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Everything posted by Bekiekutmoar

  1. In my case its working 100%, together with Astronomer's Edge of Oblivion Pack.
  2. I've started Career on hard setting today and it is HARD indeed; Jebediah en Bill already died while their primitive rockets crashed throughout Kerbin and now I'm attempting to reach the Mun with max. 18 tons and 30 parts. The poor pilot is now stuck in orbit and I haven't researched the technology yet to rescue him. Right now, an interplanetary mission is far from pissible ... !
  3. I've always been sceptical about Career Mode being too easy and avoided it at all times. However, it looks like version .90 really makes a positieve difference with Career Mode transforming from a joke to a descent and challenging game-mode in my opinion. In hindsight, it probably wasn't very 'fair' of me to ridicule career mode, as it was FAR from completed. More or less the same as complaining about the performance of a car while the engine and tires aren't added yet. In my opinion, update .90 is the best update of 2014 with actually a reasonably large amount of parts added too.
  4. I see no 'Sandboxers' (in)directly complaining about neglection or percecution in this thread. It is a little illogical to firmy split the KSP-community in Career-enthusiasts and Sandbox-enthusiasts, as both modes are basically 99% the same.
  5. Agreed. For me personally, Career seems illogical, too restrictive and too easy. But I think its a nice game-mode for beginners.
  6. Thanks ... ! Btw, I've found out the comment in question doesn't have an influence on how a celestial object appears. Meanwhile, I'm testing out the capacities of Kittopia:
  7. Scaledspace does update properly. I think I've made some progress; when updating Scaledspace with the export button checked, a CFG-file is created within the Kittopia folder with all the information about the planet. But when restarting the game, the planet appears in its 'original' state. The CFG-file starts with "// Customdata". I vaguely remember that "//" seems to disable code in a CFG-file?
  8. Global warming is real people, and its getting worse EVERY year! Right now, the global warming has spread to the edge of the Kerbol system with dramatic effects on Eeloo. Stop Co2 now!
  9. After a long flight, Bill makes the first steps in the bleak landscape of Sombor. In reality its an altered clone of Eeloo with an atmosphere added.
  10. This is one of my favourite mods; the interface works surprisingly well and the possibilities regarding to altering planets and moons are huge. However, I have a question; is it possible to save alterations done to a celestial object? Right now when I change an object, leave the game and return again, the object in question has returned to its original state. Is it true that celestial objects have to be 'described' in configs? (Like with PFce and Kopernicus) Edit: nvm, read the OP too fast. In retrospect, it seems I cannot save alterations done in Kittopia after all, despite hitting 'save' in the GUI several times. Did I overlooked something perhaps ... ?
  11. That's my favourite one, because I 'invented' it. Nice to see it actually ingame and its appearance is like I imagined it; a hot desert planet with the name Sehera derived from Sahara, the giant desert in Northern Africa. Any images from the surface ... ?
  12. Kopernicus, a WIP mod that allows duplications and alterations of planets. Terrain cannot be altered at this point, but texures and atmospheres are changable. Haven't yet figured out how to do that however ... !
  13. A rogue planet shoots into the Kerbol System and passes Kerbin at just around 1.000 km. A good oppertunity to visit this unknown object.
  14. Yeah, it makes sense now. In the meanwhile I've managed to spawn Sombor, a slightly shrunked version of Duna in orbit around Kerbin. I was surprised the new planet also has Duna's atmosphere, while the config doesn't show anything about an atmosphere. I wonder if it's possible to edit the atmosphere's color to give the planet a somewhat destinct look?
  15. Just gave the mod a try and had *some* progress: looked in the config of Hodor and changed the template to Ike, shrunk radius to 14 km and set orbital altitude to 600 km. Started the game and looked into the sky: nothing. Then I looked to the west, and saw what appeared to be a giant mountain range bulldozing in very fast. Good thing the KSC clipped through the thing. After changing the orbital altitude, I managed to land on the spiked asteroid but the collision-model didn't corresponded with the visible model. All in all a mod with very much potential ... !
  16. Testing the last iteration of my Eve Lander on Kerbin. Heat-resistent during re-entry, relative broad landing-base, enough Delta-V ... Looks like we're set ... !
  17. Nice parts ... ! Ideal for fabricating a commercial airliner while customers enjoy a death-rate of only 50%.
  18. In the meanwhile, temperatures here are about to go subzero for the first time this fall/autumn as I speak. The weather here in november is very mild and somewhat dry this year, with temperatures on the first day of this month rising above 20 degrees Celsius. Took this photo earlier today in the German city Cologne, 120 km southeast of where I live.
  19. Think I'll give this mod a spin, despite it being incomplete yet. I know nothing about coding, however last summer I managed to fabricate a somewhat decent planet with PFce (see image below). Lots of trial and error and getting familiar with tekst-editing, but I made some results after several days. I like the fact Kopernicus will be more memory-friendly when compared to PFce.
  20. Hail to the 48-7S engine indeed ... ! It even performs excellent on airless bodies with somewhat higher gravity (Vall/Moho)
  21. Star: Proxa. A red dwarf with classification M4 and equatorial radius of 67.000 km. Is located around 1,6 billion km from Kerbol. For comparison; Eeloo is located roughly around 0,1 billion km (or 100 million) from Kerbol. First planet: Sehera. Orbits the star Proxa at around 1,5 million km distance and is a Venus-esque planet like Eve. Radius is 550 km. Gravity is 0,85 G and atmosphere up to 3,5 bar in the lowest areas. Due to high temperatures (up to 380 degrees Celsius) engines tend to overheat very quickly deep in the atmosphere. Second planet: Nehelennia. A gas giant with a radius of around 4.000 km and therefore somewhat smaller than Jool. The planet has a somewhat orange color and orbits Proxa at plm. 15 million km. -Moon of Nehelennia: Sombor. Radius 390 km, gravity 0,5 G and atmosphere up to 0,19 bar in the lowest areas. There is oxygen in the atmosphere, but the thin atmosphere makes flying a plane a rather difficult task. Color of the sky on Sombor is grey to very faint blue. A bleak planet all in all. -Moon of Nehelennia 2: Spik. Asteroid-type object with radius of around 15 km and 0,007 G gravity. No atmosphere. -Moon of Nehelennia 3: Tirith. Also asteroid-esque, more potato-shaped. Radius of very rougly 23 km and 0,011 G gravity. No atmosphere. Very small system all in all.
  22. Well, those planets look certainly interesting ... ! Good thing I'm still at version 0.24.2 so I'll give this a spin and see if I can land on the surface of Verviedi in one piece with FAR and DRE installed ... ! Reminds me of last summer when I managed to fabricate a planet with 'borrowed' textures from Space Engine.
  23. Wrapping up the development of Career Mode, so more content can be added in later versions.
  24. I'm still at version 0.24.2. Most prominent reason is the horribly deformed ground-textures on the various celestial bodies.
  25. Two astronauts board a spaceship for a journey to the surface of the sun. Astronaut 1: "A journey to the surface of the sun, you say? Wouldn't we get roasted because of the enormous heat?" Astronaut 2: "No worries. We'll fly during the night."
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