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Everything posted by Deadweasel

  1. Ohh... MAN. I wonder about that, now. Is it possible the lights are running their routine, even if the game is paused? I've been digging around for source code from other lights for comparison, but I can't find anything relevant in the B9 Aerospace pack.
  2. Why, thank you! Funny thing is, she wasn't designed for looks at all, it all just sort of turned out that way once I started putting the bits together. Fear not though, she'll be back to looking a little odd soon enough, once the mission arrives at Duna.
  3. Looks like the issues are wiped out on my side. The rover was given a regular docking port to replace the Jr one, and the quantum struts were removed from it altogether. Delivery and retrieval was uneventful, with the dropship maintaining complete control authority after locking down on the rover. Stowing the rover to the main ship similarly went without a hitch, with the dropship de-coupling easily and without bugs. So far, everything looks good. However, Venture itself still uses quantum struts to keep the massive vessel stable, so time will tell if those impart any weirdness on the rover when the time comes to deliver it to the landing site.
  4. [TABLE=width: 800] <tbody>[TR] [TD]Today the Duna Explorer mission dealt with some shuffling and reconfiguration of the ship. The Sherpa's tug plate -previously mounted inside- was moved to the external hull, and in its place a transport pod was installed. The pod is designed to be carried by the dropship to act as a shuttle for members of the expedition. The new vehicle bay was launched and sent to replace the original one, which was disengaged and guided under automation to de-orbit safely over the water. Once Venture had her new vehicle bay in place, it was time to send up one of the Kurb Burners, now stripped of its quantum struts, and its top Jr dock swapped out for a standard one. Since the dock will be too large to keep in place while the rover is operating, it has been placed on a decoupler, which will be triggered by the dropship upon touchdown at the final delivery location. This modification was performed after it was noted that the Kraken is attracted without exception to quantum struts and jr docking ports on tiny vehicles. The delivery vehicle (once again automated) brought the rover to within 400 meters, ensured it was stable next to Venture, and dropped its cargo before firing off to de-orbit. The Sherpa dropship was then dispatched to retrieve the rover and bring it back to Venture, to be stowed on one of the drive ring docking ports. Careful now... Bob skillfully guides the Sherpa into place, pivoting at the last minute to achieve the proper carrying orientation for the rover's design. Capture! Sherpa reports back all systems nominal, control authority functional and stable. The Kurb Burner doesn't look very graceful, sandwiched between those two big honking ports, but those will be disposed of, once Venture reaches Duna and the rovers are finally delivered to the research site. Time to turn 'n burn. On the short return hop, Bob tested the Sherpa's handling characteristics while loaded, and discovered the controls responded as smartly and smoothly as ever. The rover's weight was negligible as far as Sherpa's powerful maneuvering systems were concerned. Stowage delivery and lockdown was completed as smartly and smoothly as the initial rendezvous. Rover 1 was in place and ready for the trip. Sherpa separated from the rover as simply as expected, to return to its berth and await the arrival of the second Kurb Burner; the final component of the Duna Explorer mission. [/TD] [/TR] </tbody>[/TABLE] Duna Explorer, comprised of: IPEV 104-2C "Venture" vehicle bay and drive section Cardinal deploy-able ground research station "Journeyman" crew housing, supply storage and drive ring "Kurb Burner" mobile science vehicle (additional vehicle to arrive within the day) Mission details to-date Parts: 566 (+78 with the arrival of the final vehicle) Tonnage: 217.49t Crew: 5 (Commander, navigator, Sherpa pilot, mission specialists) Crew time on-orbit: 7 days, 10 hours, 23 minutes Time remaining until departure: 3 days, 12 hours, 19 minutes
  5. Heh, tons of 'em. B9 Aerospace KW Rocketry Quantum Struts Fueltastic AviationLights RollKage Custom-modified headlights on the rover
