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Everything posted by Spaceman2000

  1. Awesome. So, I don't know if it's within this mod's scope, but are there any plans to add specific atmospheric effects like vapor cones or condensation trails?
  2. Question: Does this mod replace or disable the stock aero effects, cause there are no air effects around my rockets anymore, makes launches kind of boring
  3. The Near Future suite is both, and it's awesome, if you want you can also add in Restock to revamp the look of the stock parts a bit
  4. Don't know what to say bud, the wiki is the best guide for the spacecraft, and the rocket is explained there too. All you have to do is search the parts in the search bar (write soyuz for example) and then carefully build them from top to bottom following the guide.
  5. Is that a shortened shuttle booster with a solid second stage and a centaur on top? Looks absolutely epic, like a Minuteman-esque SLV
  6. That's weird, I regularly launch it orbitally and even managed to return from the Mun. Have you flown it completely flat in the direction of reentry?
  7. Yep, makes flying things much better, that plus MechJeb Smart A.S.S. has completely replaced SAS for me, they don't use EC too which is a lifesaver in Kerbalism
  8. Note to self: Trick a tech bro billionaire into creating a Kerbal inspired ad for the Super Bowl and let him take the blame...
  9. Hmm, bent elbow... The elbow bends... a knee also bends... an arrow to the knee... Arrow.... BDB Black Arrow confirmed??!??!?
  10. You're welcome, failed 17 times with different sites until figuring it out, it is quite a useful finding.
  11. Can't believe Bluedog is getting a Maritime Warfare update, that's a bold change in direction if I've ever seen one
  12. Hmm, goat herding... GOAT.... Greatest Of All Time.... Greatest soviet rocket insanity of all time is UR family... UR-700 Confirmed??!?
  13. I used to read and look at all the canceled soviet space projects when I was a little kid, and all the mars ones stood out to me, I wondered how it'd look in real life. Now I don't have to, thanks to this mod I can actually see how it would've been, and that's just amazing. This feels like a childhood dream fulfilled, thank you for this.
  14. Integrated Program Plan time? Would definitely close the gap, and the MEM would be amazing. We could even make Apollo-Soyuz 2: Martian Boogaloo
  15. Me using the BDB dev build on the same career mode save I've played since 1.10 and watching 90% of my crafts disappear with every update (the new parts are just too good):
  16. Ahem... On a lonely planet, slowly spinning its way to damnation Amidst the incompetence and unpreparedness of lesser space programs One team stands resilient against the herds! Putting their lives on the line to aid players Who were previously unaware of the Quicksave option! Yes it's the incredible adventures of Jebediah And his crack team of Kerbonauts! They are... THE BLUNDERBIRDS! Saving the Kerbin race one stranded explorer at a time! (Sorry, I had to)
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