CKAN does not cause any issues with this mod, I have no idea what the hate against it is coming from. When your game does not load there is a conflicting mod and or bad config. I edited my OPX-Jool to just make it normal Jool, as it being BetterJool was breaking the placement of Kcalbeloh's wormhole around Sarnus (it just orbited Kerbol inbetween Dres and Jool). As an example, in the researchbodies compat, if it was not renamed to "LookingAtJool" it would not load. Since I had effectively removed BetterJool. This I hope can make it into the main mod as I feel it doesn't actually add much to it. I also suggest cutting out the numerous asteroids that add nothing to the mod, but I mainly want "'Better'jool" to be axed.
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