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Everything posted by Deadweasel

  1. Whoa. Any chance you'd be willing to share the craft files for the rover and mobile base? They look like they'd be a lot of fun to build a ship around!
  2. I know I sound cynical many times as well myself, and I won't be helping my case to point out that there will likely be maybe ten people at most who actually read this post after a new page goes up, and of those, maybe one might actually heed it. The remainder will simply continue to post up "It no work plz help dis sucks" for the foreseeable future, probably up to a month after a new release does come along.
  3. Hey awesome call-out! I didn't find that thread when I did my search, so I wasn't looking at the latest version apparently. :/
  4. Judging from his continuing interactions elsewhere on the web, I'm pretty sure Chobit's abrasive attitude simply brought the ban down on himself.
  5. Actually, I just pointed to the page, because it was the easiest way I could help at the time (was on my phone). All it really took to get to the right place was just a moment of reading, for heaven's sake. In fact you spent more time typing about your annoyance and requirements than it would have taken to just read further than the first link your eyes spotted to see the problem. In fact, a simple search of the thread itself could have landed everybody at the right place even quicker in the first place.
  6. Link to the EE .dll is on this page http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25241-0-22-B9-Aerospace-Pack-R4-0c-New-pods-IVAs-engines-fuselages-structures/page327 Firespitter is probably easiest to get by pulling it from the downloaded version at Spaceport.
  7. Yeah probably not going to happen with MM, especially considering that it hasn't been updated since .20, and the release thread has been closed by request of the authors. Even if it still works in .23, it's not usually a good idea to try specifically supporting another mod that looks to be pretty much abandoned.
  8. Get the latest Firespitter and ExsurgentEngineering plugins and replace the ones that come with the currently-available B9 pack download. The major problems with B9 and .23 were primarily with those plugins in the first place. Swap em out and you should be good to go.
  9. I know that, which is why I suggested it as a means of retrieving some RAM a few posts back. I was addressing the general assumption that installing it would mean automatically replacing stock textures and introducing lag.
  10. Which means exactly squat at the program level, if the program is only 32-bit. It's limited to ~3.5GB RAM at the very most. TextureReplacer will only replace the textures you plop in there. When it's first installed, I don't think there are any modified textures in it.
  11. The 4GB cap is per-instance basis for 32-bit programs. So if the KSP.exe process tries to take up more than about 3.5GB of RAM, it will crash. Mods like KW, NovaPunch and B9 will drive KSP quickly closer to the limit, but for mod junkies like myself and some of you others out there, you need to go get one of these mods: Active Memory Reduction Texture Replacer These mods actively compress textures before they load into RAM. They have minimal effect on the quality of the textures themselves, but a HUGE effect on the amount of RAM they consume, especially if you're running multiple big parts packs. I run KW, NovaPunch and B9, along with a few dozen other mods, and RAM hovers near 3.4GB constantly. After installing TextureReplacer? 1.8GB. Go get it. Now. Why are you still here?
  12. Oh sweet, had no idea that even existed! Talk about an effective ad campaign.
  13. Looks like KW Rocketry, with some possible decals added (maybe via another mod?)
  14. I agree. Radial parts act like I'm trying to mount to a nosecone or something, twitching one way, then the next, without ever actually coming flat unless I tweak and twist and shift forever.
  15. Exactly my thinking. I mean, what's the point of opening up such basic scientific equipment later in the game, other than to artificially delay the gathering of science points? It's not a complaint against the realism aspect, so much as arbitrarily dragging it out when all that would really need to be done is offer all the basic equipment first, and reduce the point gains a bit to compensate. In fact, there's an idea: how about setting up the points system so that more complex equipment like the goo canister and materials bay (which should honestly come later instead, imo) are the parts that yield better science points, while the basic equipment like thermometers and barometers offer less because they're just simple single readings?
  16. Technically, I only use "KSPF" followed by whatever I'm looking for. I have a custom search engine set up to automatically search the forums using that key. For Spaceport, it's just "KSP", though I rarely need to use it, because Google is smart enough to hand me Spaceport links if it runs out of forums matches if I'm looking for mod names and such.
  17. Smeagol/Gollum. "It misspells our name, Precious. Should we eats it?"
  18. Well, I do mostly agree with what you're saying, but the redundancy of some aspects makes things feel a little out of whack. It's not so much about the realism, so much as the fact that I will have been to the Mün (and hopefully back again) before I unlock any further useful experimentation equipment, which I then need to take around and "explore" previously-visited areas all over again in order to earn more points. It's not the forced baby steps that the tech tree enforces, but the redundancy that the order of unlocked tiers creates that creates a feeling of simply grinding for points. Obviously I'm not alone in thinking things feel a little haphazard and arbitrary, or there wouldn't be multiple mods that re-organize the tree in existence. I'm not saying the whole thing is outright bad; I know it was a complicated feature to add in the first place, so of course it's likely going to get some refinement, and I'm still getting a kick out of playing through it anyway. Just tossing my two cents into the ring.
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