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Erica Wildebeest

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Everything posted by Erica Wildebeest

  1. I think that would help, but I think it would be even more helpful to have a dV counter showing how much dV (including decimals when it gets really small) is left in your burn. The burn indicator bar is fine for rough burns but when you need to be super exact it's not very helpful. Also, imagine if, on your navball, there was an "Opposite of maneuver node" marker you could auto-point at for when you did your burn just SLIGHTLY too long and you need to reverse!!!
  2. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Ryzen 9 5900x | GPU: Pny RTX 3080 | RAM: 48GB I was doing the mission "Land 3 kerbals on Duna". On my ship I had the 3-kerbal pod. Above the hatch I had a deployable (but not retractable) straight solar thing with 6 sections (sorry, I don't have the game open so I don't know the name of the exact part). At the time of take-off there were no issues flagged by the engineer but on my way to Duna I tried an EVA and was advised that my kerbals couldn't get out as the hatch was blocked. (I tried this both before extending the solar panels and after extending them). Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
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