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Everything posted by Bekiekutmoar

  1. One of my designs. Was a huge pain in the ass to get in orbit ...
  2. Recently a capsule was stranded on the Mun. I sended a rescue-vessel in an attempt to pick up the stranded capsule off the Munar surface and return home. During orbit around the Mun however, I somehow hit the spacebar and the capsule of the rescue-vessel was seperated from the rest. Now I\'ve got a rescue-ship on the way with the intention to rescue the capsule of the previous rescue-vessel that was supposed to rescue the stranded capsule on the Mun ... !
  3. André Kuipers is the human equivalent of Jebediah; immediately smiling on the phone after 6 months in space and crash-landing ... !
  4. Experimental rescue-vessel approaches the surface of Minmus.
  5. I think somewhere between 3000 and 8000 km diameter. Kerbin has a diameter of 1200 km, Mun 400 km and Minmus 120 km.
  6. In my opinion, the \'frozen lakes\' on Minmus are vast plains of sand and dust. There is a sand/rock texture on it ... !
  7. Hmmm, something like that indeed ... ! Although its moon orbits a bit too close.
  8. My vision on the inner part of the Kerbal System: 1: Sehera - Orbits Kerbol (Sun) at 9,5 - 10 million km distance. Rotates very slowly, once per 34 hours. Diameter 1100 km. Gravity is 80% of that of Kerbin, Atmosphere 45%. It is a desert planet. Temperatures roughly range between 0°C during nights and 110°C during daylight. Huge dust-storms occur due to large temperature gradient. Drock - Moon of Sehera, orbits the planet with distances between 5000 and 25000 km. Diameter 70 km and tidally locked to Sehera. Gravity 5% of that of Kerbin, no atmosphere. 2: Kerbin - Orbits Kerbol at around 13,5 million km. Fast rotation, once every 6 hours. Diameter 1200 km. Oceans cover large parts of the planet. Temperatures range between -10°C at the snow- and ice capped poles during nights and 20°C around the equator during daylight. In general, temperature variation is limited due to fast rotation. Mun - Moon of Kerbin, orbits Kerbin at around 11400 km. The Mun is a large moon with a diameter of 400 km, it is tidally locked to Kerbin. Gravity is roughly 25% of that of Kerbin, no atmosphere. Minmus - Moon of Kerbin, in orbit at around 46400 km. Diameter around 120 km. Some areas are 100% flat, however, mountains dominate Minmus. Gravity is 8% of that of Kerbin, no atmosphere. 3: Gorda - Orbits Kerbol with distances between 15,5 and 19 million km. Rotates once every 17 hours, diameter 600 km. Gravity is 50% of that of Kerbin, atmosphere 15%. The northpole seems to be snowcapped. Temperature range roughly between -40°C and 0°C.
  9. There aren\'t ice-lakes on Minmus in my opinion. More like vast areas with sand and dust. Those tears on the surfaces of Minmus and the Mun are easily dealt with by reloading the scene after landing on one of the moons. Patch 0.15.1 solves this problem completely, but I\'m not downloading this patch yet due to strange problems with in-flight aircraft/spacecraft .. !
  10. Before KSP I didn\'t know a thing about orbital mechanics; the first time I managed to escape Kerbins atmosphere I simply pointed my spacecraft towards the Mun with low thrust. I assumed that outside the atmosphere there was no gravity. I went to the toilet to do some serious bussiness, but while doing so I heard a loud bang over my PC-speakers; crash on Kerbin ... ! With trial and error, I\'ve learned some basics about orbital mechanics. Still no pro at physics though ...
  11. Crap, return to Kerbin is now impossible because I\'ve messed around with the Rover too much and the pod broke off ... !
  12. I\'ve landed on Minmus. The journey wasn\'t flawless however; an important stage with landing legs attached to it ran out of fuel 30 km above the surface of Minmus and had to be detached ... ! However, I managed to land on Minmus without further errors partially thanks to very low gravity. The remains of my spacecraft now serves more or less as a Rover thanks to wheeled landing-gears attached to it. Its quite an odd moon. From a distance it looks like a giant, blue popcorn. I landed on flat terrain to increase chances of survival.
  13. I\'m trying to reach Minmus for the first time. First from Kerbin to the Mun for Munar orbit, then another transfer from Mun to Minmus. I assume the SOI of Minmum is small so shooting for it has to be well-calculated ... !
  14. Sounds logical ... ! Can\'t wait to test the new implementations in KSP 0.15. I\'ve got to say I\'m impressed that you and your team succeeded in exterminating the enormous plague of bugs ... !
  15. Once again excellent work, Harvester and others ... ! But a new moon? Looks like I missed something ...
  16. Ik speel \'t spel nu ongeveer een maand; eerst een paar weken de demo-versie (0.13.3) en dan nu de betaalde versie (0.14.4). Mijns inziens een topspel en dat voor slechts 11,70 euro ... !
  17. Just flew to the Mun again to do another test with the Rover. The spacecraft crashed on the Munar surface due to fuel depletion but the Rover somehow survived. However, I messed up with the controls again and the landing legs couldn\'t absorb an impact with 80 m/s. Looks like my design is a bit flawed ... !
  18. Yeah, folding the legs inevitably causes the RCS-tank to explode upon contact with the ground even with low speed. The Rover doesn\'t function on Kerbin due to stronger gravity ... !
  19. The Rover is propelled by RCS indeed (hmmm, I saw I typed RSC instead of RCS ... ). The landing legs functions more or less as protection for the fragile RCS-tank. I have yet to figure out some form of protection for the capsule however.
  20. Well, I actually managed to fabricate a Munar Rover with currently available stock parts ... ! Its appearance is however a bit odd; squid-like and no wheels. The first \'version\' of my Munar Rover was made of a capsule, RSC-tank and a number of RSC-thrusters. It turned out the RSC-tank was very fragile and prone to destruction upon contact with Munar surface, even with speeds just around 5 m/s. The brilliant solution was spamming a row of landing legs on the RSC-tank, improving the strength of the improvised Munar Rover dramatically. The last test was an enormous succes; despite terrible piloting the Rover survived for almost 2 minutes ... ! This design has some drawbacks: -Capsule is now weak point -Very hard to control -Kerbals cannot return to Kerbin -Still prone to destruction
  21. And some important features are also required before new planets and moons are added; docking, course-plotting and probably also EVA (Extra Vehicular Activities) and other stuff. Reaching the Mun (11400 km from Kerbin) is perfectly possible with the current stock parts available in KSP. Getting to another planet will be a different story however, as the distance will be far greater. Attempting to reach a planet that has a minimum distance of 2.000.000 km from Kerbin (\'realistic\' KSP-distance) with current technology available will roughly be the same as trying to throw a dart at a fly 1000 meters away ... !
  22. That\'s worth a try ... ! I already tried to reach that area via a Polar orbit around Kerbin (with launch heading around 180°) but that didn\'t went well.
  23. Until now I\'ve had 5 succesfull return-trips to the Mun. However, I\'ve landed always around the Munar equator. My goal is now to land somewhere in the area of the Munar south pole; it seems there are some deep holes in that area. Difficult to explore though with currently no Munar Rover available and I\'m a strict KSP-vanilla player ... !
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