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Mister Dilsby

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Posts posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Not as a reviewer (yet?) but as an interested party on the thread, I looked at Sephirotic's videos. No reason to believe anything was not 100% genuine but I do wish we'd seen the resource window or KER readout both after Eve de-orbit and right before ascent. Also note that he's runnign v21! I didn't fully realize this myself until I was looking in the KER window on circularization and saw that his little Rockomax motor was only making 20kN.

    Qualitative comments--I liked the orbital assembly very much, it's much more (here's that word again) elegant IMO to build a "hat rack" style ship in orbit than to abuse the drag model by launching everything in one go with huge ring of Kerbodynes. Also props for carrying monopropellant to do all the maneuvers, rather than abuse gyros the way we v0.90 players tend to do!

  2. I have built something like that before for an egg challenge but mine was a whole plane in a mk3 cargobay [...] Ingenious.

    Thank you! Actually I looked in the Egg Challenge thread for ideas when I was trying to do this, and I do remember your Egg from that. I ended up going with the break-apart concept after realizing that none of the Egg ships looked both (1) Laythe-SSTO capable, and (2) as though they would have enough wing area for a dead-stick landing in V1. I could well be wrong on both counts, but am pretty pleased with how this ended up none the less.

  3. This is the only tank allowed for this challenge?

    I wanted to post a small lander i created for a duna mission, but it features an oscar-b inside the round8 ;.;

    Sorry, we don't have a lot of rules but we do have that one :( But if you can demonstrate a job No Other Tank Can Do, I'll put you on the Gatecrasher list and give you a medal!

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    I want make my entry 8800 dv Round8 Eve Takeoff (near to stable orbit)

    So close! Can he get the rest of the way on EVA pack? This could be the most epic ROUND-8 entry ever, if you didn't also use Oscars!

  4. Thanks Starhawk for stepping up. I hope I was not too bold in making a list of missions pending review. The last two to be awarded were Zoom and Norup, leaving:

    sephirotic-- 20 March REVIEWED :)

    lou-- 24 March REVIEWED :)

    tiaga-- 03 April REVIEWED :)

    perry apsis-- 06 April REVIEWED :)

    kuzzter-- 13 April REVIEWED :)

    Please let me know if I missed anyone and I'll edit the post.

    ...and ETA, I am spending so much time reviewing a completely silly ROUND-8 challenge, scanning for illegal use of non-toroidal tankage and handing out unique category titles to each entrant, that I understand even more how damn hard running a REAL challenge like this is.

  5. Oh, and it's a much, much better case for the Round-8 than my previous, universe-destroying entry... :rolleyes:

    That is a very, VERY nice looking lander. Unfortunately I think I can see some Oscar-Bs above the radial engines, which technically disqualifies the entry from the Challenge. However your use of the stacked ROUND-8 as a landing spring--a use for which NO OTHER PART WILL DO!--qualifies you to become a Knight of the Order of the Golden Toroid!

  6. I really like the way you stuck it in the cargo bay, rear first. :D

    Thank you! I also tried mounting to the side wall, but did not have enough room for the engine in that direction. An even more space-efficient arrangement would have been to put a pair of ram air intakes in the rear section on either side of the fuel tank, and change the inline cockpit/shock cone for a pointy Mk1 and an extra FL-T100.

  7. Apollo style mun mission, god knows how many tanks.

    Well done! Would you mind posting just a pic or two in the thread here, to inspire those too saddened by the loss of the ROUND-8 to click through?

    I tried a Mun mission also but ~250 toroidally oscillating parts blew up my PC. So YOU, Yukon0009, go to the top of the "To Mun and Back in a Donut" category!

  8. My biggest single moneymaker was a rover with an ion engine that could hop around Minmus fulfilling survey contracts. The survey contracts you get on Minmus are quite lucrative, and not hard to do at all if you already have assets in position. I would just make suborbital hops on ion from target point to target point, getting close enough to drive on the ground. When the xenon was almost empty I would return to the orbiting service ship for more. It was a bit of farming, yes, but an ion hopper/rover is pretty fun to fly.



