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    Jebidiah's Wrath.... is currently broken.
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    Portland, OR
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    I am going to challenge God to a fistfight, and I am going to lose. But it is going to be really funny.

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  1. Well. we're back. It's not working again. a launch of KSP later (yes, i know it's been a month.) and its not working. i don't want to lose the stuff i have built again. what do i do? i've tried reinstalling KSR, KK and CPLC and it doesnt work. what do i do? what do i need to give y'all?
  2. IT HAS WORKED ITS OVER WE WON Touchdown confirmed, we're safe on kerbin. Now just gotta test it with my looong list, so we'll see about that too.
  3. Wow. I didn't know this thread was so active. I was away for a day or 2 (school). I am sorry about derailing the thread, but i will make peace with our lord and savior Eskandre when this problem is fixed. So lemme give a little context. I have 2 "profiles" that i use. I have a normal one with 200+ mods and a few KK packs. Including BADTKonstructs and a few other more common ones. I didn't know about the whole "KK remembers" thing. So let's go through all of the things people want from me and i'll give them best i can. As for installing KK with CKAN, i will for now try reinstalling the absolute latest i can find with the most recent date. and bad memory sticks. i hope not. my "perfectly fine" Alienware R11 has had historical memory problems. hoping to replace it in a few years. i assume that y'all cannot help me if it is bad mem sticks (and i'm fine with that, i understand expertshave limits). Alright, here's most recent Error.log i hope that works. For the record, i normally do use MM on my main install (100+ of my mods would have an aneurism without it), but not currently. Sure. Here's my NewInstances. Worst case, issue's unsolvable and it's another quirk of KSP and KSR. Best case, an actual issue gets patched by Eskandre or something. Probably is fixable though. That's one of the "fun" things about my schiesse-box of an alienware. firstly, i barely know much about it because i just put my faith in Dell and their computer "expertise". I have attached this screenshot of what Windows says my Alienware is. Sorry about resolution or quality, it's a screenshot of a virtual desktop software connected to my alienware. the fun life of having 2 houses. Thanks y'all for sticking with me for so long. i think we may be near the home stretch of the problem. thank you for not bullying me over my generalized incompetence when it comes to modding.
  4. So, still i don't know what file it redownloads. The best guess i have is to reinstall my game or something. And as for this drive stuff, i dont know how to tell if i have it, or what they look like. or what to do about it anyways.
  5. well, it does repeatedly say 1 file failed validation. no clue what, doesn't bother redownloading it (more likely does but faster than steam can reigster) and i don't know what it is. as for windows defender, it doesn't say it's protecting me from any threats and i don't know how to navigate there if it is. and as for running it out of the steam client, i don't have a non-steam copy. but i did run the EXE and it still failed. as well as it from the "launcher" file in there, some archaic launcher from probably back in the really old days of KSP. and i actually don't know what you mean about the last one. it's more than likely a memory issue as my excrementsbox has not great memory. if nothing else, i guess i could just try and import someone else's copy of Gamedata.
  6. So, yet again. it doesn't work. i can try to repeat these steps on another machine and see if it works. my only guesses now is hardware. all that this did was i think delay the crash (slightly) and remove the "use 1.7.3" message (that has been proven to be previously irrelevant and doens't matter as i have tried 1.7.3 and KK doesn't work). again, here's the crash: Player.Log DB so, any other witchcraft workarounds? im open to any and all hail marys.
  7. I wasn't expecting to summon the other god of mod fixing, but here we are. Thank you so much for your effort, even though neither of your methods worked. I have done the enviroment variable thread to the best i can (possibly just me being dumb, still always a possibility), i ripped out MH, still wouldn't work, took out both DLCs, still nothing. my machine has excrements memory since the dawn of time, and is an Alienware R11 if that gives any context. this has worked previously, and has had this same malfunction on a seperate machine of mine (suped-up office PC). however, it has worked in recent ish times (mid-late 2024). it is possible. it is unlikely to be a new mod i installed, given my current installation is just the necessitiies. i have the dropbox of my most recent player.log (no DLCs, enviroment variable workaround applied, nothing else open) Player.Log DB The only other hail mary i can think of at the moment (you probably have a better solution), is for me to give you my copy of my current KSP installation and Game Data folder to make sure i didn't install anything incorrect. other than that, i could try yours if you think that may work. as for any security measures, i don't know what is even sensitive if anything in the GD folder, and am definietly not smart enough to try it. You have no way to trust if i put malware in there aside from my word and promise, as well as general lack of ability to do that. and i can't find any sensitive info in your copy nor do i want to. i have nothing to gain from it, and dont know enough KSP to get anything from it. you can scan it if you want (recommended, no clue what's in there and better to be safe than not) and do whatever to the copy. after a bit of trying, it said it would take 8 hours to copy it to dropbox, so tell me if there's another way.
  8. Again, i reply, nothing happens. I mean, it’s not a dealbreaker, still need help. There’s probably something wrong im doing somewhere, and i’m sorry about that, i’m somewhere between new at ksp and just plain dumb. Anyways, updates?
  9. Alright. I know, i procrastinated on this issue, but i got the link. all mods involved are up to date (pretty sure), refollowed mod instructions (best i could, i am pretty stupid), and my stock KSP runs fine. i dont think anyone else has this issue, and it happens on 2 seperate computers. the issue is that KSR worked fine for a bit, then stopped working, then the guy that reccomended the downgrading the KSR install got it to work, then after 2 more game launches, stopped working. here is my player.log, and if you need any more info i can get it. it may be a me being dumb issue, and i'm ok with that. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/troxtu7d7z3atfhstvqzt/Player.log?rlkey=3805sidwfpah48znsz6q3ff8q&st=k7mye108&dl=0
  10. Alright, what do you need and where is it? I know it’s probably obvious but I continue to have the intellect of a rat. I can get any text or log file or anything.
  11. Its been a few months, and i still have no answer. Kerbinside remastered doesn't work no matter what i try, on 2 different computers. no clue what's wrong, and want the assets desperately. no previous technique works. My only guess is someone, somewhere, has a working copy. I have no other options, and just in case. I'll summon him. @Eskandare.
  12. Alright, new problem. Doesn’t launch with KSR no matter what i do. Help?
  13. By the gods you fixed it. I thought i had summoned the holy Eskandere to fix it, but i guess you can. Thank you so very much.
  14. Alright, i’m a bit late, but, does anyone smarter than me and who knows KK better than me know how to fix this? It’s with my alienware. If you need any logs or anything i can provide. @Eskandare
  15. Well, i did some digging thru my files, and the crash and regular log dont say much. But task manager says, game does the little orbit loading spinner thing, it stops, and my memory keeps increasing till about 97% and then it crashes. Gradually, percent by percent. Now my computer has had memory problems previously, but not ever with ksp and i have a hard time beliving my computer cannot handle ksp with 4 mods, when it has proven doing that with over 200. also sidenote from perviously: my testing mod folder (to see if ksr works) and regular mod folder are very different. My normal has a whole hell of a lot of mods, 200+. Damn near everything. Including a few other KK packs. My test folder is just KK, KSR. CPFLC, regular squad stuff, and some times BADTkonstructs. The other kk packs are not the problem, as it doesnt even work with my test folder. any ideas?
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