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Everything posted by jebmothman

  1. After trying this, I get the error in my kopernicus logs: "Failed to load Body: Pylo: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: type" and thats very strange to me as your pictures show the planets and I have the dependencies installed, however it is possible I dont have them all installed as I could not figure out what "VertexColorMapEmmisive" was and just assumed it was Kopernicus Expanison Contiuned-er
  2. Im gonna try this out later, great work!
  3. I'm making a planet pack with kopernicus and i noticed that eclipses do not happen for the moons of my gas giants or really moons i make in general and was wondering how i go about doing this. in this screenshot despite the sun being covered by tessler the moon is still getting light
  4. make sure your fadeStart and fadeEnd for PQS and one of the Scaledversion nodes are the same and then delete the cache and reload, maybe that'll fix it?
  5. are you talking about ScaledVersion color or PQS color? I can't see the screenshots
  6. orbit node: Orbit { referenceBody = Sun color = 1,0.7,0.7,1 mode = 1 inclination = 4.6 eccentricity = 0.01 semiMajorAxis = 30926155264 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 40 argumentOfPeriapsis = 10 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.8 epoch = 0 } Pink line is the planet´s orbit and the pink planet is the planet, none of my other planets are breaking like this and im not sure why this is happening.
  7. Do you plan on continuing this ever? Its very well made and I think more would be great, though I understand if you wouldn't want to work on it anymore.
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