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Everything posted by CosmikDebris

  1. I.C.A.R.U.S TM "Near-Monthly" Report This month at I.CA.R.U.S. TM construction has continued on the Euripides II-A station in LKO with the addition of the 2 crew wings and observation station using the newly developed "Hot-Rod" tug: As it stands today the station is essentially feature complete but the skills and technology developed during it's construction will undoubtedly be indispensable for the future of the Euripides Project. Additional: A station inhabitant performing an EVA station check. There have also been some developments in the unmanned "Odysseus" program, with the first images of Eve being transmitted back to Kerbin during a recent flyby of the Ithaca-E-1 probe: In addition the Ithaca-D-2 probe has launched, winding it's way to Duna on a scientific mission with an unmanned landing as a secondary objective: Happy Flying Kerbonauts!
  2. I've had a couple of less than ideal experiences purchasing games on release in the last year or so. KSP2 & Cities Skylines 2 both released with a lot of issues and I've certainly had my fingers burned. That being said, KSP2 is making some awesome progress at the moment. I've got 300ish hours on record, the vast majority of that has been great fun, some it the best gaming experiences I've had in a long time. I consider this in the £/hour ratio to be completely acceptable, especially considering how much further I'm going to be going with it. (It would cost me a lot more per hour to go and see a movie) At this point the devs owe me literally nothing and I'm excited for the future. To be completely clear though: the marketing and development departments really should have got their ducks in a row before this release and performed a little expectation management. I dislike the assumptions people made that the devs are lazy, or dishonest, or inept and there aren't many professions where your work is put through a grinder and pulled apart in such a public way. I, for one, would not like the same scrutiny being applied to me and my daily work life, not because I don't work hard but because it's possible that people outside of the system would not be able to grasp the intricate internal workings by looking in through the window. A sloppy release makes this kind of reception a likely outcome and, unfortunately, it could have been handled better. Just my 0.1 dollar...
  3. Hi all, CosmikDebris here checking in. I've been a huge fan of KSP for years, along with all things space and science. I'm loving KSP2, especially since For Science!, and I'm having a great time perusing the forums and seeing what everyone else is creating and also hearing your opinions on the game and it's future. I love reading mission reports and hope to create some of my own moving forward. I don't interact too much online but this forum has been encouraging in that aspect, so thank you all and Happy Flying/ Driving / Sailing / Swimming / Whatever else you get up to
  4. This month at I.C.A.R.U.S TM we have seen a number of milestones come and go, including the addition of the Near Kerbin Relay Module to Euripides II-A, an early iteration of the planned science & refuelling station in Low Kerbin Orbit: The Decimus-2D-1A mission debrief is also underway, data indicating a nominal launch: All systems performed well & the crew were able to perform the capture burns more efficiently that anticipated: The source of the anomalous reading was discovered and has created an uneasy feeling among the science team back at Kouston (MINMUS SPOILER WARNING): Whilst the disquiet among the science team following this discovery is concerning, our Kerbal Welfare Team has shown more concern for the crew who have been behaving erratically since coming into contact with the source, fueling fears that the mysterious signal may somehow be interfering with the crew directly (MINMUS SPOILER WARNING): Investigations are ongoing and reports will be filed as information comes to light...
  5. Fixed separators, no science report spam, lights operational, Orbital decay (hopefully) fixed (again)? Shame there's no parachute fix... but still happy here!
  6. Thanks, me trying to slope off early to download seems a little pointless now. Guess I'll have to do some work in the meantime!
  7. Psyched for this! Anyone know what time it's dropping? GMT if you're feeling generous
  8. For me personally, since the Science update it has become the only game I'm playing. Captivating is the right word! It reminds me of my early KSP1 days and I love it. I'm at work now thinking about the mission I have planned for tonight and I've even signed up these forums because I want MOAR!
  9. Thanks for this, I spent a little time trying to figure it yesterday and I think I was getting confused by all the repeated empty data slots as you say. Thanks for the concise explanation!
  10. Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask but could anyone clarify how collecting science works... It seems like maybe some is collected automatically? I press the magic science button when it flashes but I'm not sure if that does anything... Does the science Jr need to be activated manually at certain points? Does the science button activate it? Does it collect automatically? I've tried to monitor it myself but the results seem unreliable and with no list of collected or missing science I'm struggling to figure out where to target for more...
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