  6. Jeb's been watching Europa Report again. Somebody get him away from the comms station please?
  7. You have annoyed the Kraken, and he brought some bungee cords with him. Congrats, now run like hell.
  8. My favorite is a font that I got through a generator online. I can't find the site any longer, but I'm happy to share the font itself. Just type your message as normal in this font, and off you go. Check my sig to see it in action (the "alien" script is the same as the English title). https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2004695/Alien-li.ttf EDIT: I'm spewing lies!! Found the site, it's a Java-based generator you can use to customize your own alphabet. http://www.alphabetsynthesis.com/entry.html
  9. Check the fuel levels in your tanks after a test burn. I'll bet you see fuel remaining in one or more of the top halves of those stacks, indicating the top half got disconnected from the stack. I had this happen a few times on a similar design I was using, but it was a little more blatantly obvious as the top tank would shuffle off slightly to one side (being kept in place by the acceleration of the ship). I eventually just re-tooled the lifter to get rid of the orange tanks and used some KW Rocketry tanks and engines, and wound up with a lifter that had a LOT more delta-v and improved cargo capability to boot. That said, part packs aren't for everybody, but there is a mod you can use to help sidestep the quirky nature of those orange tanks if you're a vanilla player. Check out http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38577-0-22-UbioZur-Welding-Ltd-2-0-Playtest-3-Now-In-Game-Tool It's still a WIP, but it was initially designed for the main vanilla tanks, so it should help you get around any potential issues caused by stacking those tanks, by allowing you to create a new single part instead. Just a thought?
  10. Heh, thanks, the fleet is my pride and joy (at the moment). Yeah there used to be an issue with that, but from what I understand, that largely has to do with the struts being active when a craft loads, while not being specifically attached to something nearby. The one attempt I was able to make on that docking so far was done while the struts were accidentally left active on the rover before the connection. It may come down to just making sure I have them switched off before completing the rendezvous. I can semi-confirm this is likely the problem with the locking problem, as Venture's vehicle bay is strewn with those quantum struts, and they cause no issues during launch or flight, especially since even when the bay doors are open, those struts are still attached to the open doors. I just have to make sure I shut them down before docking or launching the dropship, or things get... weird. As for the port bug, there is something to consider regarding the ports involved. Jr and Sr are both relative newcomers to the collection (compared to the standard port), are they not? Is there something about their models that causes some kind of limit violation within the game's engine, resulting in the screwy state corruption in the persistence file? What about the shielded docking port? Anybody run into this bug using that one? Comparing their .cfg files, there really isn't any difference where the involved modules are concerned, and the rest are just simple placement and tolerance specs. Nothing really stands out that could point to a potential cause there. It has to be something related to their interaction with other parts. I'm betting the initial call-out regarding back to back ports is a major player in this case, but then, that means there's ALSO something else at play here, given the issues I experienced with my particular setup. Either way, with what we've seen collectively so far, it looks like the standard port seems to be exempt from this bug. Looking forward to the new attempt tonight.
  11. Heheheh Actually, I wonder what that thing would do with a command chair on it (Jeb at the controls, natch)
  12. Haven't seen it at all or ever until my first attempt at making an ultra-compact rover that seemed to be a perfect fit for the Jr port, but between it just happening to occur with my first use of that port, and watching that port rubber band all over the place once the docking was completed, I'm just abandoning that thing and going with a disposable standard port for carrying instead. (Not like I'm ever going to be able to pick it back up anyway, I can't still-hover worth a darn yet)
  13. Really? I think it's crap! (sorry, couldn't resist! )
  14. NEEDS MOAR BOOST- er.. *cough* Maybe a parachute? :]
  15. Also, I'm betting you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express at some point in the last few months.
