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  1. You are incredible and have your hands in so many projects! I've just seen this - I'm sure you've seen the somewhat overlapping functionality from Celestial Rescale, which I believe originated from Sigma being a bit outdated. I was excited to contribute something to Celestial Rescale so I could properly scale-up my world by 2.7x ... but since Sigma was already a bit more fleshed-out perhaps its better use of my time in to this new Sigma repository now?
  2. Just wanted to stop by and say that FreeIVA is absolutely incredible - it also makes it way easier to use all those IVA MFDs that are hard to see from a particular seat! Thanks for your work
  3. In theory, yes - at least as of several years ago. You can give it a go and let us know. However, realplume is *much* more taxing on the system and Waterfall seems to work quite nicely so I'm not sure I would
  4. This thing looks like a flying bunker to me with the panels like that. How did you end up looking when you finalized it, and did it work out? I have no idea what to name it, but I do like the alternating silver and gold tanks
  5. Holy cannoli that's a lot of engines. They almost look like LEDs haha I was trying to figure out how to get 100t of payload into orbit with a 2.7x scale system and this is on a whole 'nother level. Congrats!
  6. No worries and congrats on getting something that already works quite well already then! Although the atmosphere of course isn't quite right, everything else seems to work quite well with my heavily modded installation. Even the Kerbalism magnetosphere seems to recalculate properly! I'm not new to modding but I am certainly new to KSP modding so I just wanted to grasp what you're trying to do, and so I have to do a bit more reading myself first to ensure I don't break anything. I've got to go make some posts elsewhere, and then if it's OK with you I'll DM you once I've crossed the threshold of 5 posts and we can figure out details of what I can contribute. While playing, the atmosphere calculations is really what I see is missing, but if you've already got a different solution then I'm happy to work on something else. Edit: I've just seen that R-T-B took over Sigma Dimensions, which accomplishes something comparable (albeit without the dynamic rescaling you intend to implement) so I will take a look and see at this one as well. It may be more worth it for me to contribute over there.
  7. Hey, I just joined the forum here as I am interested to help you, but I haven't fully grasped your approach yet. 1. I am not sure why there are two scale factors and two star factors defined? Can we combine them into a single float or double and just cast as a float or double as they're needed by methods, or is this groundwork for some future functionality? internal float scaleFactor2 = 1; internal double scaleFactor = 1; internal double starFactor; internal float starFactor2; 2. I'd like to know what you're stuck on and need help with - I see the atmosphere code is commented out, as is the temperature curves (which is why I guess atmosphere is) and so on, but I'm not sure what specifically you're trying to do and what you've done so far outside the repository, so I'm not quite sure how best to contribute. The project that you've outlined is good for an understanding of a rough roadmap at least. You can reach me here, or put an issue together on Github with what you're stuck on. I'm willing to tackle an issue or two to help you get this moved forwards.
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