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Everything posted by Bekiekutmoar

  1. Hah yeah, the scale is probably way off ... ! Not to mention the gas giant is lit on the wrong side. Now seeing the planets side by side, I gotta say I actually like the different colors. The purple planet (Eve) looks even a bit agressive and toxic. EDIT: finally got the spoiler thing under control
  2. Possible lay-out of Kerbol System, moons excluded (this picture presents my personal vision and not that of Squad ... !)
  3. If that moon indeed has water coverage, then an atmosphere would be present too. I'm curious if the moon is completely covered in water; landing would result in some wet feet. Unless there is some dry land or ice, or unless there is a floatation device ...
  4. I'd say the closest moon of the green planet is completely covered in some kind of liquid (water?). Hard to say from the pics, but it looks interesting.
  5. New celestial objects revealed so far: -Red planet with 1 moon (total 2) -Purple planet (total 1) -Green planet with 4 moons (total 5) That will bring the total amount of celestial objects after succesfull implementation in 0.17 to 12 (sun included) ... !
  6. Are those rocks on the surface of the red planet solid or part of Terrain Scatter? One can walk through rocks visible on Minmus and the Mun when Terrain Scatter is activated.
  7. Hmmm, that brings me to the following question: how does a developer make a celestial object? I assume there is a gravitational point in space with set parameters, then a collision-model around it and a texture that exactly matches the collision-model. I've made maps for Tomb Raider and Half-life 2 a while (no prof) and thus can image the huge amounts of work involved in the creation of a planet/moon ... !
  8. Celestial objects revealed so far: 1: Red planet 2: Moon of red planet 3: Purple planet 4: Green planet That would make a total of 7 celestial objects (8 if sun included) when succesfull implemented in 0.17
  9. It appears the purple planet has an atmospheric pressure of 10x that of Kerbin and 10% more gravity. A trip to the planet looks lika a one-way ticket with the current rocket parts. However, on the only presented pic of the purple planet, it seems a rocket is hanging underneath a balloon ... ! Maybe a balloon will be one of the newer parts ... ? Could come in handy when travelling in extremely dense atmospheres.
  10. The more distance between a planet and the sun, the larger the SOI of a planet will be. A planet with a radius only half of that of Kerbin might however have a larger SOI, due to less oppression of solar gravity ...
  11. I did some testing and designed this rocket for interplanetary travel (some parachutes and landing-legs aren't added yet). More than enough fuel to reach another planet and perhaps even return if the destination planet has low gravity and thin atmosphere (or none ... !)
  12. Those images and sometimes additional comments provides us much information about future celestial objects: The red planet has an atmospheric pressure mostly between 2% and 20% of that of Kerbin. The polar regions are seemingly covered in snow/ice. The planet has at least one moon that appears to be similar to the Mun, and has a diameter that is 40-50% of that of the red planet. For comparison: the Mun has a diameter that is 33,33% of that of Kerbin ... ! The purple planet has a denser atmosphere. Kerbol (the sun) however isn't visible on the posted pics so it's nigh impossible to determinate the position of both planets in the Kerbol system.
  13. I suck at orbital calculations so in my case it would be a matter of gambling. If a destination-planet would be in orbit around Kerbol (Sun) at 20,5 million km, I would raise the highest orbital point to that distance in an attempt to reach the planet. If initial interception would fail, I'd circulize my orbit and eventually get to the planet anyway, but probably blow my chances of return ... !
  14. I wonder if wings could be used on the Mars equivalent with atmospheric pressure mostly between 2% and 20% of that of Kerbin ... But I assume a landing with a combination of parachutes and retroburn is more efficient.
  15. Een termijn van 2 maanden lijkt inderdaad reëel. Versie 0.14 werd uitgebracht op 03-03-2012, 0.15 op 17-05-2012 en 0.16 op 20-07-2012. Tussenpozen van ruim 2 maanden dus. Het zal me overigens niet verbazen als de ontwikkelaars op zondag 6 augustus een tussenversie realiseren (0.16.1) met daarin o.a die Mars-achtige planeet. Op die datum landt namelijk de Marsrover Curiosity op Mars en ik kan me voorstellen dat Squad daarop gaat inspelen. Ook handig als zoethoudertje voor de community om de tijd richting versie 0.17 te overbruggen ... !
  16. Lijkt erop dat het Kerbol zonnestelsel na realisatie van versie 0.17 een vijftal objecten zal tellen met atmosfeer, inclusief Kerbin. De \'Mars-variant\' zal waarschijnlijk verder van de zon staan, heeft een dunne atmosfeer, en zal een diameter van grofweg 600-650 km hebben. Maar ach, da\'s eigenlijk ook weer grotendeels ongefundeerd speculiseren van mijn kant. Ik denk overigens dat het maken van een hemellichaam véél minder moeite kost dan het fabriceren van Kerbals met alle animatie die erbij komt kijken. Manen en planeten in KSP zijn feitelijk gewoon statische voorwerpen die in een voorgeprogrammeerde baan rondom de zon of een planeet draaien. De landschappen worden (grotendeels) willekeurig gegenereerd.
  17. Comparison of the appearent sizes of the Mun from Kerbin orbit (left) and the unknown moon from the unknown planet ...
  18. Ah, got it: the presented pics are probably taken from the Mars-equivalent; red surface, thin atmosphere, and indeed the extremely large and tidally locked moon nearby ... !
  19. Nice ... ! Looks like the desert planet has a giant moon, or its very close.
  20. Sehera would be a good name for the desert planet I think ... ! A mix of my own imagination and the Sahara desert in Northern Africa.
  21. Well, a simple hohmann-transfer should be sufficient to reach a relative nearby planet. A transfer to a celestial body closer to the sun would ofcourse require more fuel compared to a trip to a planet further from the sun ... !
  22. It also looks like a selena type celestial body. Almost perfect spherical appearance, so it must be (much) bigger than Minmus ...
  23. The 0.17 changelog looks very promising (I know not all presented features will make it in 0.17). I have to say the development of KSP goes very fast, with increasing performance (more FPS) every new update ... !
  24. I play the game 100% vanilla, so no mods or add-ons like MechJeb. Sure, it takes more efforts to go into Kerbin orbit or land on one of the two moons, but that\'s part of the fun for me ... !
  25. Nice update. The Kerbal animations are surprisingly smooth, and it seems the old rocket parts have better performance (or is it my imagination ... ?) - I can now reach the moons with smaller rockets. Once again a great update ... !
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