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  1. such a peak mod! some pics that i took with my custom texture using conformal decals sls:
  2. KakeKake is a Dwarf Planet with your moon KA-2. Download SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3676/KakeKake GitHub: https://github.com/Datsk133/KakeKake
  3. Escalenia Escalenia is a dwarf planet situated between Moho and Eve. In older times, they thinked that escalenia is just a image error because escalenia looks like moho. Download: Github: https://github.com/Datsk133/Escalenia/tree/main SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3669/Escalenia
  4. STEREO-1 is a rocket-plane that transports kerbonauts to space and glides back to kerbin, the glider is called: STRATO, and the transport stage: KEPLER
  5. Aron-100Star Aron-200Star Aron-250Star
  6. using the aron-100
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