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Zum of all trades

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  1. The Maelg system is severely lacking in planets currently there's only 2 and one of which is a glorified asteroid. plus it's the only system without water on one of the planets which sucks because Maelg is such a pretty star and methna is a really cool planet.
  2. hey quick question will this mod force all the ships I make to have life support or will I still be able to make stock ships without any of the life support this mod adds
  3. Hello, I'm new to MKS and I have no clue how to set up a base what do the Kerbals need can someone please tell me the basics so I can start using it. I'd really appreciate the help.
  4. Hello this page is for you to share the opinions that other people might not agree with go nuts
  5. OK good news: I've figured out how to use the loops. and I got a fusion reactor running. Bad news: I had to stack like 10 of the biggest Stock radiators for it to run. Is this a normal part of the mod or is there something I'm missing
  6. Am I the only one who has no idea what this advanced cooling system is. Can someone please explain to me how it works I am new to this mod.
  7. Are these colonies kraken-free because that is a major problem with most KSP colony mods
  8. Hello, I've encountered a problem with kcalbeloh system mod. for some reason all the planets in the aralc system have glitchy messed up atmospheres, and if I go too close to the planet arorua it just crashes my game. And it is ONLY the aralc system every other system looks just fine, and I have no clue why. I installed kcalbelloh via CKAN so it should be free of problems. could anyone explain to me what's going on!?
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