  16. I had the same problem. Trying to dock this To this And carry it to be mounted to this (atop the drive ring) First bug was encountered with the rover using Quantum Struts. As soon as the dropship docked, all control went out the airlock, and it just kind of hung there frozen until I switched to the Spaceport and back. After that, I got the whole shebang docked to the transport, but the whole assembly started bucking to and fro wildly. Switch to Spaceport and back, and all is calm once more, but from there I ran headlong into that dock state bug for the first time. I was really confused about why the dropship wouldn't undock at all, until I found a detailed post describing the situation. I got pretty confused trying to identify exactly what had happened from that post, so I tried dropping out of the game and re-loading. That ended up fixing the issue that one time, but from there it was really obvious those Jr clamps are pretty crap. They shuffle and pull away far too easily, or just bug out. That same dropship design has performed many successful drops of a larger rover using Quantum Struts, so I'm relatively certain the bugs I encountered are related to that one stupid port, which I've never used until I tried to deploy such a tiny rover in that way. The main differences with this rover are that it uses the RollKage mod for the cabin, on the top of which sits that little Jr clamp, and has a regular docking clamp on a decoupler on the bottom. The "Kurb Burner" does include a probe core for automated movement, so there shouldn't be a problem with detection as debris (it shows as a probe when cut loose from its launcher or the dropship). I'll know more about potential causes tomorrow evening, after I've re-tooled and re-launched the entire fleet. Again. (The drive ring, cargo carrier, dropship and rovers are all launched independently because of the ridiculous tonnage and part counts the fully assembled mission represents) *sigh*
  17. Heh, I'm right there with you. I have all these huge, grandiose ideas that the game tweezes out of me so easily. Sadly there's a huge visual component that I want to pass on as well, which is all well and good right up until the story starts turning to focus on individuals instead of big, grand events. At that point I lose out entirely on the ability to present any kind of imagery, because there's nothing even remotely close to it in the game. It becomes increasingly character-driven, and now I'm stuck, unable to continue because a good part of the appeal of writing things based on this game is the hope that it'll inspire somebody else's imagination for the game as well. That said, I'm still pushing myself forward with it, imagery be damned. I can figure that out later and go back to add it as I go along. Sure, maybe not too many in the grand scheme of it all will actually care enough to look, but at the end of the day, why are you writing in the first place? To flesh out an inspiration in your own mind, or to garner a huge fanbase? I post up my writing for the same reason we all post up interesting screenies: if even one person agrees that it's really neat, that is all the justification needed to validate the impulse that spawned it in the first place, even if that person is yourself.
  18. Also, because of the intensity of the strobes, having them blink all at once (in real life) makes it less likely for other pilots to correctly determine the strobing craft's orientation. Let's not forget that these lights are intended to convey a message, each set with its own purpose. Red underbelly and top strobes mean "my engines are running; keep clear!" White strobes mean "I'm moving or about to move. Keep an eye out." Red and green strobes on the wings (and tail, if it's large enough) indicate port (left) and starboard (right) wingtips, respectively. Coupled with the fuselage lights, any other pilot approaching from any angle can determine which direction that aircraft is traveling. Now, if all of those were flashing at the same time, it might take a couple cycles or more for another pilot to identify what is where, whereas when they're out of sync, it's easier to see the individual colors within a shorter span of time. Helos get off a little lighter because they don't have broad wings, so it's easier to take in their colors in one glance. Also, lights out of sync on a helo can be extremely distracting for the pilot, since all the lights are relatively close to him/her, and ground glare can become an issue if the bird is flashing like the paparazzi on movie release night. All of that said, I'm cool with them being synced in the game. It really gives the ships a more majestic and realistic feel, especially for the big ones that are assembled crewless on-orbit. Once the crew shows up and starts prepping for departure, it's neat to be able to start kicking on the various lights and see it come to life. IPEV104A "Venture", preparing for standby orientation after receiving the Cardinal Research lab and vehicle bay. Rear angle as the DV-104 "Sherpa" dropship arrives to take its place in the vehicle bay Still loving the HELL out of these lights, and I'm pretty tickled about the amber light's inclusion in the new version too! <3
  19. I love that movie to death! Well, except when it started getting philosophical about things. Once it ran in that direction it was inevitable they'd have to start relying on weird B.S. factors like Hadden's influence behind the scenes. I disliked the Hitchcock-esque wrap-up to it, but all in all it was extremely entertaining and I've watched it many times since.
