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Everything posted by rrty44

  1. My telescope from a mod with spacedust installed is being replaced with a telescope from the second mod. How can this be fixed?
  2. I installed outer planets mod and all the add-ons to it. I go to the tracking center, and I have a standard Kerbal system. How to fix this problem?
  3. I may not be writing here, but ok. Will Kerbal space program 2 run on this configuration: Intel Core I3-4170, Geforce GT-1030, 8GB DDR3 1333 GHz RAM?
  4. Thank you all for the answers under the previous post! And now to the topic. I am very interested in the topic of radiation research, are there any mods for radiation research?
  5. Привет! Недавно я начал планировать миссию на Лейт по исследованию его океанов, и чтобы было интересно исследовать, я хотел найти мод на эту тему, но не смог его найти. Есть ли такой мод? Или такого мода нет? ENGLISH TRANSLATION (added by a member of the moderation team): Hello! I recently started planning a mission to Layth to explore its oceans, and to make it interesting to explore, I wanted to find a mod on the subject but couldn't find it. Is there such a mod? Or is there no such mod?
  6. Two problems, the first is when you click on “show galaxies” in the galaxy selection menu there are none. Second problem By selecting an object and pressing the “towards target” button of the SAS system, the telescope turns not towards the target but somewhere into deep space. What to do?
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