
  18. Glad you like it! I might look into using the part welder mod to cut down on the absurd part count; I know 30 minutes is a long time to spend flying a rocket with no payload. In the end, I'm really impressed with the stability of it. There are so many excess struts, you could probably start by removing a good deal of them to get the part count down. I look forward to seeing what you create! Good luck!
  19. It looks to be roughly 180 tons to LKO, so it's not really performance-accurate.
  20. Added a download link for Ares V (without a fairing) in the first post!
  21. One question before I upload the craft file. Do people want a payload fairing or would you prefer to make your own?
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