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Mister Dilsby

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Posts posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. And hey, we interrupt this cryptography lesson to bring you a new video!

    So it's simpler than we make it out to be, and 'the cipher contains all the clues'. All right. So it starts 5566AA, then 5566DB -- a clear pointer that the DB (which appear nowhere else) is significant. Then 4, which also appears nowhere else, then another repeat: AA9, AA9 again, then our friend 55, 9, 55.

    And then--yeah, nothing. I can't make anything out of DB4: not as hex to ascii or as the numbers 13 and 11, or anything else. I think I'm done. Problem is that we don't know what kind of answer we're looking for other than it might be 'five'. Sorry Slashy, I'm out. Looking forward to learning how this sort of thing is done.

  2. Ok, Slashy saying google-fu is useful is a very important clue, it means that the encryption method must be something we can look up. I'm guessing this was encoded with the XOR method because that's what comes up highest in the google results. I know nothing about this, but through google have learned that the key to breaking it is knowing the length of the key. Maybe the length is 5 numbers, or the key is 55AA, or 5566AA, dunno. Can't do any more now as I must get the kids in bed. http://reverseengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/2062/what-is-the-most-efficient-way-to-detect-and-to-break-xor-encryption

  3. Got it--so your dV for the lander is:

    dV= Isp * g0 * ln (full/empty)

    =390 * 9.81 * ln(18/10)

    = 2249 m/s

    With the lander on top, and assuming you transfer no fuel, your atomic stage Isp is:

    dV= Isp * g0 * ln (full/empty)

    = 800 * 9.81 *ln(40.7/34.3)

    = 1343 m/s

    Intriguing. 2249+ 1343 > 3000 so it's theoretically possible, but you'd have to be a near-perfect pilot. @Kerikbalm is correct: your best chance is to do as much of the burn as possible in the atomic stage at higher Isp. Do what he says and don't forget to rep him!

  4. There are a lot of 5s and As...

    a.k.a five and ten. I also noticed that the sum of digits in the six blocks fits in a relatively narrow range:

    5566=22 AA55=30 66DB=36

    4AA9=33 AA95=34 5955=24

    So if the sums of digits have any meaning, Slashy could have put in a lot of 5s and As to make the sums come out to what he wanted, while keeping the arithmetic easy.

    ETA: Note also there are never more than two letters in a block, and only the first and last blocks have no letters.

  5. Like every Kerbal in Kerbfleet, she'll get early assignments based on (1) skills (2) having a cool name and (3) whether or not I enjoy watching her facial expressions during flight. Long term, for example in a big interplanetary mission like Jool-5, I could see her having overall command of the cruiser while Jeb commands the lander 'wing'... he's a brilliant pilot, but perhaps too unstable for overall command. Bob and Bill will be in charge of their respective departments. White-suit pilots fly the landers Jeb doesn't, white-suit engineers ride along on landers with breakable/repairable parts, and white-suit scientists work in the MPL. White-suit billets in Kerbfleet are equal opportunity, subject to rules #1 through #3 above.

  6. Only way I know of to change the flag of a vessel in flight is to edit the save file:

    (1) make a backup copy of persistent.sfs

    (2) open persistent.sfs in a text editor

    (3) search for the vessel's name (usually with the "find" function)

    (4) scroll down to find the line that calls the vessel's flag, i.e. flag = Squad/Flags/kerbfleet flag

    (5) change the name of the flag to the one you want (making sure that flag is in the Flags folder, and omitting any file extensions)

    (6) save the file, load the game, and assuming everything runs well you can delete the backup

  7. Well if it's hex, the distribution is indeed suspicious. Only the digits 4,5,6,9,A,B,D appear. 0,1,2,3,7,8,C,E,F do not.

    If the six blocks make six characters of the message, it could spell SLASHY or it could spell ROUND8. Not finding a path to either.

  8. It certainly doesn't look very random. I wondered right off the bat if the pairs were significant.

    I think they are. '5' shows up quite a bit, and today is day T-5 so I would expect Slashy to use it. Cryptographers often 'salt' a message with noise to confound decoding. But I still don't see a message if we take the 5's out, or the double 5s. Trying things like adding digits together etc... thinking perhaps that when we remove the 'salt' or do some other processing step, we will be left with a set of numbers that correspond to letters of the alphabet (A=1,etc... he's trying to entertain us not murder us :) )

  9. I've got it! A 'RadAlt' system (height above ground) in addition/toggleable to the height ASL counter that is displayed in the external craft view!

