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  1. I get that, but what am I meant to do with it? Nothing I try seems to work.
  2. How do I download the patches when the download opens in notepad?
  3. Any update on progress here? The advertised parts look quite nice, sad there’s no DL. Also would like to see a Mk3 APU or even 737 cockpit with eyebrow windows.
  4. I'm wanting to make a HMMWV turret that requires a gunner, similar to the Ball Turret in Aviator Arsenal, but in the form of an external seat rather than a completely enclosed turret. I don't know how large the seat portion needs to be and how much space the Kerbal needs around them.
  5. I'm trying to make a Mk2 part, more specifically a bay styled after the weapons bay on the Raptor, but I cannot seem to get the shape right.
  6. Thanks for the advice. I’m in a CAD class so hopefully I’ll know enough to make it by the time the semester ends.
  7. Modeling is what I needed some guidance in, I’ll take a look at the latter. I just can’t seem to make or texture a hull suitable for my WIP mod. I’m mostly focused on creating a LHD and some form of landing craft (currently have my eye on a LCM, this may change) rather than an actual carrier, though, for amphibious operations.
  8. I'm going to make a carrier mod but I'm a novice at modeling. That said, I really like the textures, decks, and hull this mod provides (minus the lack of elevators and hangar space) and I was wondering if you could guide me. I don't plan on just having a hull and a deck, but an island, engine, and rudder as well as some parts for an LCM for a well deck I plan on incorporating into the hull model.
  9. Will do, Thanks! BTW, would it be possible to make a system that reloads missile rails when a craft is landed and stopped? P.S. The wiki doesn't have anything for ICBM/Ballistic missiles, it just says "todo"
  10. How could I make a ballistic missile? I'm trying to model a Polaris, and I'm not entirely sure as to how I can get it to have the desired flightpath.
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