  20. That was some pretty fantastic motion tracking and lighting work! Great job!
  21. Hmm... There's B9 Aerospace, NovaPunch, Quantum Struts and AviationLights, but I'm getting ready to pull Quantum Struts because it's misbehaving between the Sherpa and the rovers. When I dock them up to tug them in for stowing, the joined vessel gets stuck in place, unable to rotate or anything. I can overcome it by switching away to the Space Center or another distant ship and back, but everything is only fine until the point I go to dock the rover to the main ship, and things bug out all over again. -__- So I'm probably going to have to go back and do things over with Docking Strut or something to get around Quantum's weirdness.
  22. [TABLE=width: 800] <tbody>[TR] [TD]First major mission in 0.22! (images clickable for larger versions) After some thorough re-tooling of the designs they've been testing for over a year, KSC developed plans for a long-term remote research facility, to be deployed to Duna. A great deal of trial, error, re-trial (and re-error) went into the fleet expansions, starting with a new entry in the IPEV program. IPEV-104A "Venture" is the result of a new initiative to produce an automated supplies and equipment carrier from the original (crewed) IPEV hull spec, seen here transitioning into rendezvous airspace with the Journeyman nav/crew barge. With Venture successfully docked, preparations begin to receive its first cargo: the DV-102 "Sherpa", a new version of the previous Mosquito. With new, more effective dropzone lighting and an aft docking systems, the Sherpa is now capable of expanded duty while on deployment, shuttling equipment for both deployment storage as well as final delivery to the intended landing point. Safely docked, the flight engineer tests the vehicle bay's laser restraint system and begins stress tests on the Sherpa and its haulage plate (stowed aft behind the dropship). Crew complement is five, three of which will take up residence in the Cardinal Research Station after it is deployed (currently stowed in its shielded compartment, between the Venture and Journeyman). A rigorous maintenance inspection schedule ensures that all crew, with the exception of the mission commander, will have a turn taking stock of the gear during the transit to Duna. Here, Merfred begins the first inspection. All checks completed, the vehicle bay is secured while the crew awaits delivery of the final mission components. Back at the KSC, those components -a pair of Kurb Burner rovers- are being tested and transferred to the VAB for mounting to their launch platforms. Once they have been positioned in a stable orbit, the rovers will be left for the Sherpa to retrieve and stow aboard the Journeyman. The Kurb Burners are nearly luxurious by previous standards for exploration vehicles. Fully electric, the rovers can operate day or night in complete safety, thanks to its armored RollKage, wheel wells and front shield. These babies are also appointed with a full suite of atmospheric and geological research equipment, all within arm's reach! And thanks to its advanced communications suite, each of the Kurb Burners also carries a KM radio receiver. Perfect for those long distance drives across the Dunan Scablands! Once the rovers are secured safely aboard, the Duna Explorer mission will depart to relieve the Dragon-X crew, which has spent the last year exploring the red planet for an ideal location for the coming laboratory. [/TD] [/TR] </tbody>[/TABLE]
  23. Well, the game does recognize the numberpad too. Maybe KeypadEnter? Other than that, I'm not entirely sure, as I don't know your keyboard or your specific play style. Personally, I would be going a bit bonkers if I had the issue you're trying to circumvent, because I've been so used to the default key layout for so long now. Wish I could offer something more, but best I can do is point you to the config file where you can make those changes. For some ideas, check through the file and look at some of the other existing entries to get a feel for the naming conventions for the different special keys.
  24. Wow... weird timing. I just read this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24530-Secret-features-key-shortcuts It also contains some instructions on re-mapping certain keys. Sounds like you're running afoul of some preset in the OS? Try using a different key as the modifier maybe?
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