Where is your center of lift located in relationship to your center of mass? If all of your lift is in the front and your mass in the rear of the plane (or vice versa) you could have severe stability issues.
Hi everyone, this is just a quick reminder that the KSP Forums are a-political and that any thread that becomes derailed by political banter will be closed, don’t let your temper override your good sense.
Unfortunately this thread is going to have to be locked because what you've suggested is on the What not to suggest list, please refer to that list before making any further suggestion.
Before you suggest any improvements for KSP, please refer to the What not to suggest list. That way you don't suggest something that the devs have already said won't be in KSP or is a planned feature for the future.
Hi there folks, couldn't help but notice the massive necro post. Please refer to the Good Conduct Guide about bumping threads and remember that both necro posting and bumping threads are against the Community Rules. A better way to get the OP's attention is to send them a PM.