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Everything posted by JuuL

  1. Hi ! Thank you very much! This is a great mod and i can't play without ! I think it should be an option at the start of the game, for example, the "hard" difficulty setting would launch the game with this type of progression! Also, I can't find the FL-t400, is that normal?
  2. Yes, it’s a great idea, I’ve already seen someone on another subforum mention this idea. If it’s not already in the developers’ minds, maybe initially have “premium” parts that unlock if we do certain scientific experiments in specific places like discoverables ?I think it’s a feasible thing! In a second time, are you thinking more about science like we can do with the Orbital Survey mod ? Parts that add gameplay ? So for example, atmospheric experiments that unlock a better SAS etc ? That would be really nice and it would add depth to this gameplay, that’s for sure!
  3. Thank you very much, it’s great work, when we advance a little in exploration mode it quickly becomes essential!
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