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  1. Not necessarily an accident because I also didn't use spin stab. in some simulations of my NOPV (Near Orbital Prototype Vehicle) but that didn't even come close to 3000km. After that I moved on to NOPE-1 (Near Orbital Prototype Experiment) which was also my own design but that only got to ~2200km so I then used the tutorial rocket and called it NOPE-2.
  2. Good mission report! I find it funny that I completed the 3000km contract in 1970 with a tutorial rocket . I was for some reason super fixated on trying to spin stabilize and maybe without that I could've done the contract with one of my own rockets.
  3. Am I the only one who thinks wet workshops are weird? Like we're going to launch a rocket stage with a docking port on it and once the fuel is depleted we're going to put experiments and live inside the fuel tank. And we're also going to just pile up the trash in the smaller tank. But this allows for a giant living space ( imagine shuttle ET stations)
  4. Trip 9,10,11 Map update: The next trips will be a bit more interesting since I will get science from the greater flats.
  5. Thoughts about this flag (that i made for my second crew mission to the Duna system)?
  6. Great story, hope that you continue it!
  7. I'm just curious, why are you using quotes like spoilers? Anyways cool report looking forward for more.
  8. Physics Range Extender (Necessary mod for Bdarmory)
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