    That could fit the bill--not hard to implement, very useful, AND more realistic than a 'barometer' altitude on planets with no atmosphere. I forget sometimes RadAlt isn't in stock, because I use KER and always have both altitudes on my HUD.

  10. I want an IVA like camera for Command-Seat crafts, and even more the ability to add kerbals to command seats in the editor.

    Yes, yes, yes--for some big ships I'm working on I'm building a 'bridge' with command chairs, science stations etc, and it'd be great to be able to view out the front window from the captain's chair. I don't think this is it though, would require too much testing--and at this point, any new feature could cascade QA time through all the rest of the modules in the program, very risky.

  11. I haven't quite mastered the maneuver nodes yet, and I'm sure that has something to do with this issue, but now I have gotten into a lunar orbit! It's wide ( Ap. about 92km.) but I think I can make it work.

    Well done!

    I'm very interested in the rescue mission you mentioned. How do you go about designing a launch and return vehicle capable of that in the demo? Docking doesn't appear to be an option in the demo.

    Heh. No, there is no docking in demo. First ship crashed, stranding Jeb on the surface. I made a new lander by inverting a second Mk1 capsule and attaching it to the first, and sent Bill to the Mun in that. Managed a landing some distance away and had Jeb run to Bill's ship. Made a weighted device out of legos to keep "W" pressed for the hour that took. Lifted off--and ran out of fuel in Mun orbit. Sent Bob in yet another ship, this one with three Mk1 capsules welded in series. Managed a close-enough rendezvous (not easy, the target orbit was very irregular!) and sent Bill and Jeb on a ~10km, visually guided EVA. Managed to get the ship back to Kerbin atmosphere with all three aboard, and splashed down intact. Loads of fun!

  12. OK good, let's start there. In the full version we drag the maneuver nodes around until we get an intercept we like. I'm not sure whether you can do that in demo. If not, the standard procedure is to get to LKO going east, then wait until the Mun just rises above the horizon (relative to your ship) and start your burn. There are some more details on timing here.

    Don't forget to set Mun as your target (I'm pretty sure you can do that in demo?), then burn until your apoapsis is high enough to intersect Mun's orbit. You should see either (1) an encounter (yay!) or (2) an intercept showing how far off you will be when you get to Mun's altitude. If (2), then you can try burning prograde to speed up, retrogade to slow down, or radially inward and outward to try and get closer. Thrust in short bursts to see what happens. If the intercept distance increases, turn around and try it the opposite direction :)

    If you can do this, a lot of things in the full game will be easier for you. I actually did a Mun mission, stranded guys, and managed an orbital rescue/return all in demo. That's what taught me the game and got me hooked. Good luck! See if this gets you farther, and we'll be here when you run into the next roadblock.

  13. First suggestion is never mod to fix a piloting problem :) There's no reason you should not be able to get a Mun orbit in demo, and learning how will make you a better player and help you have more fun.

    The basic procedure is to adjust your orbit around Kerbin, making it high enough and timing it right so that your ship will enter the Mun's SOI. Then, burn to decelerate near Mun periapsis, and before long you will have an orbit.

    So to start, where are you going wrong?

    --are you able to get your ship to intercept the Mun's sphere of influence? (SOI)

    --once in Mun's SOI, what is your Mun periapsis?

  14. I'm spending my time prior to V1 testing out some concepts for a Jool-5 attempt. Here's a recent sandbox test of a Tylo lander that may be of interest. Ignore the transport craft in the images below, it's just a stand-in and I hyperedited it to Tylo orbit. In the actual Jool-5 mission I intend to put all my landers in Mk3 cargo bays on a large cruiser. Here's my plan for the Laythe lander.

    Design Notes:

    Loaded Mass: 26.8t

    Crew: One

    Main Engines: 3x LV-N

    TWR: 0.95 (Tylo orbit)


    An Incomplete List of Thing I Hate About This Ship:

    Mk1 lander can on top of Rocko-32 tank is ugly and disproportionate

    Landing legs stuck on girders to clear giant LV-N bells

    Ladders are a complete kludge (needed to get down/around the landing legs)

    It's ugly. Did I mention it's ugly?

    It will get even uglier when I put a Science Jr. on it.

    A Complete List of Things I Like About this Ship:

    It fits in a Mk3 cargo bay.

    It lands on Tylo and returns to orbit in one stage.

    Much praise for the Constant Altitude descent method, without which this POS would not have a snowball's chance on Moho of landing. Enjoy!

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  15. I like that there are two games going on here: (1) solve the puzzles knowing the numerical answer in advance, (2) guess what riddle Kasper will pick for the next number. With (2) there's always something to play in the Hype Train lounge car even if (1) is sorted.

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