  9. Just goofing off.

    Well it uses xenon so I hate it, but that looks like Starwhip's tank so I love it! And half a wing? Are you trying to start a "Save the v0.90 Aero Model" thread? ;)

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    Am I the only one who has a sneaking suspicion that HarvesteR is trolling us [...]

    It could be a marketing ploy; they'll let us stew for a week, bring the ROUND-8 back, then while we're all euphorically shouting "Yay! We did it!" they'll announce an exciting new partnership where we can buy ROUND-8 themed jewelry.

    "3D printed ROUND-8 Earrings and Bracelet Charms--the set only $99, just in time for Mother's Day!!"

  10. Eve may be exacting, but my standards were not. [...]

    Sounds reasonable, and yes I think we can make it work. Here's a loose suggestion:

    -- when a new entry is posted, one of the reviewers takes it on as primary reviewer and states so. Reviewers can queue and rotate (Alice takes the first mission in queue, Brett takes the second, Chaz takes the third, but if Alice grabs another one before Chaz gets a turn it shouldn't be a big deal)

    -- while a submission is under review all reviewers (and I suppose anyone else on the thread) is encouraged to look over the submission and very nicely bring the group's attention to areas that are unclear or could be construed as shenanigans

    -- the primary reviewer of course should look deep as possible into the mission himself and guide discussion on the thread concerning that particular submission

    -- once the primary reviewer is satisfied on the particulars he or she makes the "well done take your badge" post, ideally with some appropriate and uplifting (but not necessarily unique, let's face it there are a LOT of similar entries don't be so hard on yourself Laie!) words

    I'll leave it to others to determine the qualifications to be a reviewer; should a reviewer have completed the challenge? Either way I'd be happy to volunteer, pending officially "making it back" myself of course :)

  11. All the Eve Rocks Challenge finishers that I've examined, rely heavily on flight consequential mods to essentially fly the craft (play the game) for them. If there are examples of an Eve surface (plant flag) return with no trainer mods and no aim-bot mods, I've still yet to see it, despite use of my favorite search engine.

    You must have missed mine then :)100% stock and no helper mods other than Kerbal Engineer which does no piloting. Sorry there was no video, but you should be able to get a pretty good idea how I did it from the screenshots. Really there is nothing happening between frames of the ascent shots other than the ship flying in a parabolic line from point N to point N+1.

  12. Orbit on only Round-8 tanks:

    I almost DQ'd you for naming yourself after a noble gas, just two rows up the Periodic Table from the most hateful Xe that started this whole thing. But your springy ship is a very nice little craft, so instead I am pleased to award you what looks to be your first +rep, and #1 on the leaderboard in the "Not Single Stage To Orbit" category. Welcome to the Forum!

  13. I concur with the Commander, getting three Kerbals down and up is no joke--and yeah, I'm with you on the ladders. I managed mine with two extendables, some rungs, and a clamber over the FT-100s in the upper stage. Previous attempts with a bigger vessel, I had the escape vehicle up top as usual but transferred crew to a couple of cans on the bottom that I left behind with the landing gear and 'chute stacks. One assumes there was some kind of elevator built into the wall of the Rockomax tanks, or perhaps Kerbals have perfected transporter technology and we just don't know it yet.

  14. One time, I broke the universe[...]

    Ehhhmmm... not sure this makes the greatest argument for our cause. BUT that is awesome, and I'm sure there is some legitimate use for a torsion spring, so let's say you win the "I Broke the Universe!" category.

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    I don't quite know what you mean by a modeling part, that's all stock if that's what you mean.

    P.S. I don't do any modding.

    Ah, I just mean that you use the part to make a model of a real spacecraft. Assumed so from your Vostok .sig.

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    I almost got Bill to slam dunk the ball through a basket, but the positioning is really hard on Kerbin. Mind if I do it somewhere else? Or I could just send it through the Mun arch and call it a goal? :P

    Either would be lovely! Appreciate the effort.

  15. This requires some fast clicking, but one way is to put escape pods somewhere else on the ship like in the docking bay. Crew transfer to the pods and eject those--perhaps a cluster of Mk1 lander cans with a set of parachutes, or a single Mk1-2 if you don't use all four seats in the cockpit. Leads to "we can't get everyone out in time!" dramas, if you're into that sort of thing.

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