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Everything posted by Deadweasel

  1. Wow, you're right! ESPECIALLY if you get H.G. Wells to handle the writing, and of course J.J. Abrams to direct! (REALLY starting to wish there was a way to add automated cameras to this game for recording)
  2. Does she have any docking ports? "Better buy a telescope. Wanna see me? Buy a telescope. Gonna be in space."
  3. Great... First it was Train Simulator, then Farming Simulator, then Truck Driving Simulator. Now you had to go and create the dreaded Forestry Simulator?!
  4. Umm... You got the Batmobile's color wrong. (AWESOME "rover"!)
  5. Oh, I see. Well, please do be aware I was being completely facetious. The pics are awesome, but I wasn't actually accusing you of anything. Also, thanks very much for the pointer to the existing download!
  6. Romfarer: Might want to update the description on Spaceport to reflect the fact that there are no longer special separate parts for this mod. A lot of folks won't understand that it's now possible to modify an existing part's functions on-the-fly, and will get really confused when they don't see a Parts folder in the download.
  7. Name one game that allows you to play with any of those things in a sandbox environment. Orbiter has a NASA shuttle, but the learning curve for that simulator is extremely steep. So what about the Russian rockets and ISS mods? Are there any games out there that let you try to re-create your own versions of the missions those real-world constructions have been on? No. KSP presents more than just a core "Lego-style" rocket building game. It also provides a physics engine that opens the door for at least a crude emulation of real world or movie constructions. I for one am interested in at least trying them out. At least they're adding some additional dimensions of interest to the game. The problem with trying to re-create everything entirely with core game parts is that sometimes the aforementioned basic nature of the physics engine just makes them too difficult to work with. How close can you get to re-creating the ISS before your system melts down due to too many parts?
  8. You unforgivable, regrettable TEASE!! I know at least one Kerbalnut (namely, me) who would LOVE to have access to that for giving the EPA an excuse to place "destruction of natural environment" restrictions on the Mün, but NO!! You just post PICTURES of it and leave us simply frustrated and wishing we were half as cool as your mangling-the-hell-out-of-other-worlds'-landscapes-tank-having self! (Totally messing around there, but seriously, got a mod pack to download for this? Pretty plz?!)
  9. It's definitely an example of how the wonky KSP physics make for some hilarious moments! Regarding your Crew Manifest "?" thing, if you're using the latest updated version you should have a path that looks like this: Crew Manifest can't find the images for the button where it thinks they should be, which is why you're left with that question mark instead.
  10. Because not everybody necessarily knows that Jool is based on Jupiter.
  11. *sigh* He was only trying to point out that Jool is analogous to Jupiter in how ships react trying to land on it.
  12. Look at the size of those mouths! Pretty sure watching a kerbal eat would call to mind imagery of tossing out an entire meal at one time into a trash can.
  13. No, you missed my point. That's what somebody who's only seen pictures of Jupiter, but doesn't (yet?) understand what it really is might think. ;P
  14. There's an extra opening bracket at the end of the link. May I assist?: Interesting idea! Also, I noticed the little "?" in the top left of your interface. Do you have the Crew Manifest mod installed?
  15. "Dropperbot" rover, fully automated but accommodates two drivers. I successfully tested the Mosquito delivery system as well (parked just ahead of the rover), and then realized I didn't have any way for the driver(s) to board in standard gravity! (Nor can the Mosquito pilot get back in his ship if he leaves).
  16. Pretty trippy plane! Looks like it might be some fun to fly too. Also, the forums use BBCode, so to post an image, enclose your image link in tags.
  17. Only if the reader understands Jupiter's characteristics as well. To those who haven't yet learned (or have been living under a rock), Jupiter is a really pretty (solid) planet with lots of interesting clouds.
  18. Heh, yeah as stated it's the B9 Aerospace pack. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-19-1-b9-aerospace-pack-release-2/
  19. Okay, I lied (I think). I thought the Kerbals imparted mass regardless of their position on/in a craft, but it seems I was wrong. Banshee III and crew Ship information (including total mass) And again, after unloading the crew Hmmmm.... Elner: "What's with the tears?" Mac: "He called me FAAAAAAT!" Elner: "Well, apparently we don't weigh anything, so knock it off already." Mac: "But I don't WANNA weigh nothing! WAAAAAHHH!!"
  20. "This is not attitude, sir. This is my face getting pulled into my toes by g-forces. Remind me: do these suits come with barf bags?"
  21. I spent the day building and testing a new lightweight, re-usable rover delivery system that uses a small VTOL-capable ship to deploy on any airless surface. Thanks to the limitations of the game (and the Subassembly Loader mod), I couldn't assemble everything in one ship like I'd wanted, so I settled for staggered orbital delivery and assembly instead. Stellar Express-001 resides placidly on the pad, patiently awaiting its moment to obliterate the relative peace and quiet of the evening 10km and climbing, carrying its cheap-as-chips cargo: the first manned lightweight rover assembly, built by General Elektrik The crew performs the necessary activities for the ship to enter standby mode, while it waits for its sister to arrive. The cargo bay is opened to prevent heat buildup and to provide an interesting photo op. This will be the rover's second testing deployment, but only its first beyond Kerbin orbit. This mission will test both the rover and its deployment system on the Mün. Standby preparations completed, Stellar Express-001 shuts down all non-essential systems while the crew takes advantage of a rare opportunity to sleep in while getting paid. Stellar Express-002 assumes its parking orbit an hour later and immediately begins its own standby preparations. SE-002 will carry the Mosquito rover deployment vessel, which will launch and rendezvous with it shortly. The Mosquito has the dubious distinction to be the first vessel to be built and deployed without ever having received an official hull designation or even a flight number. Its development was so rushed that engineers were forced to simply duplicate the Stellar Express launch lifter system for it... ...which resulted in the ship reaching a stable orbit well before its final lifter stage had been depleted. While generally considered wasteful, Jeb's only comment about it was to shrug and holler "NEXT!" into the assembly building. In vacuum, the Mosquito is fast and incredibly stable in both lateral and vertical flight modes. The Flight Director at Mission Kontrol was heard to remark that it looked like "a bullet with butterfly wings", which prompted one of the techs to come running over and high-five him. Applications for a recently-opened technical position are being accepted. The former technician's Smashing Pumpkins CD collection will be auctioned off to provide badly-needed financing for a new microwave in the main break room. Because the Mosquito was always intended to operate in airless environments, it was deemed "safe enough" to mount a secondary control seat outside, and is the only means of delivering a second rover driver to the deployment location. Approaching SE-002 as it assumes docking configuration. Rendezvous and final docking were performed in record-breaking time from the Mosquito's launch (about 20 minutes). Safely locked-down in SE-002's docking bay, the crew relay the success of mission stage 1 to Kontrol before returning to standby and awaiting their window for Münar transfer in about a day's time.
  22. Don't know that it's actual drag, so much as weight. The kerbals bring additional pounds when they're on-board now. Especially Bob, that fat doughnut-hogging schemer.
  23. I'm betting that's exactly what he was quoting in his post, too. The way it reads brings to mind the giant's insistence that he's Superman.
  24. It's not rotating, but you can have an orange light! Here's one I did earlier as a demo (to myself and others) on how easy it is to create your own colored lights. This is based on the beaconlight, so it's got a fast flash like you'd expect to see on caution lights. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2004695/lightbeacon_amber.zip Just unzip the bugger alongside the other lights in %KSP_ROOT%\GameData\AviationLights\Parts
  25. My guess is this one: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kosmos-tks-spacecraft/
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