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  1. Ooh, I see you added a patch for Eeloo Moons (I think), nice! Despite the bugs I may be getting, I will gladly add as many bodies to the stock+ system as I can. Thank you! Are patches like that going to be sporadic?
  2. I included an example not from a mod. Screenshots taken from two perspectives from the north pole of Masmar to help show possible reason for LOD. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Tju_4N7LpbkF1V52Dnt5-rnYGXsCOza2?usp=sharing
  3. It must something on my end, then. Looking closer at some other bodies, their textures aren't connecting properly, especially at the poles. Sorry for not looking further first.
  4. Minor errors: Gryspar has a cone mountain on its north pole, the craters on Hypo have jagged edges. Also, based on the design, Vizak should probably be more inline with the rings.
  5. If the only way for Jool Revamp to be compatible with your mod is to delete and edit the configs, could you put the instructions in the main post?
  6. Personally, I think there's too many gas/ice giant planets, but your ideas for their moons are nicely diverse. I'm happy to see you're adding a super-Earth type planet, they're underrepresented in both our solar system and mods for the stock system.
  7. I hope you left some for us to discover ourselves! I'll have to check it out in full (career mode) soon. Yeah, I misinterpreted a bit, and adding asteroids isn't much for detail, but can come in useful sometimes.
  8. I managed to miss the launch of a new mod series that I'm sure to install by a few days? What luck! Anyways, I have a few rough thoughts & questions to share. Are the major moons going to be on a nearly flat plane and/or have near perfect circular orbits? I understand if you prefer to not stray too far from stock, but it would be nice detailing and nice minor challenge to add. Or for realism/stability, like with Iodyne. It's a bit disappointing to see Jool become more Saturn-like, but the details look good, and it's still amusing to see a green gas giant. Can't wait to see it up close! Too bad the gas giant/star tilt unlocker hasn't been updated, then you could make Urlum too similar to Uranus! Might it still work? You put in the description that Janet's Minor Planets is recommended, and that OPX-DPP will fill in gaps from MPE; is it planned that these two will remain distinct and compatible? Also, I've seen in the comments there that there's two user patches for some bugs and typos in MPE; if you plan on official recommending/support, and they're needed, will you make your own patch? Is OPX-SSM strictly limited to OPM+Stock(+MPE?) additions/alterations with some caveats for OPM/Stock scale mods like JoolRevamp, or are mods that add in more on the table? You say Jool (and Urlum) is too empty; you could add custom asteroids to Jool to fill in the empty space, or is that too minor to add? Some of your ambitions come close to what Iodyne changes (minus Principia), a mod I enjoy, I wonder what you'll do instead. I think I'll enjoy it either way. This is an ambitious project, and you already have something great out! I wish you the best!
  9. If you're not going to add Scatterer support because Iodyne does, could you add a link to it in a recommended section?
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