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Everything posted by TheSpaceToffee

  1. Also, where are you getting the shroud on the Orbus 21 from? Because iirc the Orbus 21 no longer has a shroud
  2. Anything that makes my eyes bleed is automatically the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. As an Everton fan, I would know
  3. Skyhawk Science System is a tech tree designed for BDB, but has been abandoned Other than that, there's also Gradual Progression Tech Tree which is a more modern version of SSS.
  4. So I tried it! How hard can it be? As it turned out, very hard. First attempt: Launch from LC-19. Titan II phase went well, Orion 50SXL spun out. FAILURE. Second attempt: Launch from LC-19 again. Titan II phase went well (again), Orion 50SXL spun out (again...). FAILURE. Third attempt: Went full Taurus mode and stripped Pegasus of its wings and fins. Looks kinda like Thor-Able. Orion 50ST did not spin out, and placed Telstar 1 in a LUNAR ORBIT. (yes, it is really that powerful, and that's with 50% fuel on all stages and LR87 on 75% thrust btw!) Overall, sound launcher tbh, just need to do it Taurus style
  5. I told you bout this mod and yes, the Soyuz does work with the ASTP parts in BDB
  6. raidernick's Soviet Rockets mod already has a Dnepr in it but the scale doesn't match up Would deffo like to see a Dnepr in Tantares, along with Rokot and maybe Start I and its mobile silo
  7. @kerbal fella Eyup lad, there's already mods for Soviet stuff and the Dyna-Soar Soviet stuff Dyna-Soar
  8. South Korean KSP player here, just joined the forums Been playing for over 3 years and 800 hours but decided to create an account today Favourite mods are BDB, Tantares, and KNES I like to settle in the Kerbin system so have never gone interplanetary So yeah, just wanted to say hi to everyone!
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